1.A Hybrid MoM-UTD Method for Analyzing Isolation between Antennas on Airborne Platform;用MoM-UTD混合方法分析机载平台天线间的隔离度
2.Design and implementation of broadband and high isolation SPDT switch;一种宽带高隔离度SPDT开关的设计与实现
3.Effect of dielectric layer surface roughness on the isolation of an RF MEMS switch;介质表面形貌对射频微机械开关隔离度的影响

1.Factor of shielding(shielding strength)屏蔽系数(屏蔽隔离度)
2.Design of a Dual-polarization Microstrip Antenna一种高隔离度双极化微带天线的设计
3.The Prediction of The Isolation Between Complex Antennas复杂天线隔离度的工程预估技术研究
4.Adaptive Isolation Testing Method for CDMA RepeaterCDMA直放站隔离度自适应检测方法
5.Effect Analysis of Channel Isolation to Three-Channel SAR-GMTI通道隔离度对三通道SAR-GMTI的影响分析
6.The Test and Analysis of Electric Shielded Isolation Limit about Redundant Data Bus余度数据总线电气隔离度的测试与分析
7.They have high reflection losses and isolates degree, lower insertion loss.具有高的反射损耗和隔离度,较低的插入损耗。
8.Optimum Strength Calculation of the Separating Vessel of An Oil Separating Mud Pump油隔离泥浆泵隔离罐的强度优化计算
9.transmitter-receiver isolation送受话器的隔离(度),发射机与接收机的隔离
10.go into [come out of] quarantine被隔离 [解除隔离]
11.The Hindu or Moslem system of sex segregation, practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion.深闺制度尤指使妇女处于隔离状态的印度或穆斯林的性隔离系统
12.abolition of the abhorrent apartheid system废除可恶的种族隔离制度
13.Task Force on Legal Aspects of Apartheid种族隔离制度法律问题工作队
14.antiapartheid activism.反南非种族隔离制度的积极精神
15.a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups.对少数民族进行隔离的社会制度。
16.Gaps in E.M.Forster s A Passage to India;从福斯特的《印度之行》看隔阂与分离
17.US Supreme Court and the Evolution of Racial Segregation System;美国最高法院与种族隔离制度的演变
18.Development of Isolated HART Temperature Transmitter隔离式HART协议温度变送器的研制

isolation degree隔离度
1.The theoretical derivation and numerical analysis indicate that the reason is the torque rigidity of 0 and isolation degree of 71.研究了角速率陀螺稳定平台在目标跟踪时瞄准线始终围绕视场中心做约2 Hz晃动的现象,理论推导及数值分析认为引起这一现象的原因与光电稳定平台的静态力矩刚度为0、隔离度仅为71。
2.A new method for omnidirectional inputs measurement of isolation degree of fiber optic isolator is presented.本文采用了 1 80°输入测量的新方法研究了光纤隔离器隔离度随着输入线偏振光偏振方向变化。
3.After analyzing some factors influencing the receiver performance,for example,noise factor,frequency conversion loss,dynamic range,isolation degree,mixing distortion.从混频器的基本概念出发,分析了混频器设计中的关键技术,如噪声系数、变频损耗、动态范围、隔离度、混频失真等对接收机性能的影响,并从工程角度出发,指出在工程设计中应注意的要点。
3)Degree of isolating隔离度
1.Based on the analysis of the different interference patterns,a method in which a current loop is added in gyro loop to further improve the degree of isolating for the ship rocked is presented.论述船用跟踪雷达角伺服系统在不同驱动方式下对船摇扰动隔离效果最好的方法,并对扰动模式进行了分析,指出在陀螺回路内加电流环路可进一步提高船摇隔离度
4)isolation ratio隔离度
1.The core part of an optical isolator is Faraday rotator, whose properties include the rotation angle precision, intrinsic absorption of crystal and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) all deteriorate isolation ratio of optical isolator.针对影响光隔离器性能的诸多因素 ,基于磁致圆偏振二向色性 ( MCD)的理论 ,利用琼斯矢量和矩阵光学的方法分析了法拉第旋转角精度、材料本身的吸收以及 MCD对偏振相关型光隔离器隔离度的影响 ,得出了它们与光隔离器隔离度的解析表达式 。
2.The isolation ratio of the optical switch is more than 26 dB.数值计算与实验测量结果基本一致,其开关隔离度大于26 dB。
5)high isolation高隔离度
1.Design and fabrication of high isolation interference edge filter;高隔离度干涉截止滤光片的设计与制备
2.In order to enhance the precision of long-pulse integrator and meet the need of experimental environment,using a charge-balance VFC component instead of analog integrator which is made up of discrete components to design a high isolation long-pulse integrator.输入误差会随积分时间产生累积的误差特点使得长时间低漂移积分器成为磁测量系统的设计难点,为了提高长时间积分器的精度和满足实验现场环境需要,利用电荷平衡式电压频率转换器(VFC)内部的微型积分器,替代由分立元件构成的模拟积分电路,设计一种高隔离度的长时间积分器。
3.According to the scheme, the switches with high isolation and compact structure have been demonstrated.提出了以微带谐振单元,结合光敏半导体Si(硅)片的加载,实现光控微波开关的设计方案,并基于这些方案设计了具有较高隔离度并且结构紧凑的光控微波开关。
1.Conventional membrane switches have low-loss and high-isolation(>20dB) performance only at the frequency above 10 GHz.常规的 MEMS膜桥开关在 1 0 GHz以上频段才具有低插损、高隔离度 (>2 0 d B)的优点。
2.At high frequency,especially for millimeter-wave applications,it is hard to obtain a switch with high-isolation,so this paper makes an effort to develop isolation of the switch using a novel topology that contains multiple unit cells and optimizes parameters of the unit cell circuit.研究了具备高隔离度性能的Ku波段基于PIN二极管的微带型开关电路,通过采用含有多个子单元电路的拓扑结构以及合理优化子单元电路参数,解决了微带型开关在微波频段难以实现高隔离度的难题。

安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶药物名称:安那度尔英文名:Alphaprodine别名: α-普洛丁;阿法罗定;安那度;安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶 外文名:Alphaprodine ,α-Prodine, Nisentil, Prisilidene适应症: 用于需短时止痛(镇痛起效比吗啡迅速,皮下注射5min即见效),如小手术时以及手术后的止痛,又可与阿托品合用于胃肠道、泌尿道等平滑肌痉挛性疼痛的止痛。 用量用法: 皮下注射:1次10~20mg,1日20~40mg。 静注:1次20mg。 极量:1次30mg,1日60mg。 注意事项: 1.亦有成瘾性,不宜久用。 2.有眩晕、无力、多汗等不良反应。 3.分娩时慎用,可能会引起胎儿窒息。 规格:注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、20mg(1ml)、40mg(1ml)。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药