1.Comments on Headteachers (instructors ) "tolerance" in their work in Colleges and Universities;小议高校班主任(辅导员)工作中的“宽容
2.On the academic expectations of tolerance;浅谈学术探讨的宽容期望

1."Forgave me for a lot of things.“他处处宽容我。”
2.be shy, tolerant, etc to a rare degree极为⑤腆、 宽容
3.lateral reversal =lateral image latitude宽容度﹝指菲林对感光的宽容程度﹞
4.Tolerant or Intolerant: Two Faces Shown by God--Study of Problems of Tolerance in the UK in the Middle Ages;上帝示人的两张面孔:宽容与不宽容——中世纪英国宽容问题研究
5.A rather passionless plea for clemency.毫无感情的请求宽容
6.religious/racial tolerance宗教[种族]上的宽容
7.(of a person) merciless;unwilling to relent(指人)冷酷的,不愿宽容
8.I wanted to ask you if you couldn't stretch a point.我来请求你宽容一些。
9.He has been kind enough to overlook my fault.他很宽容,原谅了我的错。
10.They have little mercy on their enemy.他们对敌人毫不宽容
11.Go easy on them, please.请对他们宽容一些。
12.Pardon the bad is injure the good.宽容坏人,必伤好人。
13.Intolerance is the mark of a Bigot不宽容是顽固者的标志
14.Tolerance is another name for indifference.宽容是不关心的别名。
15.There was no tolerance for anyone who broke ranks.对溃逃者决不宽容
16.the government's tolerance of political dissent政府对不同政见的宽容
17.The noblest vengeance is to forgive.最高尚的复仇是宽容
18.You must be calm, reserved, tolerant.你应当沉静,含蓄,宽容

1.The 17th century witnessed the significant exercise of toleration in England,which went all the way along the revolution: as a positive moral attitude,toleration was shown by both revolutionaries and royalists;it advanced the diversification of beliefs and thoughts;and,as the greatest impetus to historical progress,it made the "Glorious Revolution"(1688-1689) finally come true.宽容在英国革命时期取得了长足的进步。
2.Despite admirable achievements,multiculturalism is confronted many difficulties and difficulty of toleration is one of the.虽然文化多元主义取得了相当大的成就,但是它也遭遇了困境,宽容困境即是其一:文化多元主义以宽容为前提,但是却不能保证真正的宽容
3.In his Political Liberalism,Rawls argues for a reasonable idea of toleration in response to the fact of reasonable pluralism in modern democratic society.在《政治自由主义》一书中,罗尔斯捍卫了一种合乎理性的宽容观,以回应现代民主社会中理性多元论的事实。
1.And then,the analysis and decision makers interact and the gradual tolerant.本文对双层多目标规划问题的数学模型给出一种新的解决方法,利用带满意度的ε-约束法和Kuhn-Tucker条件把双层多目标规划问题转化为单层单目标约束规划问题,当此约束集为紧集时,采用带权极大模理想点法求解此问题的弱有效解,通过分析人与决策人之间的交互,采用逐步宽容约束法检验此解的满意性。
2.The example of science theory which is lead and tribulation calls tolerant, but excessive lenient will causes the spread unchecked of preudoscience.超前科学理论备受磨难的事例呼唤宽容,但过于宽容又容易造成伪科学的泛滥,本文阐述对新理论宽容的度:宽容的前提及过于宽容的补救办法。
1.This text is from" the loyalty of WangMeng", "the tolerate of WangMeng", "the humor of WangMeng" as to itˊs three parts proceed the system expatiates, the aim is in full with confidence his total literature——life spirit.本文分别从“王蒙式的忠诚”、“王蒙式的宽容”和“王蒙式的幽默”三个部分对其进行系统阐述,旨在把握他的总体的文学——人生精神。
6)non tolerance零度宽容

宽容宽容tolerance  宽容(tolerance)一种以容忍和退让来处理或应付他人某种无理行为的态度。在一定原则和某种限度内,一般不采用针锋相对的反击态度。宽容常常出十把遭受挫折的人视为需要帮助的人,’懂得在适当时机和一定范围内,让他们充分发泄和表达不满的必要。挫折感的释放不但可以使人排解内心的苦闷、恢复心理平衡、提高人的理性水平,还可以恢复彼此信任,搞好人际关系,取得新的合作共事局面。当然,宽容要有原则和限度,不能是非不分。 (张燕逸撰张觉审)