1.A novel anti-ringing circuit is presented to solve this problem.文中设计了一种新颖的适用于Buck型DC-DC的抗振铃电路,在芯片内部采用一个线性时变电阻网络将电感的一端与芯片的电源(或地)之间进行连接。
1.The ringing problem in digital control for this kind of process was discussed,then a concrete form of the desired closed-loop transfer function was proposed,based on which the structure of the digital controller was obtained.该方法分析了反向响应系统控制器输出的振铃问题,给出期望闭环传递函数,并由此推出数字控制器的结构;通过分析设计参数,给出控制器单一调节参数的整定规则和获得更好控制器输出的参数选取方法。
2.Signal integrity in the circuits design is discussed in this paper,and the major influencing factors are analyzed such as ringing,border distortion,reflection,bounce,crosstalk and jitter.文章介绍了数字电路设计中的信号完整性问题,探讨了振铃、边沿畸变、反射、地弹、串扰和抖动等各种信号完整性问题的成因和抑制措施。
3.At the same time it can also eliminate the ringing phenomena of the controllers.它即可用于参数和时滞未知的或慢时变的受控对象,又可用于逆不稳定过程,并能消除控制器的振铃现象,应用范围大为拓广。

1.ringing switch trunk address振铃接续中继线地址
2.answer back mechanism振铃应答机构,自动回答机构
3.Blind Restoration of Blurred and Noisy Images and Ringing Reducing;噪声模糊图像的盲复原及振铃的消除
4.Research and Implementation of the Deringing Algorithm for the Transport Triggered ArchitectureTTA架构下去振铃算法的研究与实现
5.Reducing Impact of the Ring Artifacts under the Condition of the Inaccurate Blurring Kernel模糊核估计不准确下的振铃效应修正
6.the dialling/ringing tone表示可以拨号的嗡声[对方电话的振铃声]
7.Offenche system ring until the user press select to answer the callOff: 系统振铃,直到用户按Select 应答呼叫为止
8.Research and Hardware Implementation of Deringing Algorithm in Video Coding;视频编码中去振铃滤波算法的研究与硬件实现
9.An Image Sharpening Forensics Algorithm Based on Ringing Artifact Analysis一种基于振铃效应分析的图像锐化取证算法
10.This volume setting control how loud the system will sound the incoming call ring when auto answer is turn off.当系统的自动应答功能被关掉时,铃声控制系统接收来电时振铃的音量大
11.Listen for the remote end to answer (ringing stops). When you hear an answer, click Continue.请聆听远端的应答(停止振铃)。当听见应答时,请单击“继续”。
12.The telephone operator said to the caller: " Hello, the number you wanted is ringing out now."接线员对打电话的人说:“喂,你要的电话有振铃声了。”
13.The maximum gain-before-feedback is the most amplification of the sound before the sound system goes into feedback and starts squealing.最大反馈前增益,就是音箱开始啸叫,或者出现振铃效应时候的增益。
14.A Total-Variation Majorization-Minimization Sectioned Restoration Algorithm with Gradient Ringing Metric Image Quality Assessment结合基于梯度的振铃评价算法的总变分最小化图像分块复原法
15.This wolume setting control how loud the system will sound the incoming call ring when auto answer is turn off当系统的自动应答功能被关掉时,ringer volume控制系统接收来电时振铃的音量大小
16.This volume setting controls how loud the system will sound the incoming call ring when auto answer is turned off当系统的自动应答功能被关掉时,ringervolume控制系统接收来电时振铃的音量大小
17.The Design and Implementation of the Color Ring Download Center;彩(铃)振(铃)系统的设计与实现
18.Barbell swing两手持杠铃振臂上举

1.The ringing problem in digital control for this kind of process was discussed,then a concrete form of the desired closed-loop transfer function was proposed,based on which the structure of the digital controller was obtained.该方法分析了反向响应系统控制器输出的振铃问题,给出期望闭环传递函数,并由此推出数字控制器的结构;通过分析设计参数,给出控制器单一调节参数的整定规则和获得更好控制器输出的参数选取方法。
2.Signal integrity in the circuits design is discussed in this paper,and the major influencing factors are analyzed such as ringing,border distortion,reflection,bounce,crosstalk and jitter.文章介绍了数字电路设计中的信号完整性问题,探讨了振铃、边沿畸变、反射、地弹、串扰和抖动等各种信号完整性问题的成因和抑制措施。
3.At the same time it can also eliminate the ringing phenomena of the controllers.它即可用于参数和时滞未知的或慢时变的受控对象,又可用于逆不稳定过程,并能消除控制器的振铃现象,应用范围大为拓广。
1.Aimed at detection of explosive,based on the theory of NQR detection,it is introduced that how the ring of the antenna(is produced in the NQR detection system and how important is to suppress the ring.针对爆炸物的探测,从NQR探测机理出发,介绍了NQR探测系统中天线振铃拖尾的产生和抑制振铃拖尾的意义,重点阐述了基于硬件电路的天线振铃拖尾抑制方法,最后给出了该方法的实验结果和应用范围。
5)machine ringing铃流机振铃
6)shaking bell start振铃起动
1.A Practical technique which combines shaking bell start circuit with minitype program control exchanger to form an automatic atmosphere inspecting subordinate station is introduced,with the purpose of solving such problems as computer recovery when disturbed and lightening strike.介绍了一种利用振铃起动电路与小型程控交换机结合,组成子站自动监测系统辅助装置的实用技术,以解决大气自动监测子站微机死机、受干扰后无法自动恢复正常工作和雷击问题。

振铃【振铃】 (仪式)密教之修法,或为唤召诸尊,或为表欢喜而振铃也。又印度之旃陀罗振铃以别于常人云。(参见:旃陀罗)