短尾猴,Tibetan macaque
1)Tibetan macaque短尾猴
1.Female Tibetan macaques kept interaction with .本文根据作者在安徽黄山对短尾猴 16年的观察研究 ,描述和分析了一些重要的社会行为 ,探讨了短尾猴社会中各种社会关系的特点和性质。
2.To detect whether Tibetan macaque samples were contaminated by human and other common animals biological samples.为检测在野外通过非损伤取样法采集到的短尾猴样品是否受到其它常见哺乳动物及人源的污染,收集包括短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)、人以及7种常见哺乳动物的毛发、血液、粪便、精液或肌肉组织样品,提取并纯化基因组DNA,利用14对微卫星引物扩增不同物种的STR位点,以确定其在短尾猴样品检测中的应用价值。
3.Unlike most Old World monkeys, male Tibetan macaques frequently associate with and care for infants shortly after birth.同大多数旧世界猴一样,在短尾猴中,婴猴出生不久就受到雄性的高强度照料。

1.Old World monkeys: guenon; baboon; colobus monkey; langur; macaque; mandrill; mangabey; patas; proboscis monkey.旧域猴;长尾猴;狒狒;疣猴;叶猴;短尾猴;山魈;白眉猴;长鼻猴。
3.short-tailed monkey of rocky regions of Asia and Africa.亚洲和非洲多岩地区的短尾猴
4.Unlike most Old World monkeys, male Tibetan macaques frequently associate with and care for infants shortly after birth.同大多数旧世界猴一样,在短尾猴中,婴猴出生不久就受到雄性的高强度照料。
5.Relationship between Godonal Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Wild Male Tibetan Macaques (Macaca Thibetana) at Huangshan, China;野生雄性黄山短尾猴性腺激素与性行为关系研究
6.Amicable behavior,dominance rank,and the function of socica stability in Tibetan macaques(Macaca thibetana) Mt. Huangshan,China黄山短尾猴不同顺位等级雄性个体友好行为的比较研究
7.Comparisons on Reproductive and Aggressive Behaviors in Male Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana) of Two Different Operational Sex Ratio Troops at Huangshan,China两种性比类群的雄性黄山短尾猴繁殖行为和攻击行为比较
8.They categorised facial dimensions such as the distance between the eyes, then recorded the electrical activity of one brain cell at a time while they showed cartoons to the macaques.接着,当他们将动画展示给短尾猴看时,便记录该区域中单个脑细胞每次电活动的情况。
9.macaques; rhesus monkeys.短尾猿;恒河猴(一种猕猴,多用于实验)。
10.Any of several short - tailed monkeys of the genus Macaca of southeast Asia, Japan, Gibraltar, and northern Africa.猕猴任一种短尾猕猴属猴子,生活在东南亚、日本、直布罗陀和北非
11.New World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey; saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly monkey; marmoset; tamarin.新域猴;僧帽猴;夜猴;吼猴;粗尾猿;蜘蛛猴;松鼠猴;狨;羊毛猴;狨;绢毛猴。
12.large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in black and white and fawn.产于马达加斯加的短尾大狐猴,毛厚而如丝,有黑色、白色和浅黄色。
13.Any of various chiefly arboreal African monkeys, primarily of the genus Cercopithecus, having long hind legs and a long tail.长尾猴树栖的非洲猴子的一种,长尾猴属,后腿长,尾长
14.slender long-tailed monkey of Asia.身体瘦尾巴长的亚洲猴。
15.A long-tailed African monkey(Cercopithecus aethiops) having a greenish-gray coat and tufts of white hair on the face.绿长尾猴产于非洲的一种长尾猴(猕猴属非洲长尾猴),毛灰绿色,面部有成簇白毛
16.The monkey has a long tail,a very long tail.猴子有一条长尾巴,一条很长的尾巴。
17.A monkey(Macaca silenus)of south - central Asia, having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face.狮尾猕猴亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌
18.A small, long-tailed African monkey(Cercopithecus aethiops) having a yellowish-brown or greenish coat.黑长尾猴一种体小、长尾的非洲猴(非洲猕猴猕猴属),有一身黄褐色或者绿色毛皮

Tibetan monkey短尾猴
1.A study on migration of male Tibetan monkeys at Mt.1986至1992年对安徽黄山一群短尾猴连续进行7年的换群行为研究表明:雄性的换群行为发生在临近交配期开始前后,大多数为成年个体;这些个体与换群前的顺位无关,且未受到迁入新群的其它个体更多的攻击,迁入雄体还倍受雌体青睐。
2.This study, based on a long-term observation of wild Tibetan monkeys (Macaca thibetana) at Huangshan in China from August 1996 to April 1997, suggested that individual Tibetan monkey knew its rank position in dominance hierarchy and recognized the relationships bet.本研究通过对安徽黄山风景区鱼鳞坑群短尾猴的野外观察和有关行为的分析 ,表明短尾猴可以认知 :( 1 )自己顺位的变化 ,( 2 )自己与其它个体顺位的高低 ,( 3)其它个体之间顺位的高低。
3)Cebus apella卷尾猴
1.Objective To establish a real time ultrasonic monitoring the menstrual follicular growth and ovulation in Cebus apella.目的建立卷尾猴正常月经周期卵泡生长发育变化规律及排卵的超声监测(ultrasound examination,US)技术。
4)ring-tailed lemur节尾狐猴
1.This paper reported the composition of the social group and social behavior of the ring-tailed lemur in a semi-natural environment.论述节尾狐猴在半圈养条件下群体的组成及群体成员之间的社会交往和活动,以反映该动物的社会行为关系,为饲养管理以及种群调整优化作进一步的探讨。

短尾猴(图)短尾猴  短尾猴别名红面猴,属于猴科。体型比猕猴大,体长50~56厘米。成体颜面鲜红色,老年紫红色,幼体肉红色。耳较小,尾短光秃无毛。体背毛色棕褐,披毛较长,腹面略浅;头顶毛较长,由中央向两侧披开。   短尾猴栖息于亚热带常绿阔叶林中,生活在树上,也常集群在地面活动。食性较杂,既取食野果、树叶、竹笋,也捕食蟹、蛙等小动物。短尾猴的数量稀少。目前人工饲养比较困难。产于西南及广东、广西。