鸿雁,swan goose
1)swan goose鸿雁
1.The Imagery of Swan Goose in Ci by Adherents of the Nansong Dynasty;论南宋遗民词中的鸿雁意象
2.The results of observation showed that swan goose had a powerful adaptability and viability in Ningxia.宁夏银川市顾家桥特禽养殖场自2002年迄今连续3 a引进鸿雁,人工饲养效果观察表明,鸿雁在宁夏地区的适应性较强,成活率高,育雏、育成期平均成活率分别达91。
3.The swan goose is an important imagery in Na Lan lyrics and classical poetry. 鸿雁是古典诗词,也是纳兰词的重要意象。

1.But message-bearing swans can't fly out of moonlight, Nor can letter-sending fish leap out of their place.鸿雁长飞光不度 鱼龙潜跃水成文
2.Swan Goose-Passed Letters:a Bai Folk Poem of "Lovesick Woman";《鸿雁传书》:一首白族民间“思妇”诗
3.Distinguishing Between Falsehood and Truth Seeking Enchanting View Through Winding Path;辨明虚实 曲径寻幽——《春江花月夜》“鸿雁”句常解辨误
4.GAO Xiu-ying s Singing Art - From the Yangju Opera Hongyan Chuanxi;高秀英的演唱艺术——从扬剧《鸿雁传书》谈起
5.Distribution System Problems and Solutions Research of Hangzhou Swangoose Electrical Co.ltd in Gansu Market;杭州鸿雁电器公司甘肃市场分销体系问题分析及对策研究
6.The Mechanism of Innovation Capability Leveraging:A Longitude Case Study in Honyar杭州鸿雁电器有限公司创新能力提升机制调研报告
7.Dance works of Jia Zuoguang remind people of galloping horses and soaring swans.提起贾作光的舞蹈,人们很自然地会想起那奔腾的骏马和凌空的鸿雁
8.Take advantage of the mails Nearly all of us have pals living far away--friends we miss very much.利用鸿雁传书几乎我们所有人都有远在异地让我们非常想念的朋友。
9.This is not only because he created "Herding Horses"and "Swan Goose", but also because of his character.这不仅是其作品--《牧马》、《鸿雁》中的舞蹈形象,那似乎就是他本人跃动着的舞魂的化身。
10.There were the echoes of nostalgia I heard in the crying strings of wild geese winging south against a bleak, autumn sky.还有,秋风萧瑟的天空,一行行鸿雁振翅南飞,叫声不绝,我从中听到了思乡的回音。
11.Reaching the Same Goal by Different Routes--a Comparative Analysis on Su Man-shu s Lonely Wild Goose and Yu Da-Fu s Early Novels;殊途却同归——苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》与郁达夫早期小说比较
12.the cry of a goose (or any sound resembling this).雁或类似雁发出的叫声。
13.A wild gray goose(Anser anser) of Europe.灰雁欧洲的一种野生灰雁(灰雁)
14.Sheng YanBing, pen name Mao Dun.沈雁冰,笔名茅盾。
15.The head goose dropped dead to the ground.”他正说着,一群大雁飞来,头雁坠地而死。
16.The raucous, resonant sound characteristic of a wild goose.雁叫声雁的沙哑而洪亮的叫声
17.Returning home, we went to the pen and let the geese loose.回到家时,我们到雁栏去把雁放出去。
18.All the feeling from the word Wild Goose --About the imagery of Wild Goose in the Tang Poerties;雁字总关情——试论唐诗中的雁意象

Anser cygnoides Linnaeus鸿雁
1.Seven female Anser cygnoides Linnaeus (3-4years) that were in oestrum and anoestrumwere used to explore the changes of histological structure during follicular development withlight and electron microscopes.为了探索鸿雁的卵泡发育过程中卵泡的组织学结构的变化,本论文对7只繁殖期和非繁殖期的鸿雁卵巢用光镜和电镜方法对其卵泡发育过程中卵泡细胞的结构变化进行组织学研究。
3)symbol of wild goose鸿雁意象
4)To deliver message by wild swans鸿雁传书
5)Duanhonglingyan Ji《断鸿零雁记》
1.A New Research on Su Manshu's Duanhonglingyan Ji苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》新论
6)Swangoose Electrical co鸿雁电器公司
