藏狐,Tibetan fox
1)Tibetan fox藏狐
1.Comparison on the biological characteristics of different functional partitions of the home range of Tibetan fox藏狐家域功能分区及其生物学特性比较
2.Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata), a typical plateau species, is a small sized canid of the Vulpes genus, which only distributes on the Tibetan plateau in* China, Nepal and northern India, between 3000 and 5300m of altitude.藏狐(Vulpes ferrilata)为一种仅分布在青藏高原及其周边国家的高原狐属物种,对于保持高原生态系统的稳定十分重要。
3.Tibetan fox ( Vulpes ferrilata) is wildly distributed in the Tibetan plateau of India, China and Nepal.中国境内分布有三种狐属动物,藏狐(Vulpes ferrilata)、赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)和沙狐(Vulpes corsac)。

1.Activity Rhythm, Home Range and Habitat Selection of the Tibetan Fox藏狐的活动规律、家域特征及生境选择的研究
2.Comparison on the biological characteristics of different functional partitions of the home range of Tibetan fox藏狐家域功能分区及其生物学特性比较
3.Diurnal Rhythm of Tibetan Fox Pups in Gouli Township,Dulan County,Qinghai青海省都兰县沟里乡幼龄藏狐昼间行为节律
4.Implementation of Topography Factors in Habitat Assessment and Spatial Carrying Capacity Estimation for Tibetan Fox基于地形因子的藏狐生境评价及其空间容纳量的估算
5.A comparison of two home range core estimators for Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata)两种核域估算方法在野生藏狐家域研究中的比较
6.Gas Hydrate Reservoir Characteristics of Shenhu Area,North Slope of the South China Sea南海北部神狐海域天然气水合物成藏特征
7.Then the Fox will leap at the Boar and tear off its right ear and its tail and slink off to hide in the mountain caves.然后狐狸会越过野猪,把它的右耳和尾巴抓破,潜逃,隐藏在山洞。
8.Of, resembling, or characteristic of a fox.狐狸的狐狸的,象狐狸的,有狐狸特征的
9.Any of various lemurs, especially the species Lemur macaco.狐猴任一种狐猴,特别是马卡罗狐猴
10.Inspiration of lnvestigate Raise Fox in Finland考察芬兰养狐业的启迪——养狐专家谈芬兰养狐业
11.a rabid dog, fox, etc发疯的狗、 狐狸等.
12.Hello, black bird, @ the fox says,“你好,乌鸦 ,” 狐狸说
13.In deed it is hard to take hare with fox.使狐捕兔,难上难。
14.Can I import the bookmarks from Firefox to lolifox?我可以把书签从火狐搬到萝莉狐吗?
15.A siren. So you are.一个狐狸精。你真是个狐狸精。
16.The Evolution Type on Foxes' Images in Taipingguangji从《太平广记·狐》看狐意象的演变类型
17."In a more restricted sense, the name refers to about 10 species of true foxes (genus Vulpes), especially Both the Old and New World red foxes. "严格说来,这个名称乃指狐属约10种真正狐,特别是新、旧大陆的红狐。
18.The dogs picked up the fox's smell.狗捕捉到狐狸的气息。

Tibetan fox pups幼龄藏狐
1.The diurnal rhythm of 3 Tibetan fox pups was recorded by focus and instantaneous scan sampling methods between March 6 and April 25,2007,and time budget of these pups were calculated.2007年3月6日~4月25日,采用焦点取样和瞬时扫描取样相结合的方法对3只幼龄藏狐(Vulpesferrilata)的昼间行为进行观察记录,并分析其节律及组成。
3)Evils cannot be covered up.狐狸尾巴藏不
4)A fox cannot hide its tail.; Evils cannot be covered up.狐狸尾巴藏不住。
1.Research progress on the disease of Gardneralla vaginalis of fox;狐阴道加德纳氏菌病研究进展
2.Research Progress on Fox Distemper,Parvovirus Enteritis and Encephalitis Immunity;狐犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎免疫研究进展
6)The Fox《狐》
1.Tragic Position after the Awakening from Sexual Consciousness——On the Irony of March in The Fox;性意识觉醒后的悲剧困境——论《狐》中玛奇形象的反讽意蕴

宝庄严藏华藏世界【宝庄严藏华藏世界】  此第十七重世界,依光明藏摩尼藏海住,其形八隅。十七佛刹微尘数世界围绕,佛号无碍智光明遍照十方。