1.Unscramble the Voice in Fashion of the West Breeze East Gradually Discussion about Theme of Garment Review in the Republic of China Era in Shanghai;西风东渐潮流之下的声音——兼论上海民国时期服装评论的题材
2.Themes in Dali Woodcarving;浅议大理木雕表现的题材
3.Viewing the Relation between Qu Yuan and the Scholars Culture in Warring States Period Through the Theme Election;从题材选用看屈原与战国士文化之关系

1.This is good material for a play.这是写剧本的好题材
2.pornographic films, magazines, subjects色情电影、 刊物、 题材.
3.It's a great subject.这是一个重大的题材
4.The most common designs on Xiang embroidery are lions and tigers.湘绣长于绣狮、虎题材
5.Edith Wharton uses the international theme.伊迪丝·华顿写国际题材
6.The Anti-Japanese War Movies from 1932 to 2005;一种题材 别样风采——中国“抗战题材”电影述评(1932-2005)
7.The painting examination contained six subjects, including drawing pictures based on ancient poems.考试按题材分六科,摘古人诗句为题,
8.On the Evolution of the Novels Themes on Anti-rightist and the Great Cultural Revolution;论“反右”、“文革”题材小说的主题嬗变
9.Research of Official Positions in Hanyuefu "Kuafu" Poems;论“夸富”类题材汉乐府的官职问题
10.Research on Original Subject of Moshangsang;采桑母题与《陌上桑》的题材与人物
11.A Brief Discussion on the principle of Object Selection for the Course of Mathematics Experiment浅谈《数学实验》课程中实验题材的取材原则
12.Strict Material selection Deep Exploitation and Excavation--On the features of Sha Ting's short stories writing themes选材严 开掘深——论沙汀短篇小说创作题材的特色
13.Symphonic music in this period featured an increased content of realistic themes and themes from revolutionary history;这个时期的交响乐创作,现实题材、革命历史题材有所增加,
14.A theme, an argument, or a subject indicated in a title.论点,主旨,主题标题当中显示出来的主题、论点或题材
15.A Study of Mark Twain's Novels about Young Adults;马克·吐温青少年题材小说的多主题透视
16.The Main Theme of Chinese TV Plays in the New Period;新时期中国现实题材电视剧的基本主题
17.On Problems in Subject Choice of People s Livelihood News by Local TV Station and some Countermeasures;地方台民生新闻题材选择存在的问题与对策
18.Third, we have to draw up teaching materials.第三,是教材问题。

subject matter题材
1.Although the subject matter of The West-Wing Romance is a direct influence from the Tang dynasty legend Story of Miss Yingying,it probably received influence from an earlier story called Hanshou s Secret Love Affair recorded in the famous classical work Newly-collected Worldly Stories.元杂剧《西厢记》的题材来源,虽直接本于唐传奇《莺莺传》,但其可能接受过更早的《世说新语。
2.In the competitive media market,the core competencies of the media lie in the powerful impact upon readers,which is partly derived from the unique styles of reporting on influential subject matters.在媒介竞争非常激烈的当代中国,媒介竞争的核心就是影响力的角逐,而这种媒介公共影响力的获取的一个重要来源就是它在处理重大题材时能够体现出别具匠心的特色,因此,重大题材的出现对于媒介既是一种挑战,同时也是一种机遇。
3.This kind of transition behaves in three aspects:narrating of the center of the subject matter,reflecting of the transmutation of the mode,women s consciousness of transformation ,Chi Li moves to maturity after making the transition and has.这种转型表现在三个方面:题材重心的转移、叙事模式的嬗变、女性意识的彰显。
1.On Features of Selection of Subject and Technique of Expression of Magat Peasantry Painting;论麦盖提农民画的题材选择与表现手法特征
2.There exist some problems in subject choice of People s Livelihood News by local TV station,such as,the subjects too narrow,and too trifling,more obvious inclinations of amusement and vulgarization,and obvious homogeneity.地方台民生新闻的题材选择存在如下问题:题材狭窄琐碎,娱乐化、庸俗化倾向日趋明显,同质化现象突出。
3.The creation of yongwu poetry(poems sung about things) in the Qi and Liang Dynasty displayed an extended scope of subject and a flowery and funny style and developed into a genre with similarities in form.齐梁时期,咏物诗创作不仅题材得到了极大的拓展,也表现出艳情化、娱乐化、类型化、体物为妙的特征。
1.The Ci-verse s topics mainly expressed supernatural being and Taoist temples.南宋词人张孝祥的于湖词受道教文化影响较深,就题材而言,有游仙词和宫观题材的词作;就文学风貌而言,其词大量化用道流用语,具有道教文学浪漫神奇、清幽典雅的特色。
2.economy, culture, art and appreciate beauty bythe style characteristics of the porcelain and ceramics art of each ages and expatiate that the porcelain andceramics art reveal the fresh and clear ages characteristics in the shape, decorate, topic, appreciate beauty.通过各时代的陶艺的风格特点,诠释当时的社会、经济、文化、艺术、审美,阐述陶艺在造型、装饰、题材、审美四方面透出鲜明的时代气息。
3.The topic of his work has much to do with emotions; The style of his language can generalized with humour ;The tragic result that his work depends on is light and free , but not relies on the details.他的作品的题材多与情感有关 ;他的语言风格可以用诙谐来概括 ;他的作品的悲剧效果是靠空灵来实现的 ,而不是依托于情节。
1.Common existence,such as common themes,the application of similar art forms provides a basis for communication between the Chinese and Western literature in different cultural contexts.相互的借鉴与吸收,在中西诸多文学主题与题材的流变中体现得最直接、最集中。
2.But imbalance-lack of works with mourning themes,existed during its relative perfection period,into which this thesis probes from aspects of both times and social culture.建安时期是伤逝文学的基本形成发展时期,这个阶段的伤逝作品无论从体裁、题材、思想上都已经趋近成熟,为后代伤逝文学奠定了基础。
1.Shanghai\'s style of painting has its own unique artistic characters,and set a great development in the traditional painting,mainly reflected in the popularized and secularized painting subjects as well as the tastes of the color.海派绘画有其独特的艺术个性,并对传统文人画有很大的发展,主要表现在绘画题材的大众化、世俗化以及设色上的雅俗共赏。
2.Understanding of non-Buddhist style changes according to traditional explanations of variance and dissertation of Buddhist style changes according to relationships between scripture and variance proved that style changes originated from China\'s native-born theory,not different genres but different subjects.通过从传统文学对"变"的解释看非佛教变文及从经文和"变"的关系看佛教变文的论述,证明变文这种体裁源于中国本土文学,形式多样是题材不同而非体裁之异。
3.In accordance with the content,this paper divided Qiao-zhizhi’s poetry into three subjects: the female poetry,the frontier poetry,and the lyrical natural poetry.本文把乔知之现存的诗歌分为女性题材、边塞题材和咏物题材三类分别探讨,指出其上承汉魏乐府古诗,典丽雅正,富含寄托的特点,认为在当时的文坛环境下,乔知之响应了陈子昂的诗歌主张并以自己的创作实践为初唐诗歌向盛唐诗歌过渡做出了贡献。
