1.There are two types of methodology and techniques: parttenlize and liberalize, while the final purpose of them are life.构思方法与技巧可分为两类:模式化与自由化,两者的实质是生活化
2.Because of the limitation of itself,traditional moral education once got into a hobble,While moral education has a new development because of the moral education being into life.传统德育因其自身的局限性一度陷入困境,而德育生活化的提出使得德育工作有了更新的发展空间。
3.His dramas have no change and fortuity,just like a day of people s life.作为现代西方戏剧的开拓者,契诃夫对传统戏剧的创作模式和审美观念进行了锐意改革,具体包括情节的生活化、内容的内向化及戏剧手法的多样化三个方面。

1.Viability of Campus Life: A Possibility for Integrating Moral Education into Life;生活化校园:德育回归生活的一种可能
2.To Compare Zongbin with Duchamp;生活艺术化与艺术生活化——宗炳与杜尚之比较
3.On the tendency of sports becoming part of daily life;体育生活化探析——我国居民的体育生活化状况
4.Activities, Personality and Life: Orientations of Mathematics Curriculum Reform;简论数学课程改革的活动化、个性化、生活化取向
5.An ode to lively campus--Reconstruction of moral education on campus;生活化校园的彰显——回归生活的学校德育
6.On the Framework of Contemporary "Aestheticization"-- From"aesthetic turning into everyday life" to "the aestheticization of everyday life";当代“审美泛化”的全息结构——从“审美日常生活化”到“日常生活审美化”
7.The most successful carvings in Dazu are recognizably human and less preoccupied with the concept of divinity.宗教之"世俗化"、"生活化"为其特色。
8.Study of Production of Active Carbon from Lignite by Rapid-Carbonization and Activation褐煤快速炭化活化法生产活性炭研究
9.Aestheticism and Life-Rethinking on the Aestheticalization of Daily Life;审美与生活——日常生活审美化再思考
10.There 's no variety in our lives .我们的生活毫无变化。
11.a pauper who lives by begging.靠祈求生活的叫化子。
12.Variety is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。
13.Changes in the Lives of Tibetan Farmers and Herdsmen西藏农牧民生活的变化
14.Life has been rationalized by science.科学已将生活合理化。
15.augmented physical quality of life index物质生活质量强化指数
16.Enliven the cultural life of the residents活跃居民的精神文化生活
17.Activating Toner is an activator made of the ingredients from USA, and can effectively activate cell regeneration.激活水来自美国原料活化剂,能有效活化细胞激活再生.
18.From Life Artistry to Aestheticization of Everyday Life;从“人生艺术化”到“日常生活审美化”

1.The Teaching Adaptation of Ideology and Politics Curriculum in High School;论高中思想政治课的教学生活化
2.Middle School Geography Adaptation Teaching Understanding and Practice;中学地理生活化教学的认识与实践
1.This paper tries to explain on life-oriented Athletics losing and regression from the latitude phase two of our athletics program.本文试图从田径课程生活化的迷失与回归阶段两个纬度对我国田径运动课程与生活相离合的轨迹进行阐述,旨在从哲学的角度论证新课程标准理念下田径运动课程生活化回归的必然性。
2.In the present situation,the education of ideology and politics for undergraduates should persevere in being people-oriented,life-oriented,and advancing with times,and meanwhile enhance its pertinence and actual effect.在新的形势下,大学生思想政治教育应坚持以人为本、与时俱进、生活化原则,不断提高大学生思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。
3.The author holds that a concern for the irrational affective factors of these students leads to an increasing tendency of life-oriented education of beliefs.当前青年大学生所表现出的信仰新特征意味着纯理论与逻辑相结合的信仰教育已经无法满足其思想观念发展变化的需要,对青年大学生非理性情感因素的关注使得信仰教育生活化的趋势不断增强。
1.Expound the influence of the dramatic form of A.P. chekhov to CaoYu ——One of the pendering:the formal significance of “living”;论契诃夫对曹禺戏剧形式的影响——思考之一:“生活化”的形式意义
2.Sports living reflects the connotation and era characteristic of "human-oriented".体育生活化体现了"以人为本"的深厚内涵和时代特色。
1.Research on the Life-orientation of Mathematics Instruction in the Third Phase of Compulsory Education;义务教育第三学段数学教学生活化研究
2.The main views are that the concept of diversity, variety, existence, life, society, nature, happiness and plain will be guiding discourses of future educational philosophy, and that, revealing diversity and variety remarkably, the future Chinese educational philosophy will seek ideals of life-orientation, naturalization, simplifi.未来中国教育哲学在凸显多元化与多样性的同时,将追求教育生活化、自然化、"简单化"的理念,并将其内化为教育哲学的风格与个性。
6)biochemical activity生化活性
1.Relationship between chemical properties and biochemical activity of soil in Taizishan forest farm in Linxia of Gansu Province;甘肃省临夏太子山林区土壤化学性质与生化活性的相关性研究

恶生王生入地狱【恶生王生入地狱】 (传说)毗奈耶杂事九曰:“佛记恶生王于七日后为猛火焚烧,堕在无间大地狱中。恶生闻之,大惧怖。苦母曰:如乞索婆罗门,入舍乞求,不得物时,欲使其家生种种不吉祥事。何况沙门乔答摩所有亲族,被王诛尽,宁无深重怨恨之言耶。随其恶心为咒诅耳。王若惧,则于后园中池水内造一柱楼,王应诣彼七日居住,日满后,方可入城。王便使造楼,将诸宫人及苦母升楼住。一夜过已,苦母白王言:大王,一夜已过,余六夜过,当共入城。如是二三乃至七日。苦母言今日安稳可共入城中。时四面忽云起。诸宫人相谓曰:庄严结束,可往城中。有一女以日光珠安偃枕上自严饰。云去天晴,日光忽现,照触宝珠便火出,烧其偃枕。猛炎上腾,即烧楼阁。诸宫人等四散驰走,恶生苦母皆被火烧,身皆烂熟,俱大号叫,便堕无间大地狱中,受诸极苦。”涅槃经二十曰:“阿阇世王,复于前路闻舍婆提毗流离王乘船入海遇火而死。”琉璃王经曰:“佛言诸比丘:彼琉璃王,肆意恶逆,罪盛乃尔。却后七日,有地狱火,当烧杀之,现世作罪便现世受。大使奏谶,怪与佛同。王大恐怖,乘船入海,冀得自免。停住海中,至七日期尽,水中则有自然火出。烧船及王,一时灰灭。”楞严经八曰:“琉璃大王,善星比丘,琉璃为诛瞿昙族姓。善星妄说一切法空,生身陷入阿鼻地狱。”