拒动,failure to operate
1)failure to operate拒动
1.Trouble analysis of failure to operate of 500kV switch一起500kV断路器拒动事故的分析
2.This paper discusses one failure to operate of 11-digital relay due to deficiency of the external zero-sequence voltage in functional theory.为此, 对11型微机保护因外部零序电压接入回路缺陷造成拒动的故障实例进行了理论分析, 并通过各种故障模拟试验,阐述了 11型微机保护外部零序电压接入回路在各种情况下的运行原理。

1.Analysis of Failure Causes of WHX-803 Optical Fiber Differential ProtectionWXH-803光纤差动保护拒动原因分析
2.Analysis of misstrip 60 type generator protectionG60型发电机保护装置拒动原因分析
3.Refusals of Cooking, Selling and Eating Wild Animals--How I Put forward the proposal of "the three refusals;拒烹、拒售、拒食野生动物——我是怎样提出“三拒”倡议的
4.The protesters stood in defiance of the riot police and refused to move.抗议者抗拒镇暴警察并且拒绝移动。
5.Resistance was organizing.抗拒行动正在组织中。
6.Jumbo refused to move.但江伯却拒绝移动。
7.Flexibility does not mean recklessness; Recklessness must be rejected.灵活不是妄动,妄动是应该拒绝的。
8.Mobilization Populace during the Anti-Russia Movement拒俄运动的社会动员(1901-1905)
9.She refused to play it safe. She dared to be great.她拒绝谨小慎微。她要的就是惊天动地。
10.Don't turn down offers that include sports activities or children.不要拒绝向运动或者孩子提供所需。
11.He felt an irresistible impulse to jump.他突然有个无法抗拒的冲动, 想跳下去.
12.Both governments are refusing to suspend hostilities.两国政府都拒绝停止敌对行动。
13.a veto is a repudiative act.否决就是一种拒绝的行动。
14.His irresistible impulse to set fire to shoe shop他放火烧鞋店的不可抗拒的冲动
15.He appealed to the members to reject the resolution.他请求议员们拒绝通过这个动议。
16.Pound Workers Refuse to Kill Strays动物收容所工作人员拒绝杀害流浪狗
17.an irresistible temptation,urge, impulse, etc无法抗拒的诱惑、 强烈愿望、 冲动等
18.They refused to be party to any violence.他们拒不参加任何暴力活动.

miss trip拒动
1.The reasons of miss trip of backup power switchover unit are also discussed,which must be caused by the misuse of the contacts of close relay HWJ and the after-close relay HHJ.通过一座110 kV内桥接线变电站的失压事故调查,重点就差动保护电流采样回路故障导致的主变差动保护误动原因、操作回路中合位继电器HWJ与合后继电器HHJ接点的混淆使用导致的备自投拒动原因进行了详细分析,并提出了相应的防范措施。
2.On 20,Jan,there were two circuit breakers miss tripped during the MFT s tripping process of No.1月20日贵州省安顺电厂#2机组热工保护动作跳闸,在跳闸的过程中相继发生了两台断路器拒动的罕见事故。
1.Analysis of zero-sequence protection resist-operation in 110kV line一起110kV线路零序保护拒动分析
2.In this paper,an practical example of resist-operation on a 550 kV circuit breaker is introduced.介绍了一台550 kV断路器在线路故障时拒动的实例;通过分析查出了故障原因,提出了防止故障的措施及建议。
5)active denial主动拒止
6)Protection failure保护拒动

因水火风动故地动【因水火风动故地动】  经云:此阎浮提地,南北阔二万一千由旬,东西阔七千由旬,厚六万八千由旬。地下有水,厚八万四千由旬。水下有火,厚八万四千由旬。火下有风,厚六万八千由旬。风下有金刚轮,过去诸佛舍利,咸在其中。或有时大风忽动,火亦随动。火既动已,水复随动。水既动已,地即随动。故云因水火风动故地动。(梵语阎浮提,华言胜金洲。梵语由旬,华言限量,或四十里,或六十、八十里也。)