1.New method to resolve swollen of lithium polymer battery;解决聚合物锂离子电池气胀现象的新方法
2.Research of Lithium Polymer Battery Swollen;锂聚合物电池气胀问题的研究
3.LTD, there are 83 batteries swollen, 57 batteries little swollen in 153 batteries, having 45% swollen rate, storged for 10 months.目前锂离子蓄电池的生产已初具规模,但是在生产过程中也面临着一些质量问题,如气胀,微短路等。

1.feeling of discomfort caused by this肠胃气胀引起的不适
2.means to identify inflatable liferaft识别气胀式救生筏办法
3.identification system for inflatable liferaft气胀式救生筏识别系统
4.davit launched inflatable liferaft可吊型气胀式救生筏
5.inflatable liferaft fittings气胀式救生筏舾装件
6.Excessive crying may cause aerophagia, which results in flatulence and abdominal distention.过度哭闹会引起吞气症,导致气胀和腹胀。
7.relieving gas in the alimentary tract (colic or flatulence or griping).排出消化道的气体(疝气、气胀或者痉挛)。
8.expanded by (or as if by) gas or air.被(或者好像被)气体或者空气胀大。
9.Of, afflicted with, or caused by flatulence.肠胃胀气的肠胃胀气的、受其折磨的或由肠胃胀气引起的
10.To cause to expand by or as if by inflating.使…膨胀因或似因充气而引起膨胀
11.expandable bubble tiltmeter可膨胀气泡式倾斜计
12.To expand or swell out like a balloon.象气球一样延展或膨胀。
13."Wooden doors expand in hot, wet weather."木门在潮热天气会膨胀。
14.Inducing or generating flatulence.引起或产生肠胃胀气的
15.inflate again, as of a balloon.使再次膨胀比如气球。
16.gas-bearing expansion turbine气体轴承透平膨胀机
17.expansion ratio充气率,发泡率膨胀率
18.A tire expands when you pump air into it.轮胎打了气就会胀大。

gas generation气胀
1.Study on gas generation during formation and storage processes for manufacturing polymer Li-ion battery;聚合物锂离子蓄电池气胀原因的初步探讨
2.The aims of this paper are to summary the present situation in gas generation in lithium ion battery and to discuss the methods to reduce gas generation.但控制电池气胀问题一直是电池制造的难点。
1.Methods: The mouse model of flatulence was set up, and the flatulence induced by soybean oligosaccharides, modified soybean oligosaccharides,and fructooligosaccharides was investigated by measuring intestinal flatulent volume.目的: 对大豆低聚糖、改性大豆低聚糖和低聚果糖引起的胃肠胀气现象进行研究;方法: 建立引起小鼠的胃肠胀气的动物模型并测量胀肠容积的方法;结果:大豆低聚糖和改性大豆低聚糖各剂量组(高、中、低)与空白组的胀肠容积相比较,无明显差异(P>0。
4)barometric bulging气压胀形
1.Discussion on barometric bulging processing parameters for profiled aerosol tank;异形气雾罐气压胀形工艺参数的探讨
5)gas bulging forming气胀成形
1.The superplastic gas bulging forming of a rolled magnesium alloy AZ31 at different temperature and gas pressure was researched.研究了AZ31镁合金板材不同工艺条件下的气胀成形性能。
2.The Two-Stage gas bulging forming of a rolled magnesium alloy AZ31 under the conditions of 523 K,0.7 MPa下的两阶段气胀成形性能。
3.So it is necessary to study the hot stretch property and superplasticity,the gas bulging forming of hemispheroid and its finite element simulation of magnesium alloys for providing technical supports of plastic processing.MARC软件模拟胀形结果,获得AZ31B镁合金板料模拟胀形时的压力-时间曲线,并以此确定超塑气胀成形实验时的实际压力-时间曲线。
6)Nitrogen expansion氮气膨胀

气胀气胀 一般泛指消化道积气。