1.Initial Study on the Bat Cestode Species in Yunnan;云南蝙蝠绦虫种类的初步研究
2.Species Composition, Season Dynamic and Molecular Systematic Analysis of Marine Fish Cestodes in Minnan-Taiwan Bank;闽南—台湾浅滩鱼类绦虫的种类调查、季节动态和分子系统学研究
3.730 marine fishes’ digestive tubes were dissected, from which 73 cestodes and other parasites (nematode, trematode, etc ) were found in 2003.从730条海水鱼体内采得73种绦虫和其他寄生虫(线虫、吸虫等)。

1.Infestation with echinococci.包虫病棘球绦虫感染
2.Livestock that were infested with tapeworms.寄生了大量绦虫的动物
3.diphyllobothrium anemia阔节裂头绦虫性贫血
4.The Distinction of Taenia asiatica from Taenia saginata by PCR of Mitochondrial cox1 Gene Fragment用cox1基因片段的PCR鉴别亚洲带绦虫和牛带绦虫
5.A cyst formed as a result of infestation by larvae of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus.包囊虫由绦虫幼虫棘球绦虫颗粒感染引起的包囊
6.encysted saclike larva of the tapeworm.被包在囊内的囊状的绦虫幼虫。
7.For cases of mixed infection of cestode or trematode praziquantel was used.发现绦虫和吸虫感染者用吡喹酮驱治.
8.Who is the only hook tapeworm final host, the pigs are Taenia solium one of the intermediate host.人是有钩绦虫的唯一终末宿主,猪是有钩绦虫的中间宿主之一。
9.Cysticercosis is a pig swallowed hook discharge of1,457 people infected with eggs, mistakenly intake hook tapeworm eggs have also occurred cysticercosis.猪囊虫病主要是猪吞食有钩绦虫病人排出的虫卵而感染,人误摄入有钩绦虫卵也发生囊虫病。
10.There are 14 protozoa. 9 tapeworms,12 trematodes,51 nematodes,7 insects.其中原虫14种,吸虫9种,绦虫12种,线虫51种,蜘蛛昆虫7种.
11.The life cycle of the tapeworm can proceed no further.绦虫的生活史无法进一步完成。
12.The Morphologic Study of Echinococcus Multilocularis in the Fox and Wolf from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomus Region新疆狐、狼体多房棘球绦虫形态观察
13.Studies on the Proteome of Echinococcus Multilocularis Protoscolece;多房棘球绦虫原头节蛋白质组学研究
14.Diagnosis and Cure of Bothriocephalus gowkongensis Disease of Ctenopharyngodon Idellus草鱼九江头槽绦虫病的诊断治疗报告
15.Determination of mtCOXⅠ fragments from tapeworms in Lanping County,Yunnan Province云南兰坪地区带绦虫mtCOXⅠ片段测定分析
16.Raillietiniasis in China我国西里伯瑞列绦虫病报道病例分析
17.Cysticercosis is the parasitic pathogens in the body of Taenia solium( with Taenia solium) larvae is a crime against the people and livestock serious parasitic disease.猪囊尾蚴病的病原是寄生在人体内的猪带绦虫(钩绦虫)幼虫,是一种危害严重的人畜寄生虫病。
18.Human sparagnosis is a rare parasitic disease infected by plerocercoid larva (sparganum) of Spirometra species.人体幼裂头绦虫病是一种由裂头绦虫之长尾幼虫所感染的罕见寄生虫病。

1.The aim of this paper was to test the effect of areca catechu to tapeworm in dog,definite the effective dose,and benefit procedure.为观察槟榔对犬绦虫的驱除效果,并确定有效用量、驱虫疗程,将槟榔粉配成3种剂量:低剂量组(0。
2.The laval stage of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis causes the rare but fatal liver disease Human Aleveolar Echinococcosis(AE).多房棘球绦虫(Echinococcus multilocularis)的幼虫期导致罕见而致命的肝病即人类的泡型包虫病(HAE)。
4)larval cestode绦虫幼虫
1.As the larval cestodes is highly pathogenic to human,it is important for diagnosis of larval cestode infections.由于绦虫幼虫是高致病性病原,诊断绦虫幼虫感染就显得很重要。
1.Analysis on risk factors of taeniasis in inhabited areas of pumi minority;普米族聚居区绦虫病流行危险因素分析
2.Clinical study and electron microscope observation of tapeworm scolices on 548 cases of taeniasis treated with Binlang Chengqi Decoction;槟榔承气汤治疗猪带绦虫病548例临床疗效及绦虫头节的电镜观察
3.Objective: To investigate the current status of taeniasis and the pathogen of taeniasis in Binyang and Rongshui counties of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.目的:了解广西壮族自治区宾阳县及融水县部分村寨带绦虫病的流行情况及病原虫种。
6)Taenia saginata牛带绦虫
1.Detection and analysis on the sequence of internal transcribed space-1(ITS1) in ribosomalDNA of Taenia saginata from nine regions of six provinces in western China;我国西部6省9地牛带绦虫rDNA-ITS1序列测定及分析
2.Preliminary study on Mongolian gerbil as an animal model for experimental infection of Taenia saginata;长爪沙鼠作为牛带绦虫终末宿主实验动物的初步研究
3.The Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Identification of 9 Taenia saginata Isolates from Four Provinces;我国4省9株牛带绦虫RAPD分子鉴别分析

绦虫扁形动物门的 1纲。全部营寄生生活。成虫寄生于脊椎动物,幼虫主要寄生于无脊椎动物,但也有以脊椎动物为中间宿主的。除单节绦虫外,所有的绦虫体均分节,由头节、幼节、成节和孕节组成1条带状链体。绦虫广泛地寄生于人、家畜、家禽、鱼和其他经济动物的体内,引起各种绦虫病和绦虫蚴病。绦虫头节实际上是吸附器官,又称附着器,其结构有吸盘型、吸槽型和吸叶型等。一般头节的顶端具有吻突,吻突上有的具钩。有的吸盘或吸叶表面亦具小钩,起加强固着的作用。头节的后端为纤细的颈部,功能是产生新的体节。绦虫没有消化器官,全靠体表微毛吸收宿主营养。绦虫的肌肉系统很发达。体表皮层密生微毛,下有薄的环肌,环肌之下有纵肌两层,外层与内层之间为皮下基质。 纵肌之下为横肌。 横肌与皮层之间称皮层区,两层横肌之间称髓质区,重要的生殖器官都在髓质区内。神经系统:在头节有神经节与横神经相连,组成中枢神经系,由此向后发出 1对纵神经干,直到虫体最后的体节。排泄系统:在头节中有环排泄管,由此两侧发出2对背、腹排泄管,直至体的末端。每个体节的后缘各有横管与腹排泄管相联。此外,虫体组织中有许多焰细胞,各有小管通于腹排泄管。排泄系统具有平衡调节水分的功能。绦虫多是雌雄同体,只有个别种类雌雄异体。每个体节均有发达的两性器官。雄性器官包括睾丸、输精管、阴茎、阴茎囊和贮精囊等。雌性器官包括卵巢、输卵管、受精囊、卵黄腺、阴道和子宫等。卵膜的周围有梅氏腺。孕节内性器官多已退化,只有子宫充分发育并占据整个体节,内含许多虫卵。生殖孔多开口于体节的一侧或两侧,但假叶绦虫雌雄两性的生殖孔开口于体节中央的腹面。