1.Studies on Dynamic Features of Chinese Handwriting Signature.;中文签名笔迹动态特征研究
2.ID-based signature without trusted PKG;基于身份的无需可信任PKG的签名方案
3.A Convertible Multi-signature Scheme;一种可转换多方签名方案

1.Please sign it under signature .请在签名栏下签名
2.To endorse(another's signature), as for a loan.签署(另一方的签名),例如为贷款而签名
3.The signers attached their names to the Constitution.签名者在宪法上签字。
4.&Code sign file代码签名文件(&C)
5.To subscribe to, especially to sign or endorse(a document).在(文件)上签署对…签名,尤指签署(文件)
6.an initial signature仅用姓名首字母的签名
7.the signature of the name of a firm is equivalent to the signature by the person so signing of the names of all persons liable as partners in that firm.以公司名称签名,相等于签名人以公司全体合伙人名义签名
8.Article7 The signature on a negotiable instrument means an autograph, a seal or an autograph accompanied by a seal.第七条票据上的签章,为签名、章或者签名加盖章。
9.Each PIF must be signed and initialled where necessary manually, not mechanically or electronically.本表签名需以手签为准,不接受打印或电子签名
10.A person's own signature or handwriting.亲笔签名某个人自己的签名或书法
11.the undersigned[用作单或复]签名者, 签名
12.Chairman Mao was the first to sign his name, and we all followed suit.毛主席是第一个签名的。我们都签了名。
13.This message was digitally signed by此消息已被数字签名签名者是
14.Autographs considered as a group.签名册亲笔签名组成的册子
15.Please take note of our signature, and regard no others as genuine.请记下我们的签名,其它签名均属无效。
16.Certificateless Multisignature and Certificateless Blind Signature;无证书多重签名与无证书盲签名研究
17.Study on the Applications of Undeniable Signature and Proxy Signature;不可否认签名与代理签名的应用研究
18.Improved certificateless signature and blind signature schemes一个改进的无证书签名和盲签名方案

1.Special encryption and sign techniques in mobile auction system;移动电子拍卖系统加密和签名特殊技术
2.Application of Signature and Encryption Technology in Governmental Document System;签名加密技术在公文系统中的应用
3.Design and Implement of a COM Component Which Encrpyt and Sign Data in Web FORMS;Web表单数据加密和签名组件的设计与实现
3)a name-tag名签
6)anonymous signature匿名签名
