1.Effective Quality Planning and its Function to the Operation of Quality Management System;有效的质量策划对质量管理体系运行的作用
2.On management planning of construction engineering project;浅谈建设工程项目管理策划
3.Functions of project planning in design project management of large scale construction;项目策划对大型工程设计项目管理的作用

1.produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation.故意计划或预先策划好。
2.To plan or plot secretly.阴谋策划秘密计划或谋划
3.IT Planning & Policies资讯科技策划与政策组
4.Plot Tool of Television Image--Research on CI system;电视形象策划工具——CI策划的研究
5.A Comparison of the Planning between the Traditional Enterprise and Modern Enterprise;传统企业策划与现代企业策划之比较
6.Tourism industry depends on both tourist resource & guest source,and planning & design.旅游业靠两源(资源、客源)、两划(策划、规划,先策划后然后开发);
7.On Television Program Planning--How Television Program Planning Arises in China and How It Works;策划时代说策划——中国电视节目策划的缘起及其作用
8.Study of Strategic Decision of Advertisement Scheme and Its Appliance;广告策划的战略决策与策略运用研究
9.These two were the moving spirits of the new plan.这两个人是这一新计划的策划者。
10.A quality plan is generally one of the results of quality planning.质量计划通常是质量策划的结果之一。
11.contrive a device, an experiment, a means of escape设计一个装置; 筹划一项实验; 策划逃跑
12.the breakout was carefully planned.他们精心策划了越狱计划。
13.Explored Architectural Planning in the Context of Residential District Planning Approach建筑策划背景下的小区规划方法探索
14.Administration and Planning Branch [Water Supplies Department]行政及策划科〔水务署〕
15.Project Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department]工程策划部〔机电工程署〕
16.Project Manager [Housing Department]工程策划总经理〔房屋署〕
17.My scheme bombed totally.我的策划彻底失败。
18.kill intentionally and with premeditation.预先策划有意地杀害。

1.With the Theory of Volue Chain to make a Better Marketing Plan;应用价值链理论做好市场营销策划
2.How to Plan Application of Statistical Technology in Enterprise;企业如何策划统计技术的应用
3.Importing the plan idea,developing education television;引入策划理念 发展教育电视
1.Scheme ——the “magic power” of enterprise marketing.;策划——企业营销的“魔术棒”
2.The Location and Scheme of Agricultural Universities s Journals After Acceeding to WTO;加入WTO后农业高校学报的定位与策划
3.Research on large theme park scheme and planning;大型主题公园策划与规划研究
1.Attach importance to the interior examination and verification design and advance interior examination and verification quality;重视内审策划 提高内审质量
2.The Design and Manage of Network-news Forum;网络新闻论坛的策划与管理
3.the selection of topics is the soul and base of periodicals,and the design is essential for periodicals to survive and develop in the competitive market.选题是期刊的灵魂和基础,选题策划在期刊的生存与发展中至关重要。
1.Core factors of hospital bio-clean operating department building strategy;医院洁净手术部建设的前期策划要点
2.Process Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Commercial Real Estate;商用物业营销策划流程分析
3.This paper introduces in detail the designs and strategy of the famous brands of cosmetic in the world.详细地论述了世界名牌化妆品的设计与策划 ,比较全面地提供了世界名牌化妆品的各种动态和信息 ,为研究和创造中国的世界名牌化妆品 ,振兴和发展中国化妆品工业提供了有益的参考。
1.Well Masterminded, Well Done: Urban Design Mastermind of Development Project-oriented;预则立,巧预则通——论以开发项目为导向的城市设计策划
