1.Based on the academic setting of Hertzberg s theory of motivation-hygiene factors,using the labor market in Chongqing area as an example, the paper introduced the concepts of Floyd s "id","superego" and "ego" into the conception system of Hertzberg s theory of work,and expounded the universality of Hertzberg s theory of motivation-hygiene factors.在分析赫兹伯格双因素理论背景的基础上,以重庆市都市区劳动力就业市场为例,将弗洛伊德的"本我"、"超我"以及"自我"引入赫兹伯格关于工作的概念体系中,阐述赫兹伯格双因素理论的普适性,对重庆市劳动力市场现象进行思考,并以此为基础,论述在运用双因素理论实施激励时应注意的一些事项。
2.Freud states that personality is composed of three parts: id, ego, and superego.弗洛伊德认为人格由三个部分组成:本我、自我和超我,齐灵沃斯、海丝特和丁梅斯代尔恰好分别对应了这三重人格结构。
1.The Interlock and Conflict among Id,Ego and Super-ego——The Psychoanalysis of the Personage in Cold Night by Ba Jin本我与自我、超我的交错和冲突——巴金小说《寒夜》人物的精神分析
2.The theory about id,ego and super-ego of the school of the western psychoanalysis is best illustrated by one of ZHANG Ai-ling s famous masterpieces, A Story of the Gold Lock.西方精神分析学派的"本我""自我""超我"理论在张爱玲最负盛名的小说代表作之一——《金锁记》中得到了很好的体现。
3.This paper analyzes Nora tragic life from the perspective of Freud s three levels of personality including id, ego and super-ego, and anxiety theories.本文以弗洛伊德的精神分析学说中的本我、自我和超我的三重人格说和焦虑说来分析主人公劳拉悲剧的一生,并得出了劳拉的悲剧是社会文化的悲剧、也是女性自身的悲剧的结论。
3)super ego超我
4)ego and superego自我与超我

1.Id, Ego and Superego--Interpretation of Heart of Darkness本我、自我与超我——《黑暗的心脏》之解读
2.On the Specialty Growth and Self-improvement of the Skillful Teachers;论熟练型教师的专业提升与自我超越
3.Difference and Harmony:Self-transcendence of Postmodernism;差异与和谐:后现代主义的自我超越
4.Combinatorial Innovation: Paradigm of Thinking for Self-denying and Self-surpassing;组合创新:否定与超越自我的思维范式
5.On Self-surpass of Mankind Centralization in Relationship between Mankind and Nature;论人类与自然关系中人类中心主义的自我超越
6.Critique of the Transcendental Ego and the Theory of Non-egological Conception of Consciousness --On the Contribution of Young Sartre超越论的自我论之批判与意识的非自我论理解——年青萨特的贡献
7.Ego and Transcendence ──From Husserl s view of Ego to Marx s objective action;自我与超越──从胡塞尔自我观到马克思对象性活动
8.The Interlock and Conflict among Id,Ego and Super-ego--The Psychoanalysis of the Personage in Cold Night by Ba Jin本我与自我、超我的交错和冲突——巴金小说《寒夜》人物的精神分析
9.On the Development of Practical Subjectivity and It s Self-transcendence in Contemporary;论实践主体的发展与在当代的自我超越
10.The Psychological Health Education in University and Self-surmount of the College Students;高校心理健康教育与大学生的自我超越
11.A Discussion on the Enlightenment of Zen,the Language Relativity and Self-transcendence;禅宗明心见性与语言相对性及其自我超越
12.Self"and Surpass: the Rational Self-examination of the Value Subject Principle;“自我”与超越:价值主体性原则的理性反思
13.A Review of Ten Years' Wo men's Writings in the 21st Century历史重构与“自我”超越——21世纪女性写作十年回顾
14.The Development and Implementation of China Local Supermarket's Private Brand Strategy我国本土超市自有品牌战略的开发与实施
15.Who is the real Beloved?--On Sethe's Personality Split and Self-surpassing谁是真正的宠儿——论塞丝的人格分裂与自我超越
16.Object Transcending and Subject Transcending:On the Value End-result of Subjective Social Practice;对象性超越与自我超越:主体社会实践的价值归宿
17.We all have aptitudes and talents that overflow the narrow bounds of our trade or profession.我们的才干本领常常超出我们自己行业与职务的狭小范围。
18.We can't transcend the limitations of the ego.我们无法超越自我的局限性。

1.The Interlock and Conflict among Id,Ego and Super-ego——The Psychoanalysis of the Personage in Cold Night by Ba Jin本我与自我、超我的交错和冲突——巴金小说《寒夜》人物的精神分析
2.The theory about id,ego and super-ego of the school of the western psychoanalysis is best illustrated by one of ZHANG Ai-ling s famous masterpieces, A Story of the Gold Lock.西方精神分析学派的"本我""自我""超我"理论在张爱玲最负盛名的小说代表作之一——《金锁记》中得到了很好的体现。
3.This paper analyzes Nora tragic life from the perspective of Freud s three levels of personality including id, ego and super-ego, and anxiety theories.本文以弗洛伊德的精神分析学说中的本我、自我和超我的三重人格说和焦虑说来分析主人公劳拉悲剧的一生,并得出了劳拉的悲剧是社会文化的悲剧、也是女性自身的悲剧的结论。
3)super ego超我
4)ego and superego自我与超我
5)Id and super-ego本我与超我
6)Id Surpasses Superego本我超越超我

超我超我superego  超我(superego)亦译“超自我”,精神分析理论中的一个术语,构成人的精神结构的三个成分之一。1923年弗洛伊德在《自我与本我》一书中介绍了超我的概念。他认为,超我不同于自我,超我是道德化了的自我,可以独立于自我而发挥作用。超我包括两个方面—自我理想和良心,前者确定道德行为标准,后者负责对违反道德标准的行为实施惩罚。超我有意识的功能,如观察和估价;也有潜意识的功能,如对自我的活动发挥抑制和稽查作用。随着伊底普斯情结的解决,个体不再将父母作为性爱的对象,而是将父母连同他们的希望、价值和要求内化,从而形成超我。弗洛伊德认为,超我是作为伊底普斯情结的解决之结果而出现的,因此男人和女人的超我在性质上不同。克莱因(Klein,M)不同意弗洛伊德的某些观点。例如,她认为从生命一开始超我就以萌芽形式存在着,五六个月的孩子就已有内疚感。 (梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)