1.The Design of the PLC-based Underground Drainage Monitoring System;基于可编程控制器的井下排水监控系统设计
2.Experience on Applying PLC in Detonator Production;可编程控制器在雷管生产中的应用
3.Application of PLC in the Cu-Al pipe butt welding;可编程控制器(PLC)在铜铝管焊接中的应用

1.Application of the PLC in Controlling the Plotter可编程控制器在控制绘图仪中的应用
2.Control System of Programmable Controller Used in Automatic Car Washers自动洗车机可编程控制器的控制系统
3.Clock Setting and Time Controlling of PLC;可编程控制器的时钟设立及时间控制
4.The Multi-Material Mixture Control with PLC可编程控制器对多种物质混合的控制
5.Exploitation of PID Control System Based on PLC基于可编程控制器的PID控制系统开发
6.PLC Serial Communication Control of Motor Speed controller可编程控制器直流调速系统通信监控
7.Enhancing Reliability Design of PLC提高可编程控制器系统可靠性的探讨
8.Application of PLC in Crane Engineering;可编程控制器在起重机工程控制中的应用
9.The principle of programmable controller and its application?可编程控制器原理与应用
11.Design and Realization of the Programmable Controller (PLC) Running System;可编程控制器(PLC)运行系统设计与实现
12.Several Methods to Increase PLC Input Port;可编程控制器输入点的几种扩展方法
13.Application of the "Discovering" Method in the Teaching of PLC;发现法在可编程控制器教学中的应用
14.programmable communication controller可编程序的通信控制器
15.APIC Advanced rogrammable Interrupt Controller高级可编程中断控制器
16.programmable logic controller (PLC)可编程序逻辑控制器
17.On Improvement of Electrical Machinery Control Circuit Technology with Programmable Controller;用可编程序控制器改进电机控制技术
18.The application of PLC to the frequency converter's control and communication可编程序控制器在变频器通信和控制中的应用

programmable controller可编程控制器
1.Reform on the lifter electrical control system by using programmable controller;使用可编程控制器改造提升机电控系统
2.The application of AC servo driver and programmable controller in bunch saw;交流伺服系统和可编程控制器在束锯中的应用
3.The application of FX2 programmable controller in the reformation of geometric grinder;用FX2可编程控制器对几何磨床的改造
3)programmable logic controller可编程控制器
1.Development of Programmable Logic Controller Interpretive program;可编程控制器的解释程序开发
2.Application of programmable logic controller (PLC) to cold flow regulation tests of rocket engines;可编程控制器(PLC)在发动机冷调试验中的应用
3.Application of programmable logic controller on steam turbine protection;可编程控制器(PLC)在汽机本体保护中的应用
4)programmable logic controller(PLC)可编程控制器
1.Application of programmable logic controller(PLC) in GIS secondary control;可编程控制器(PLC)在GIS二次控制中的应用
2.An automatic welding workbench with a programmable logic controller(PLC) is designed and made for the company's need.控制中心采用可编程控制器(PLC)和触摸式液晶显示人机界面,可实现平面复杂焊点的全自动焊接。
3.This paper introduces two common ways to implement protection system of steam turbine,one is to fulfil it in Distrubuted Control System(DCS) and the other is to use Programmable Logic Controller(PLC).介绍了汽轮机保护系统常见的两种实现方式,一是在分散控制系统(DCS)中实现汽轮机保护系统,二是运用可编程控制器(PLC)实现汽轮机保护系统。
5)programmable logical controller可编程控制器
1.Application of programmable logical controller for the feeding equipment in the profile rolling producing line;可编程控制器在型材辊压生产线送料装置中的应用
2.The application of microminiature programmable logical controller in auto-start diesel generating set;超小型可编程控制器在自启动柴油发电机组中的应用
3.This paper describes the method of modification to three faces boring combine machine with programmable logical controller, which include the configuration of the system and the ladder diagram in detail.阐述了采用可编程控制器进行卧式三面镗组合机床技术改造的方法 ,详细说明了SR 2 1PLC在本系统中的配置及梯形图的设计思路和方法。
6)programmable controller(PLC)可编程控制器(PLC)
