姐妹种,Sibling species
1)Sibling species姐妹种
1.Comparative studies on life history characteristics of three sibling species in Brachionus calyciflorus species complex;萼花臂尾轮虫种复合体内三个姐妹种生活史特征的比较研究(英文)
2.Comparative studies on life history characteristics of three sibling species in Brachionus calyciflorus species complex萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)种复合体内三个姐妹种生活史特征比较
2)The Sisters《姐妹》
1.The Sisters as the Introduction to Dubliners;《姐妹》:《都柏林人》的导言
2.The Elegy of the Body--An Interpretation of Joyce s The Sisters;身体的悲歌——解读乔伊斯的《姐妹》
3.A Study of The Sisters as James Joyce's First Fiction论乔伊斯首篇小说《姐妹》

1.like or characteristic of or befitting a sister.像姐妹、有姐妹的特点或者适合于姐妹
2.a cousin - german堂[表]兄弟[姐妹]
3.the first cousin堂(表)兄弟/姐妹
4.She had two sisters to be benefited by her elevation她富贵起来,姐姐妹妹自然也该沾点光。
5.I think they're the twins'.我想是那对孪生姐妹的。
6.a son of your brother or sister.你兄弟或姐妹的儿子。
7.She run slower than her sister.她比她的姐妹跑得更慢。
8.sister chromatid exchange test姐妹染色单体交换试验
9.Cathy was like a sister to me.凯茜待我像亲姐妹一样。
10.Whose sister studys geophysics ?谁的姐妹学地球物理?
11.university twinning姐妹学校(制度、活动)
12.love one's cousin爱自己的堂(表)兄弟/姐妹
13.marry one's cousin和表兄弟/姐妹结婚
14.The two sisters look exactly alike.这两姐妹长得一模一样。
15.The two sisters are as like as two peas.这姐妹俩容貌极相像。
16.She was extinguished by her sisters.她的姐妹使她相形见绌。
17.She does well by her sisters.她对待姐妹们很好。
18.The two sisters are very like.这姐妹俩非常相像。

The Sisters《姐妹》
1.The Sisters as the Introduction to Dubliners;《姐妹》:《都柏林人》的导言
2.The Elegy of the Body--An Interpretation of Joyce s The Sisters;身体的悲歌——解读乔伊斯的《姐妹》
3.A Study of The Sisters as James Joyce's First Fiction论乔伊斯首篇小说《姐妹》
4)sister ships;sister cities.姐妹船;姐妹城
5)Sister group姐妹群
6)《Mismarriage between Sisters》《姐妹易嫁》

黑色姐妹帮黑色姐妹帮 new best friend (2002)导演:zoe clarke-williams主演:rhoda griffistaye diggsgary lane类型:惊悚 / 剧情 / 悬疑更多外文片名:depraved indifferencemary jane's last dance片长:91 min国家/地区:美国对白语言:英语发行公司:columbia tristar films de arge上映日期:2002年4月12日 美国影片更多详细资料...剧情:一名害羞用功的女大学生,突然因服药过量而情况危殆,暂代警长职位的亚帝决定深入调查这件事,他发现被害人在修社会学的时候认识了一名在学校很出风头的富家女,并藉此打入校园富家子弟的社交圈,她是否因此而惹上杀身之祸呢?