原生动物群落,protozoan community
1)protozoan community原生动物群落
1.Studies on the toxicity of beta-cypermethrin to protozoan community.;高效氯氰菊酯对原生动物群落的毒性研究
2.The biological parameters, that is, the structural and functional parameters of PFU protozoan community, resulted.试验所得生物学参数,即PFU原生动物群落结构和功能参数表明:如今Ⅰ号氧化塘整体状况与1982年相比变化较大,Ⅱ号氧化塘相比1982年也有所变化,但不是很大。
3.2000, an ecological study on PFU protozoan community in the Huayu Pond in Huazhong University of Science and Technology was carried out.1999年 12月至 2 0 0 0年 11月 ,对华中科技大学华瑜池的原生动物群落进行了研究 ,共检出原生动物 12 5种 ,其中植鞭毛虫 19种 ,动鞭毛虫 2 8种 ,纤毛虫 6 4种 ,肉足虫 14种 。

1.Primary Study on the Ecology of Protozoan Communities from Karst Streams岩溶溪流原生动物群落生态初步研究
2.Study on the Characteristics of Protozoan Community and the Operating Efficiency of the Shaying Stabilization Pond;沙营稳定塘原生动物群落特征与运行效能研究
3.Preliminary Studies on the Relationship Between Protozoan Community Structure and the Water Quality in Jinyang Lake晋阳湖水质与原生动物群落关系的初步研究
4.Study on protozoan community structures during activated sludge bulking污泥膨胀状态下原生动物群落结构分析
5.Protozoan community character in relation to trophic level in the Beijing section of the Juma River拒马河北京段原生动物群落特征及其对河流营养状况的指示
6.Joint Acute Toxicity of Fipronil and Bata-Cypermethrin to Protozoa Community锐劲特和高效氯氰菊酯对原生动物群落的联合毒性
7.Study on biodiversity of protozoa community in the lagoons of Shaying in autumn and in winter沙营氧化塘秋冬季原生动物群落多样性变化的研究
8.The Characteristics of Protozoan Community and the Application Study on Water Quality Assessment in Hongfeng Lake;红枫湖原生动物群落特征及其在水质评价中的应用研究
9.Impact of Alternative Technologies to the Use of Methyl Bromide on Soil Protozoa Community in Greenhouses;甲基溴土壤消毒替代技术对温室土壤原生动物群落的影响
10.Protozoa communities in moss crust in gold mine area of southwest Guizhou and their relations with environmental factors金矿区苔藓结皮表土原生动物群落与环境因子的关系
11.The Characteristics of Protozoan Community Structure in the Urban Rivers of Shanghai in Winter冬季上海市城区河道中原生动物群落的结构特征
12.Ecological Research of Protozoan Community in Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River长江上游原生动物的群落生态学研究
13.Protozoan Community Diversity in Membrane Bioreactor膜生物反应器系统中原生动物的群落特征
14.Ecohydrological Functions of Litter in Main Plant Communities in the Songnen Grassland;松嫩草原主要植物群落枯落物层水文生态功能
15.Characteristics of Microbial Community Dynamics Influenced by Ecological Factors in Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor;生态因子对硫酸盐还原系统中微生物群落动态影响的表征
16.Analysis of Microbe Community Development in Sulfate-Reducing Reactor under Various Process Conditions;不同工艺条件下硫酸盐还原反应器微生物群落动态分析
17.Characteristics of soil fauna community in forest floor at different climate zone,China我国重要森林群落凋落物层土壤动物群落生态特征
18.desert fauna生长在荒原上的动物群

protozoa community原生动物群落
1.The acute toxicity of fenvalerate to protozoa community collected by PFU from natural freshwater system was studied.以PFU采集的原生动物群落为受试对象,研究了氰戊菊酯 48h的急性毒性,得出半数致死浓度LC50为 15。
2.Results showed that the 48h LC 50 of fipronil to the protozoa community was 35 83mg·l -1 .以PFU法采集的淡水原生动物群落为试验对象 ,对锐劲特的急性毒性进行研究 。
3)PFU protozoan communityPFU原生动物群落
1.Ecological basis and application of PFU protozoan community in bio-monitoring with relation to water quality;PFU原生动物群落生物监测的生态学原理与应用
2.The research work included the structural and functional parameters of PFU protozoan community,the relationship between environmental factors and characteristic parameters of protozoan community,and water quality assessment of this lake.通过对红枫湖PFU原生动物群落的结构参数、功能参数进行初步的调查 ,并据此对红枫湖春季水体水质进行初步生态评价。
3.This thesis mainly contains research work as following:sstudy of the structural and functional parameters of PFU protozoan community collected from Hongfeng Lake, the relationship between environmental factors and characteristic parameters of protozoan community, water quality assessment of this lake and toxicity test of taxonomic loss method in the lake.本文主要利用春、夏、秋、冬四个季节的红枫湖PFU原生动物群落的结构参数、功能参数,以及种类损伤法进行室内毒性实验,对红枫湖水体水质进行生态评价。
4)Protozoan community structure原生动物群落结构
5)periphyic protozoan community structure周丛原生动物群落结构
6)soil protozoan community土壤原生动物群落
1.During the chemical prevention and cure of Mikania micrantha, the number of protozoan taxa and the population dynamics of soil protozoan community were investigated, before and after the soil was exposed to various concentrations of the herbicide sulfometuron for two months.结果表明 :除莠剂森草净对土壤原生动物群落有较大的影响 ,在两个月后依然有可能破坏土壤生态环境进而影响土壤肥力及动植物的生长 。

原生动物分子式:CAS号:性质:单细胞、无细胞壁、能运动、通常为无色和摄食型的真核微生物的通称。它们以其细胞大(数微米至数毫米)和有真核而与细菌相区别;以其有叶绿素和无细胞壁而与藻类相区别;以其能运动和无细胞壁而与真菌(包括酵母菌)相区别。广泛分布于自然界。多数自由生活在淡水、海水、土壤、污水和动物肠道(尤其是反刍动物的瘤胃和白蚁肠道)等处。少数为寄生种,引起人类、脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的病害,如人类的疟疾、阿米巴痢疾和阴道滴虫病等。根据运动和生殖方式的不同,原生动物一般分四纲。(1)鞭毛虫纲:借鞭毛运动,无性生殖为纵裂,有性生殖有同配与异配两方式,如绿眼虫(Euglenaviridis)。(2)肉足虫纲:无一定体形,靠伪足运动,如大变形虫(Amoebaproteus)。(3)孢子虫纲:无运动胞器,均为寄生,有复杂的生活史,以产生孢子进行繁殖。如疟原虫(Plasmodium spp)。(4)纤毛虫纲:体表有大量具运动和取食能力的纤毛;细胞核有大、小之分,大核一个,小核数量不等;无性生殖为横裂,有性生殖为接合。如大草履虫(Parameciumcaudatum)。已知原生动物约3万种,与人类关系密切。它们是浮游生物的重要组分,可作鱼类等经济动物的直接或间接饵料;是水质、海流、污水处理或探矿(石油)的重要指示生物;部分种类是人或许多经济动物的病原体。