太原动物园,Taiyuan Zoo
1)Taiyuan Zoo太原动物园
1.The Application of Granulated Feed in Animal Feeding of Taiyuan Zoo;颗粒饲料在太原动物园动物饲养中的应用
2.Talking about the Ecological Environment Construction and Animal Protection in Taiyuan Zoo浅谈太原动物园的生态环境建设与动物保护
3.This paper introduces the developing situation of the enclosed ruminants spindle bacillus disease in Taiyuan Zoo,and based on the clinical materials and pathological check results of this disease,puts forward some therapeutic schemes and prevention measures of this disease.介绍了太原动物园园养反刍动物感染梭状芽胞杆菌的发病情况,依据该病的临床资料和病理学检查结果,给出了该病的治疗方案和预防措施。

1.Talking about the Ecological Environment Construction and Animal Protection in Taiyuan Zoo浅谈太原动物园的生态环境建设与动物保护
2.On exploration for garden space and tourist behavior activities in Xuefu garden of Taiyuan太原市学府公园园林空间与游人行为活动初探
3.The application of garden plants in residential districts in Taiyuan浅议园林植物在太原市居住区中的应用
4.On the application of garden lamp in urban garden and green land of Taiyuan浅析园灯在太原市园林绿地中的应用
5.Space Monster [Children's Adventure Playground]太空怪物〔儿童探奇乐园〕
6.On the Archetype Analysis of E·Albee s The Zoo Story;《动物园的故事》:E·奥尔比戏剧作品的原型剖析
7.Investigation on protozoa and Dirofilaria immitis infections for wild animals in Chengdu zoo成都动物园野生动物原虫和犬恶丝虫的感染情况调查
8.Toward the end of the 19th century Jews began to return to their traditional homeland as the Zionist movement was born.由于犹太复国运动的诞生,到十九世纪末,犹太人开始返回他们的原本的家园。
9.No, no one was badly hurt. I banged my head, but it's not too painful. Come on. Let's go to the zoo.没有,伤得都不重。我碰到了头,但现在不太痛了。快点,咱们去动物园吧。
10.The zoo keeper is feeding the animals.动物园饲养人在喂动物。
11.On Taijichuan;运用生物力学原理对太极拳运动进行再认识
12.We should always remember, however, that these animals require their native habitat to flourish in, not zoos or individuals' terrariums.然而,我们要时时记住,这些动物需要原居住地来繁衍,而不是动物园或个人的小型饲养园。
13.This zoo gave other zoos a good idea.这个动物园给了其它动物园启示。
14.Accelerating the Economic Development of Garden District to Enhance Economic Strength of Taiyuan;加快园区经济发展 提高太原经济实力
15.Dominion Arboretum and Botanic Garden, Central Experimental Farm渥太华中央试验农场自治领树木园和植物园
16.Probes into Vocational Education Meeting the Change of Surplus Rural Labor--Analysis of the Example of Taiyuan Gardening College of Shanxi Agricultural University;职业教育应对农村剩余劳动力转移的调查思考——山西农业大学太原园艺学院实证分析
17.Plant Layout of Zoo:A Case Study of Fuzhou Zoo浅谈动物园的植物配置——以福州市动物园为例
18.JANITOR: The zoo! Do you believe everything the zoo tells ya?动物园清洁工:动物园!动物园告诉你的所有的事你都信吗?

Longquan Park of Taiyuan City太原市龙潭公园
1.Based on introducing the general conception and plan layout of the reconstruction project of the Longquan Park of Taiyuan City, this paper expounds the constituents of the park’s scenic areas, the plan of the traffic system, and the planting planning and the architectural planning.在介绍太原市龙潭公园改建工程中的总体构思与规划布局基础上,详述了公园景区的构成、道路交通系统的规划、种植规划及建筑规划。
3)Taiyuan Forest Park太原市森林公园
1.Characteristics of Potable Natural Mineral Water from Artesian Well Tc-S_2 in Taiyuan Forest Park;太原市森林公园Tc-S_2自流井饮用天然矿泉水水质特征
1.Effect of foam rodenticide in the zoo;泡沫灭鼠剂在动物园灭鼠效果的观察
2.Planning and Design of Shanghai Zoo Gorilla Hall;上海动物园大猩猩馆规划设计
3.Feed selection and Evaluation of Herbovores in Guangzhou Zoological Garden;广州动物园草食类动物的饲养及其效果评价
5)garden animal园林动物
1.It is a unique impressionistic approach to Chinese garden animals that the specific image of garden animals was expressed as a particular symbol by implication forms.通过园林动物的具体形象以寓意的形式表达某一特定意义是中国园林动物独特而传统的写意手法。
6)Animal Farm《动物庄园》
1.An Analysis of the Totalitarian Ruling Methods in Animal Farm and 1984;《动物庄园》和《1984》中极权统治方式分析
