活动时间分配,time budget
1)time budget活动时间分配
1.This preliminary study on time budget and social activity pattern o f captive Tarim red deer was conducted between 3 to 12,October 2004 at Tatrang vil lage of the Southern Xinjiang.2004年10月3日至12日,在新疆南部且末县塔特让乡塔里木马鹿人工饲养场对15只圈养塔里木马鹿的活动时间分配及种群的站立和运动、休息(静卧)、摄食和饮水、反刍等4种行为,采用目标及扫描取样方法进行了观察,并对各行为的发生率进行了统计分析。
2.The research on time budget and social behavior in captive of 13 Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) was carried out by Instantaneous and Scan sampling, Focal Animal Sampling and All Occurrences Sampling method from September 2005 to July, 2006 in Jinan Zoological Park.笼养川金丝猴的活动时间分配中,休息占39。
3.The research on time budget and allogrooming in captive of Presbytis francoisi was carried out from March,2001 to February,2002 in Fushui Rare Animal Protection Station,Fushui county,in the south of Guangxi and Reproductive Center of Primate in Naining Zoo.黑叶猴的活动时间分配和笼养状态下理毛行为的研究工作于2001年3月至2002年2月在广西南部的扶绥珍贵动物保护区内及南宁市动物园内的灵长类繁殖中心进行。

1.Diet, Activity Patterns and Time Budgets of Assam Macaque (Macaca Assamensis) in Longgang Nature Reserve, China;弄岗熊猴(Macaca assamensis)的食性、活动节律和活动时间分配
2.Comparison of activity budgets of sympatric Franois’ langurs and Assamese macaques同域分布黑叶猴和熊猴的活动时间分配比较
3.The Research on Time Budget and Allogrooming in Captive of Preshytis Francoisi;黑叶猴的活动时间分配和笼养状态下理毛行为研究
4.Diurnal time budget and activity rhythm of Alligator sinensis in the rutting season扬子鳄发情期昼间行为时间分配及活动节律
5.Diurnal behaviors time budgets and activity rhythms of Gazella subgutturosa in winter冬季鹅喉羚昼间行为时间分配及活动节律
6.The Diurnal Time-budgets or Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) in Wintering鸳鸯越冬期日活动行为时间分配的研究
7.Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Great Bustard(Otis tarda) in Captivity during Breeding Season笼养大鸨繁殖行为的时间分配和活动节律
8.Time budgeting of captive koklass pheasant (purcasia macrolopha) in unbreeding season;笼养勺鸡非繁殖季节时间分配和活动节律
9.Diurnal Behavioral Rhythm,Time Budgets and Group Behavior of Dwarf Blue Sheep in Summer矮岩羊夏季活动节律、时间分配和集群行为
10.Circadian rhythms and diurnal time allocation in Drosophila melanogaster adults.黑腹果蝇昼夜活动节律及行为时间分配
11.Time Budget of Behaviors of a Pair of Common Crane in Captivity in Winter笼养灰鹤越冬期行为活动的时间分配和活动节律
12.proportionate distribution of labour time按比例分配劳动时间
13.dynamic time step allocatio动态时间步进分配法
14.Diurnal Behavioral Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Reevese?s Butterfly Lizard under Artificial Breeding Condition人工饲养条件下蜡皮蜥昼间行为时间分配及活动节律
15.Winter Daily Activity Rhythm and Time Budget of Ibex(Capra ibex) in Tomur Protected Area,Xinjiang新疆托木尔峰自然保护区冬季北山羊昼间活动节律与时间分配
16.Activity Time Assignment and Food Habit of Grus grus in Late Winter in Lashi Lake拉市海灰鹤越冬后期的日活动行为时间分配及食性分析
17.Differences of time budget and activity rhythm of captive and semi-free Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)笼养和半散放东北虎行为时间分配及活动规律差异的比较
18.Time Budget of Behavior and Activity Rhythm between Male and Female Amur Tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) under Enclosed Habitat非笼养雌雄东北虎的行为时间分配和活动节律的比较

Franois langur(Trachypithecus franoisi)日活动时间分配
1.Activity rhythm and diurnal time budget of Franois langur(Trachypithecus franoisi)in Guangxi,China;广西扶绥黑叶猴活动节律和日活动时间分配
3)Daily time budget昼活动时间分配
4)Distribution in Accordance with Working Time按劳动时间分配
5)dynamic slot allocation动态时间槽分配
1.Multiple object anti-collision RFID technology with dynamic slot allocation;利用动态时间槽分配的多目标防冲突射频识别
6)time sharing driver时间分配驱动机
