林地面积,forestland area
1)forestland area林地面积
1.Comparison of different survey and calculating methods of forestland area;林地面积量算方法的比较研究
2.Forestland area involving a lawsuit is the basis of qualitative and punishment for the case of forest fires.涉案林地面积是森林火灾案件定性处罚的依据,是盗伐滥伐林木案件中推算林木材积的重要因子。
3.To study the effects of environmental factors,which were vegetation structure,forestland area,human interference,and so on,on avian community structures,the community similarity,sedentary strain,and species diversity were analyzed.对三处样地鸟类居留型、群落相似性、物种多样性等进行了分析,探讨了植被结构、林地面积、人为干扰等栖息地因素对鸟类群落结构的影响。

1.An Empirical Analysis on the Economic Growth and Change of Woodland Area经济增长与林地面积变化的实证分析
2.The Application of Hand-GPS in Forest Cases Area Measurement手持GPS在测量涉案林地面积中的应用
3.A Study of the Method of Determining the Area of Forest Land Requisition for the Building of the Transmission Line输电线路征占林地面积确定的方法探讨
4.At present, the city's green areas total 660,000 hectares, which is 30 times that in 1949 when the city was made capital of new China.目前,北京林地面积达到66万多公顷,是1949年北京建都时的30多倍。
5.Precision Analysis for Hand GPS and Compass Used in Law-case Related Forestland Area Measurement手持GPS和罗盘仪在涉案林地面积测量中的精度分析
6.100,000 hectare's forest will be increased in the mountainous area to realize 70% forest coverage in the mountainous area.山区完成宜林山地造林面积10万公顷,山区林木覆盖率达到70%。
7.Our class is studying the carrying capacity of small forests.我们班正在研究小面积林地的生物承载量。
8.Two-thirds of the area are covered with immense forests.该地区面积的三分之二为广阔的森林所覆盖。
9.Application of Aerophotograph in Design of Forestation Base and Its Area Estimation航空相片在造林基地设计和面积验收中的应用
10.Research on Application of TM Image to Auto Extraction of Forest Area in Western Sichuan Province;TM图像用于川西地区森林面积自动提取的研究
11.Research on Reading Model according to the RS Round Area in Forest Management Inventory in Boai Countury林业调查中地类面积判读模型的初步研究
12.wide-ranging light-brown frog of moist North American woodlands esp. spruce.大面积分布的北美洲潮湿森林地带特别是云杉林中的浅褐色蛙。
13.the total area of the cultivated land is keeping expanding, with damages to the forest lands and grasslands;耕地总面积持续扩大,主要来自于对林地和草地的破坏;
14.The three-north shelterbelt program has brought 1.58 million hectares of desertified land under control.三北防护林工程完成沙化土地治理面积158万公顷。
15.Iron brought the tillage of large areas, the clearing of wide tracts of virgin forest;铁使更大面积的农田耕作,开垦广阔的森林地区,成为可能;
16.Beneficiary: we are signing agreement on forestation sites, area, species, labor payment standard, etc.[农民:我们在签订协议,造林的地点、面积、树种、劳务标准等]?
17.The Simulation of Snow Processes on Forest and Grass Sites by BAST-SAST Model;BATS-SAST模式对森林和草地两种下垫面积雪过程的数值模拟
18.Retrieval of Conifer LAI in Changbai Based on the Multiple-angle Model基于多角度混合模型的长白山地区针叶林区叶面积指数反演

forest area林地面积
1.Acquisite forest area and classification accuracy were obtained through SPOT5 image and a new method was found to monitor the returning farmland to forests.应用ERDAS遥感软件对SPOT5进行图像预处理、图像解释、图像监督分类,通过SPOT5图像获取林地面积,得出分类精度,找到一种监测退耕还林的新方法。
3)Forest Land Area有林地面积
1.Dynamic Chang and Measure of the Henan Forest Land Area;河南省有林地面积动态变化及增加措施
4)forest area ratio林地面积比
1.We use the land use and land cover information and DEM Data to extract basin forest area ratio and slope,analyze the trends of variables in the SM,use forest area ratio and the slope to do regression analysis,and establish two linear regression equations and a dual linear regression equation respectively.针对新安江模型中自由水蓄水容量参数SM反映土壤重力水蓄水能力并对地面径流和地下径流的比重起决定性的作用,利用土地覆盖资料及DEM数据获取流域林地面积比与坡度信息在SM、林地面积比、坡度三变量间作回归分析,分别建立一元、二元线性回归方程,将计算获得的各栅格SM应用于栅格化新安江模型中获得了较好的模拟效果,为无资料地区参数的确定提供了可行的方法,具有一定的新意。
5)forest area surveying林地面积量测
6)areas of forests burned过火林地面积

灌木林地灌木林地 灌木林地 杨风英摄