矩量法,method of moment
1)method of moment矩量法
1.Characteristic investigation of Koch fractal dipole antenna with exponent rule resistance load based on method of moment;基于矩量法对分段指数电阻加载Koch分形天线阻抗特性研究
2.Analysis of double-feed antenna using the method of moment with vector triangle basis function矢量三角形基函数矩量法分析双馈天线
3.By means of real-size modeling, the passive interference levels of AM broadcasting in the plane perpendicular to the tower caused by UHVAC transmission line under different prevention spacing as well as the variation of passive interference with working frequency of receiving station are calculated by the method of moment Calculation results show that passive inte.文章通过实体建模,用矩量法计算了不同防护间距下与杆塔垂直的平面上特高压输电线路对调幅广播台站的无源干扰水平,以及无源干扰随广播台站工作频率的变化关系。

1.The moment method analysis of the plane Archimedean spiral antenna平面阿基米德螺旋天线的矩量法分析
2.Junction Treatment in Computation of Short Backfire Antenna by Moment Method短背射天线矩量法计算中的结头处理
3.Space-Domain Finite-Difference and Time-Domain Moment Method and Its Applications;空域差分—时域矩量法的研究及应用
4.Analysis of the Mutual Coupling Effects between Diversity Antennas in the Base Station by the Method of Moments;基站分集天线耦合影响的矩量法分析
5.Analysis of a Broadband Antenna Array with Spectral MoM一种宽带天线阵列的谱域矩量法分析
6.MOM Analysis of Sierpinski Fractal AntennasSierpinski分形天线的矩量法分析
7.The Analysis of LPDA EM Characteristics Based on High Order MoM采用高阶矩量法分析LPDA电磁特性
8.The Analysis of the Electrical Large Microstrip Antenna Using Parallel MOM电大尺寸微带天线的并行矩量法分析
9.Study of Linear Antenna Based on MPI Parallel MoM in Shenteng1800 Clusters深腾1800系统MPI并行矩量法分析线天线
10.The application of the Method-of-Moments in linear antenna based on Matlab基于Matlab分析矩量法在线天线中的应用
11.A Parallel Out-Of-Core Solver for Solving Million Level MoM Problems百万量级纯矩量法问题的并行核外求解技术
12.Analysis of double-feed antenna using the method of moment with vector triangle basis function矢量三角形基函数矩量法分析双馈天线
13.Torque and Bending Moment in a Shaft with Combined Deformation Measured by Resistance Strain Gauge Method电阻应变计法测量组合变形轴的扭矩和弯矩
15.New Algorithms on Traffic Matrix Estimation of TCP/IP Network;TCP/IP网络中流量矩阵估计的新算法
16.The gradient eigenvector priority method(GEM) of fuzzy complementary judgment matrix;互补判断矩阵排序的梯度特征向量法
17.A Simple Rectangular Matrix Orthogonalizing Method-Elementary Transformation;一个简便的向量组(矩阵)正交化方法
18.The Prove Of Some Questions About Normai Matrix With Row Characteristic Vector;规范矩阵若干命题的行特征向量证法

1.EME prediction of ship equipment based on MoM;基于矩量法的舰艇设备辐射电磁环境预测
2.Analysis of surface current distribution of linear array using MoM;线阵表面电流的矩量法分析
3.Analysing the Coupling between Linear Antennas by MoM;矩量法分析共场线天线之间的耦合
3)method of moments矩量法
1.Moving force identification based on method of moments;基于矩量法的移动荷载识别
2.Method of Moments Analysis for the Characteristics of Wave Propagation in Land Mobile Communications;陆地移动通信中电波传播特性基于矩量法的快速算法
4)Moment method矩量法
1.Calculation of random angle of level symmetry antenna by moment method;任意张角水平对称天线的矩量法计算
2.Algorithm-moment method for the complex wire antenna;复杂线天线的一种矩量法算法
3.Analysis of rhombic antenna characteristics by moment method;菱形天线特性的矩量法分析
5)method of moment (MOM)矩量法
1.In the case of ground reflection, a monopole with finite diameter is studied by method of moment (MoM).在考虑地面反射的条件下,利用矩量法(MoM)研究有限直径单极天线问题。
2.We use the method of moment (MOM) with pulse-basis function and point matching to discretize the integral equation.为克服问题的病态性 ,本文采用多方向的横磁波 ( TM)照射目标 ,用矩量法 ( MOM)将散射的积分方程离散为矩阵方程 ,对方程组的求解采用阻尼最小二乘法 ,其中对阻尼因子的选取采用修正的 Feltcher算法。
3.First, the problem of scattering by arbitrarily shaped objects is studied by the method of moment (MoM), when a thin wire antenna exists, with the general matrix equation given.介绍了利用矩量法求解线面复杂结构目标的电磁散射问题,并给出了一般的矩阵方程。
6)moments method矩量法
1.An improved time domain method(ITDM) is proposed for identification of moving vehicle loads on a bridge based on both moments method and theory of moving force indentification.基于矩量法和移动荷载识别理论,采用整域基函数———正交勒让德多项式表达桥面移动车载,从车致桥梁弯矩响应识别桥面移动车载,提出了一种时域移动荷载识别改进方法(ITDM)。
2.The moments method is adopted to calculate the ground potential in the grounding system in a rectangular concrete with horizontal steel rods.用矩量法对埋在均匀土壤中含水平钢筋网的矩形混凝土接地系统在地面产生的电位进行了计算。
3.The moments method is adopted to calculate the electrical potential produced on the ground surface by the rectangular concrete grounding peg buried in the uniform soil, the contact voltage and the step voltage.用矩量法对埋在均匀土壤中的矩形混凝土接地桩在地面所产生的电位以及接触电压、跨步电压等进行了计算,并结合MATLAB语言,绘制了地面电位二维与三维分布图。

矩矩吒【矩矩吒】 (动物)又作鸠鸠吒。鸡也。见求法高僧传等。