岛屿生境,island habitat
1)island habitat岛屿生境

1.Maintenance Mechanism and Ecological Restoration of Castanopsis Sclerophylla Populations on Islands in Qiandao Lake Region;千岛湖区岛屿生境苦槠种群的维持机制及生态恢复
2.it changed the ecology of the island.岛屿上的生态环境发生了很大的变化。
3.Effects of Plant Species Diversity to Habitat Insularization and Conservation in the One Thousand-island Lake Region;千岛湖库区生境岛屿化对植物物种多样性的影响及其保护研究
4.Committee on Island Ecosystems岛屿生态系统委员会
5.rational management of island ecosystems岛屿生态系统合理管理
6.The Research on Ecology of Small Mammals in Qiandao Lake Region千岛湖陆桥岛屿小型兽类生态学研究
7.Project on Environment and Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands沿海地区和小岛屿环境与发展项目
8.Of, relating to, or constituting an island.岛屿的,有关岛屿的,或构成岛屿的
9.suggestive of the isolated life of an island.使人想到岛屿上与世隔绝的生活。
10.The Yamei people live on an island named Lanyu.雅美人生活在名为兰屿的海岛上,
11.Out of this struggle, these islands were born.经过这么一场斗争,这些岛屿诞生了。
12.Paleo-Environmental Information Study of Loess on Islands in East China Sea and Xiashu Loess东海岛屿黄土与下蜀黄土古环境信息研究
13.relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island.有关岛屿、具有岛屿的特征或位于岛上。
14.Evaluation on Ecosystem Service Value of Coastal Zore for Three Island Towns in Northern Miaodao Archipelago庙岛群岛北部三岛屿乡镇海岸带生态系统服务价值评估
15.The service value of coastal ecosystem in 3 southern island towns of Miaodao Archipelago庙岛群岛南部三个岛屿乡镇海岸带生态系统服务价值
16.an island in the West Indies.西印度群岛的一个岛屿。
17.large penguin on islands bordering the Antarctic Circle.生活在接近南极圈的岛屿上的大型企鹅。
18.On the pacific islands, people enjoy a soft life.在太平洋岛屿居住的人们享受着悠闲的生活。

islands ecosystems岛屿生态环境
3)Island biogeography岛屿生物地理学
1.Origin and essence of island biogeography and metapopulation theory;岛屿生物地理学与集合种群理论的本质与渊源
2.The Island Biogeography has been the one of the most basic theories in the research field of natu-ral reserve, for it relates the numbers of specles within an area where they live in.岛屿生物地理学理论团将物种的生存数量与其生存面积为相关因素加以分析,而受到重视,成为自然保护区研究领域的重要基础理论之一。
3.The equilibrium theory of island biogeography has little contribution to conservation practice because empirical evidence does not support it and the design based this theory is not related to the central problem of species extinction population viability.岛屿生物地理学的“平衡理论”的设计原则未涉及到物种绝灭的中心问题———种群生存力,所以该理论对保护实践贡献较小。
4)the group of islands social ecosystem岛屿社会生态
5)The Island of Doctor Moreau莫洛医生的岛屿
1.Research on Islands Auto-Synthesizing Principle and Method;岛屿自动综合原则和方法研究
2.Maintenance and natural regeneration of Castanopsis sclerophylla populations on islands of Qiandao Lake Region;千岛湖岛屿苦槠(Castanopsis sclerophylla)种群的维持和天然更新
3.The resources of medicinal plants on the islands around Hainan Island and the exploitation;海南岛周边海域岛屿药用植物资源与开发利用
