1.Habermas Arguments of Human Nature concerning the Applying of Genetic Technology;哈贝马斯关于基因技术应用的人性论论证
2.Habermas Theory of the Public Sphere and Network Transmission;哈贝马斯的公共领域理论与网络传播
3.Public Sphere of the Network Media:From the Perspective of Habermas "Public Sphere";网络媒介的公共领域——由哈贝马斯的“公共领域”谈起

1.Habermas Recasts on the Epistemological Thought of Marx;哈贝马斯对马克思认识论思想的重构
2.The bearing of Habermas theory of communicative action on translation studies;哈贝马斯交往行为理论与翻译研究——兼谈哈贝马斯与伽达默尔之争
3.From 1968 to 1951:How Habermas Transformed Marx into Parsons;1968的哈贝马斯如何把马克思转变为1951的帕森斯
4.Discourse Democracy: The Key Word of Habermas's Political Philosophy话语民主:哈贝马斯政治哲学的关键词
5.Study of the Rationalization Theory of Weber and Habermas对韦伯和哈贝马斯合理化理论的研究
6.On Habermas' Reconstruction of Historical Materialism;评哈贝马斯的“重建历史唯物主义”
7.Comment on "Historical Objectivism without Reflection" Insisted on by Habermas;评哈贝马斯“不加反思的历史客观主义”
8.An Interpretation of Habermas s Thoughtway of Mass Culture from the Perspective of "Life-world";从“生活世界”看哈贝马斯大众文化思想
9.On the Rational Bases of Habermas Social Critical Theory;论哈贝马斯社会批判理论的理性基础
10.On the Reconstruction of the Historical Materialism of Habermas;评哈贝马斯的历史唯物主义重建理论
11.Justice and Solidarity--On Habermas’s Discourse Ethics;正义与团结——论哈贝马斯的话语伦理学
12.The Standpoint and Application of Habermas Discourse Ethics;哈贝马斯商谈伦理理论的立场和应用
13.Two dimensions of the validity of law in Habermas theory;哈贝马斯法律有效性两个向度之剖析
14.Habermas s "Pragmatic Turn": Formal Pragmatics;哈贝马斯的“语用学转向”:规范语用学
15.Reflection on European Constitution-making: A View of Habermaslism;反思欧盟制宪实践——哈贝马斯式的视角
16.On Habermas and Freire s Epistemology;略评弗雷尔与哈贝马斯的认识论基础
17.Public Sphere and its Political Functions in Habermas View;哈贝马斯论公共领域政治功能的实现
18.On Consultation Democracy;论协商民主——从哈贝马斯的“商谈论”说起

Jürgen Habermas (1929~  )哈贝马斯,J.
1.Jürgen Harbermas is a famous philosopher, socialist in contemporaryGerman, who is commend as “the strongest philosopher with high thought might inFederal German ”.尤尔根?哈贝马斯是当代德国著名的哲学家、社会学家,被誉为“联邦德国思想威力最强大的哲学家”。
4)Jurgen Habermas尤尔根 哈贝马斯
5)Habermas theory of communication哈贝马斯交往理论
1.Habermas theory of communication stresses mutual understanding reached through effective and true interaction.处理好马克思主义交往理论与哈贝马斯交往理论的辩证关系,可以丰富马克思主义理论教学。
6)Habermas's communicative ethics哈贝马斯交往伦理学
