白条锦蛇,Elaphe dione
1)Elaphe dione白条锦蛇
1.Comparision of Some Blood Biochemical Indices of Elaphe dione during and after Hibernation;白条锦蛇冬眠期及出眠后血液中某些生化指标的比较
2.Oxygen Consumption and Oxygen Consumption Rate of Elaphe dione白条锦蛇耗氧量和耗氧率
3.OBJECTIVE To compare and identify Zaocys dhumnades and its adulterant Elaphe dione .目的 比较鉴别乌梢蛇与白条锦蛇

1.Adaptation of Environment Temperature on the Metabolism and Relative Enzymes and the Late Embryo Development in the Elaphe Dione;白条锦蛇后期胚胎发育及代谢和相关酶类对环境温度的适应
2.Study on the Characteristics of Embryonic Stages and Late Embryonic Development of Cerebral Cortex in Elaphe Dione白条锦蛇胚胎分期特征及胚胎后期大脑皮层的发育研究
3.In pit vipers, like the rattlesnake, vision is supplemented蝮蛇属的蛇,比如说,这条响尾蛇的视觉
4.Look at this snake, John.快看这条蛇,约翰。
5.A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.湖中一只洁白的天鹅快速地游动着去追赶一条慢慢游动的蛇。
6.A snow-white swan swiftly catched a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.一只雪白的天鹅迅速地抓到一条在水里游得很慢的蛇。
7.A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming (snake) .一只雪白的天鹅快速地游动着去追赶一条慢慢游动的(蛇)。
8.Anatomy of Digestive and Respiratory Systems in the Amur Rat-snake,Elaphe schrenckii棕黑锦蛇消化系统和呼吸系统的解剖
9.Clone and Expression Stability Analysis of Actin Gene in Caragana korshinskii柠条锦鸡儿肌动蛋白基因的克隆和表达稳定性分析
10.White Snake quickly fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon married.从前,在伊眉山上有两只蛇精,白蛇与青蛇。
11.There, right under the bed, he saw the body of a large snake.就在床底下,他看一到一条大蛇的蛇身,
12.The Original Probe into the Changes and Deduction of Qingshe Image in the Legend of Baishe;《白蛇传》青蛇形象的流变及演绎初探
13.Comparative Studies on the LDH Isozymes of Several Tissues in Elaphe Taeniura and Zaocys Dhumn Ades黑眉锦蛇和乌梢蛇几种组织中乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的比较研究
14.How to get rid of it?如何除掉这条蛇呢?
15.There is a snake;cut it in sunder.那边有条蛇,把它砍断。
16.The snake curled round the branch.这条蛇蜷曲在树枝上。
17.What letter looks like a snake?什么字母看起来像条蛇?
18.The serpent was charmed by the music .那条蛇被音乐迷住了。

Elaphe carinata王锦蛇
1.Study the Technique on Feeding Elaphe carinata Efficiently;王锦蛇的高效饲养技术研究
2.The Experiment on Feeding and Breeding the Sub-generation Elaphe carinata;王锦蛇幼蛇的饲养与子一代的繁育试验
3)Elaphe taeniura黑眉锦蛇
1.Distribution and morphology of argyrophil cells in intestinal tract of Elaphe taeniura were studied by using the Grimelius argyrophil staining technique.本文用 Grim elis银染法对黑眉锦蛇小肠嗜银细胞的分布及形态进行了观察研究 ,结果显示 :( 1)分布密度 :十二指肠 :5 。
4)Elaphe dione枕纹锦蛇
1.Distribution and Morphological Observation of 5-HT Positive Immunoreactive Endocrine Cells in Digestive Tract of Elaphe dione;枕纹锦蛇消化道5-羟色胺免疫活性内分泌细胞的分布与形态学观察
5)Elaphe porphyracea紫灰锦蛇
1.The snake is identified as Elaphe porphyracea,and it is a new record in Luzhou.本文记述了采自四川泸州合江锦蛇属标本1号,经鉴定为紫灰锦蛇,系该地区新纪录种。
6)Elaphe schrenckii棕黑锦蛇
1.Preliminary Observations on Ecology of Elaphe schrenckii(Strauch);棕黑锦蛇Elaphe schrenckii(Strauch)生态初步观察

白条锦蛇中文目名:蛇目中文科名:游蛇科中文属名:锦蛇属中文俗名:黑斑蛇、麻蛇、枕纹锦蛇拉丁文名:Elaphe dione英文名:Dione rat-snake物种命名人及年代:Pallas,1773 物种信息:头略呈椭圆形,体尾较细长,全长1米左右。吻鳞略呈五边形,宽大于高,从背面可见其上缘:鼻间鳞成对,宽大于长,其和工只及前额鳞的一半;前额鳞一对近方形;额鳞单枚成盾形,瓣缘略宽于后缘,长度于其与吻端的距离;顶鳞一对,较额鳞要长。鼻孔大,呈贺形,开口于大小几相等的前后鼻鳞间;颊鳞1枚,长大于高;眶前鳞2枚,少数为1或3枚,不与额鳞相切;眶上鳞1枚;眶后鳞2枚;颞鳞2=3(或4)枚。上唇鳞8(3-2-3)枚,第7枚最大;下唇鳞10-11对,第一对在颏鳞后方相切,前5对切前颏片。背鳞在多为25行,少数23行;中段25行,少数23,个别27行;肛前段19行,个别17行;整个背鳞有9行具弱棱。腹鳞性173-193枚,雌性177-189枚;尾下鳞性63-69对,雄性54-60对。肛鳞对分。背面苍灰、灰棕或棕黄色。头顶有黑褐色斑纹三条:最前一条较细或不明显,横过鼻间鳞经颊鳞、眶前鳞达眼;第二条弱宽,横越前额鳞斜向后经眶前鳞上角至眼与前一条相会合,眼为粗大黑纹斜达口角;第三条最宽,横于额鳞分别沿左右眶上鳞、顶鳞外半后行至枕后,呈“钟形”两侧联结,即成一特殊的枕纹。头顶诸斑纹在幼蛇时尤为显著。躯尾背面具三条浅色纵纹;正背中一条窄而模糊,常被黑斑(宽约1-2枚鳞列)隔断,两侧的二条较宽。腹鳞及尾下鳞两外侧斑点粗大,且断续缀连如链;有的个体腹两侧尚散有棕红色小斑点。