熊猴,macaca assamensis
1)macaca assamensis熊猴
1.Ranking structure among Macaca assamensis and effect on raising infant in breeding cages;笼养熊猴等级结构及其对育婴影响的研究
2.Object To serially observe the pathologic changes in livers of tree shrews and macaca assamensises infectedwith HHBV.目的对树鼩、熊猴感染人乙肝病毒(HHBV)后肝细胞病变进行动态观察。
3.The daily time budgets of three primate species, golden monkey Rhinopithecus roxellanae , Assamese macaques Macaca assamensis and rhesus macaques Macaca mulatta in captive were studied via focal animal sampling and continuous recording.结果表明,川金丝猴Rhi-nopithecus roxellanae和熊猴Macaca assamensis用于休息的时间多于猕猴Macaca mulatta,移动时间则相反;川金丝猴和猕猴用于理毛的时间多于熊猴

2.Comparison of activity budgets of sympatric Franois’ langurs and Assamese macaques同域分布黑叶猴和熊猴的活动时间分配比较
3.Reprodutive Behaviors of Assam Macaque (Macaca Assamensis) in Captivity;笼养熊猴(Macaca assamensis)繁殖行为学研究
4.Diet, Activity Patterns and Time Budgets of Assam Macaque (Macaca Assamensis) in Longgang Nature Reserve, China;弄岗熊猴(Macaca assamensis)的食性、活动节律和活动时间分配
5.Study of Gastrointestinal Parasites from Giant Panda (Ailuropoda Melanoleuca) and Rhesus Macaque (Macaca Mulatta Lasiotis)大熊猫和川西猕猴胃肠道寄生虫研究
6.There are still dogs, lions, tigers, monkeys, elephants, zebras, bears, .... I like the handkerchiefs very much, let alone my son.还有小狗、小狮子、小老虎、小猴子、小象,斑马,熊……。
7.Distinguish of Monkey Bile Chook Bile with Fel Ursi by HPEC熊胆与猴胆、鸡胆汁的高效毛细管电泳法鉴别
8.RP-HPLC determination of Ursolic Acid in the Stems and Toots of Acitinidia deliciosa C.F.liang etA.R.FergusonRP-HPLC法测定美味猕猴桃茎与根中熊果酸的含量
9.I like all kinds of animals: leopard, lion, pandas, elephant, monkey and camel.我喜欢各种各样的动物。豹,狮子,熊猫,大象,猴子和骆驼。
10.Determination of Ursolic Acid in Roots of Acitinidia deliciosa in Guangxi Province by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定广西产美味猕猴桃根中熊果酸的含量
11.Optimization of microwave extraction technic of Ursolic acid from root of kiwi using response surface analysis野生猕猴桃根熊果酸微波萃取工艺的响应面优化
12.What it was, whether bear or man or monkey, I could in no wise tell. It seemed dark and shaggy; more I knew not.我根本说不上那是只熊,是个人,还是只猴子,反正看上去黑糊糊、毛茸茸的。
13.And the first thing she looks upon when she opens her eyes she will fall in love with, even though it be a lion or a bear, a meddling monkey, or a busy ape她一睁开眼睛不管看见的是狮子、熊、好捣乱的猴子,还是忙手忙脚的无尾猿,她都会爱上的。
14.Bears, bears, everywhere!熊,熊,到处都有熊!
15.New World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey; saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly monkey; marmoset; tamarin.新域猴;僧帽猴;夜猴;吼猴;粗尾猿;蜘蛛猴;松鼠猴;狨;羊毛猴;狨;绢毛猴。
16.Old World monkeys: guenon; baboon; colobus monkey; langur; macaque; mandrill; mangabey; patas; proboscis monkey.旧域猴;长尾猴;狒狒;疣猴;叶猴;短尾猴;山魈;白眉猴;长鼻猴。
17.raccoons; coatis; cacomistles; kinkajous; and sometimes pandas.浣熊;长鼻浣熊;环尾猫熊;蜜熊;某些领域包括熊猫。
18.The fruit of this plant.猕猴桃猕猴桃树的果实

Assamese macaque's lung熊猴肺脏
3)Assam macaque (Macaca assamensis)熊猴(Macaca assamensis)
1.Comparison of taking bear gall with cannulation or not;熊有管与无管取胆的对比分析
2.Effects of compound green additive on the quality and output of bear bile;复合绿色饲料添加剂对熊胆汁质量及产量的影响
5)The Bear《熊》
1.Antinomy in Sorrow——On the Metaphor of Boon s Killing the Bear in William Faulkner s The Bear;悲壮之中的悖论——论福克纳小说《熊》中“布恩屠熊”之隐喻
2.“The Bear”:Calling for Natural Consciousness and Social Morality——On McCaslin in William Faulkner s The Bear;“熊”:呼唤自然意识和社会道德——威廉·福克纳《熊》的主人公解读
3.Faulkner s Reflection on White American Civilization Through The Bear;从《熊》看福克纳对美国白人文明的反思
6)The Bear熊
1.The Paradigm of The Bear and Faulkner s Literary Anxiety;《熊》的创作范式及福克纳对人类的焦虑
2.This thesis takes three representative woks——Coleridge’s The Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner, Melville’s Moby Dick and Faulkner’s The Bear as examples, focuses on eco-ethics .人与自然的关系历来就是文学作品中经久不衰的母题,本文以柯勒律治的《古舟子咏》、麦尔维尔的《白鲸》和福克纳的《熊》三部在文学史上具有代表性的作品为例,以生态伦理为切入点来考察三部作品中关于人与自然关系的衍变过程,通过对文本的分析来论述人与自然生态伦理关系的演进,从文学的侧面再现人类生态伦理思想衍变过程中的几种主要形态,有着一定的新意和可行性。
