1.Study on the Generation Situation of Modernity and Post-modernity;现代性和后现代性的生成境遇
2.Synchrony:Modernity and Post-modernity of Contemporary Chinese Public Administration;共时态:当代中国公共行政的现代性与后现代性
3.Discussion on post-modernity characteristic of female novel in new era;论新时期女性小说的后现代性特征

1.Publicity: Center of Modernity after Post-Modernity;公共性:后现代性之后的现代性主题
2.Paradox and Rebellion--Argument between Modernity and Post-modernity;悖论与反叛——现代性与后现代性之争
3.Modernization and post-modernization of Zhuang Zi s"non-restraint"philosophy;庄子“无待”哲学的现代性与后现代性
4.The Modernity and Postmodernity in the Debate Between Science and Metaphysics;论科玄论战的现代性与后现代性特征
5.Non-Postmodernity in the Postmodernist Context:Decoding the Non-Postmodernity in Slaughterhouse Five;后现代主义语境中的非后现代性——《五号屠场》非后现代性解读
6.Synchrony:Modernity and Post-modernity of Contemporary Chinese Public Administration;共时态:当代中国公共行政的现代性与后现代性
7.Center and Edge:Topic about Postmodern Intellectuls--Modernity, Postmodernity and Intellectuals;中心与边缘:后现代知识分子的话题?——现代性、后现代性与知识分子
8.On The Constestation of Management Model among Modernity, Hyper-modernity and Post-modernity;管理学发展模式的现代性、超现代性与后现代性的论争
9.From the Reflections on "Modernity" and "Postmodernity" to the Eternal Value Appeal;从“现代性”与“后现代性”的反思到永恒的价值诉求
10.Modernity and Post- Modern: From the Point of View of the Illusions of Postmodernism;从《后现代主义的幻象》看现代性与后现代
11.Rethink of Modernity: Post Modernism and Complexity Theory;反思现代性:后现代主义与复杂性理论
12.The Contemporary Language Context and the Contemporary To ken of the Postmodern Movie;后现代电影的当代语境及当代性表征
13.The Post-modernistic Criticism of Modernity;“后现代主义”对“现代性”的批判与超越
14.Internal Antinomy between Post-Modernism Aesthetics and Modernism Aesthetics;后现代美学与“审美现代性”的内在矛盾
15.The malaise of educational modernity--A post-modern perspective;教育现代性的隐忧——一个后现代的视角
16.Studies on the Conception of Modern Science and Postmodern Science;“现代性科学”与“后现代科学”之概念勘元
17.Inspection of Modern Rationalism in the View of Post-Modernism;后现代主义视角的现代理性主义观照
18.Adorno s Philosophy of Modernity in the Post Modernist Context;后现代语境下的阿多诺的现代性哲学

1.Exploration and innovation:On the postmodernity of China Men s writing devices;探索与创新:论《中国佬》创作手法的后现代性
2.Dialogue between Modernity and Postmodernity;现代性与后现代性的对话
3.Thinking SARSE, particularly the environmental ethics of the Occident modern times, its whole course and trend have presented distinct postmodernity.透析近现代西方的环境伦理观念,一个极为鲜明的特征则在于其整体的演进过程及趋势呈现出十分突出的后现代性
3)post modernity后现代性
1.Although "post modernity" which originated in the West is the Western culture of post-industrial society by the performance of the new ideas and new trends of thought."后现代性"虽然最初起源于西方社会,是西方后工业社会的文化所表现出来的新理念、新的思想倾向。
2.Unfolding between modernity and post modernity is a main trend of the evolution of pioneer poetry ideas in the 1990s.在现代性与后现代性的张力关系中展开是20世纪90年代中国先锋诗歌观念的重要走向之一。
3.The development of post modernity in recent Chinese films embodies the adaptation of authoritative sayings, discarding authoritative sayings, and estranging and clearing up authoritative sayings.中国近期电影后现代性流变,体现在对权力话语改写、错位、疏离和消解上,呈现出明显的消费性能指,尽量满足观众的视听快感,稀释了人文内涵,荡平了美学深度。
1.Influenced by economic analysis of law and post-modernism,the ideas of"a corporation as a bundle of contracts" and"a corporation as an enterprise" appeared in the countries of continental legal system and Anglo-Saxon legal system.受后现代性思潮和法律经济学分析的影响,"公司契约论"与"公司企业论"先后在英美法系与大陆法系成长起来。
2.Discusses the character of the post-modernism from the viewpoints covering the creation and transmutation: modernity and the possibility of transcending modernity.从现代性精神的生成、嬗变和超越现代性精神的角度出发论述了后现代性的思想特质。
3.So this thesis will try to analyze the post-modernism of Larkin in three aspects: language, theme and aesthetic consciousness.故本论文欲从拉金诗歌的语言、题材、审美意识这三个方面来分析其诗歌中的后现代性,进而更准确地把握拉金诗歌对于英国当代诗歌的意义。
5)post modernism后现代性
1.Jolley s fusion of realism and modernism, and her absorption of post modernism embody the distinguishing features of her works — transcending the tradition, transcending the boundaries of fact and fiction, reality and vision, life and art.乔利的作品融合了现实主义和现代主义的创作手法 ,体现了一定的后现代性
2.The later poems written by Hu Kuan, a poet from Xi an, combines realism, modernism and post modernism, forming a complete new poetic style, which surpasses post modernism in Chinese contemporary poetry, of which, his Dancing Snowflakes is a representative.西安诗人胡宽的后期诗作融合了现实主义、现代主义、后现代主义等多种创作方法 ,形成了一种崭新的诗歌风格 ,是对中国当代诗歌后现代性的一种超越。
3.But the present Biennale involves anti modernism and character of post modernism of anti modernism.然而 ,当今的艺术双年展 ,内含着一种反现代性的特征 ,具有反现代的后现代性特质。
6)later-emerged modernity后发现代性
1.The later-emerged modernity presumes that the modernity is, under the situation of a universal and global process and the situation of social development, against non-original modernity, i.后发现代性是在假定现代性是一种普泛化的、全球性的过程和社会发展性质的情况下,针对并非原发的现代性,也就是受到现代性的影响而兴起的现代性运动而提出的。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-