1.RS-based Dynamic Analysis of Green Land Variety of Gulangyu;基于RS鼓浪屿绿地景观多样性动态分析
2.Succession Cross Section Characteristic Research on Gulangyu s Housing Construction;鼓浪屿居住建筑的时序断面的特征研究
3.Marketing the Brand of Gulangyu Poem Festival鼓浪屿诗歌节的品牌营销

1.The first chapter tells the process of formation of Gulangyu as a leased territory.第一章叙述了鼓浪屿租界地形成的过程。
2.Succession Cross Section Characteristic Research on Gulangyu s Housing Construction;鼓浪屿居住建筑的时序断面的特征研究
3.RS-based Dynamic Analysis of Green Land Variety of Gulangyu;基于RS鼓浪屿绿地景观多样性动态分析
4.Strategy and countermeasure on sustainable development of tourism industry in Gulangyu Island,Xiamen;厦门鼓浪屿旅游业可持续发展战略与对策
5.A Study on Kulangsu Residents' Place Attachment and Influential Factors鼓浪屿居民的地方依恋及影响因素研究
6.When the tides rise, the waves are heard pounding against the rock with a thunderous boom. Hence the name Gu'Lang'Shi or Rock of Thundering Waves and from this the small island has derived its name.每逢涨潮时,波涛拍击巨石,发出如雷鼓声,故名“鼓浪石”,小岛也由此叫做“鼓浪屿”。
7.This 4-year occupation by the Japanese turned out to be the darkest period of time in the history of foreign settlement.日本独占的4年,是鼓浪屿租界史上最黑暗的时期。
8.It is true to say that on Gulang Island one is greeted by gorgeous flowers and beautiful sights every step of the way. Can the island not be called a poem of nature beyond words or a landscape painting in three dimensions?鼓浪屿真是无处不飞花,有山皆佳景,到处是无声的诗,立体的画!
9.Construction of the Tourism Culture in the Field of the Aesthetic Art Perspective--Using Xiamen Gulangyu Scenic Spot as an example;审美艺术视野下旅游文化的构建——以厦门鼓浪屿为例
10.Featured Preservation in Designing Street Environment--Longtou Street of Gulangyu in Xiamen as an Example;街区环境设计中的特色保护——以厦门鼓浪屿龙头路为例
11.Discussion in protection and development of historical street area--Refromation of the Longtou road in Gulang island of Xiamen;历史街区的保护开发探讨——兼谈厦门鼓浪屿龙头路改造
12.Gu'Lang'Yu or Isle of Thundering Waves is situated-southwest of the coastal city of Xiamen (formerly known as Amoy in English), separated from the latter by a narrow 700-metre strait known as the Xiamen-Gulang Strait.鼓浪屿是一个小岛,位于中国东南海滨城市厦门的西南面,与厦门相隔700多米的厦鼓海峡。
13.Once on the island, one will certainly want to see Sunshine Rock which is actually a pile of enormous rocks and has the highest elevation on the island at about 90 metres.游鼓浪屿,必登日光岩。 日光岩是几块巨岩构成的全岛最高山峰,高约90米。
14.This time I visited not only Fuzhou, but also Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Xiamen and Gulangyu -- the southern frontiers of our country.这次我不但到了福州,还到了漳州、泉州、厦门、鼓浪屿……那是祖国的南疆了。
15.Similarly, she brought out the personalities of other songs, and with this skill she strenthened Gulangyu's already famous musical reputation.同样地,她还带来其他乐曲的个性。 她的演奏技艺使鼓浪屿这个原本就著名的音乐盛地更加添彩。
16.The Shifting Roles for Government in a Changed Tourism Market;旅游发展新形势下政府职能的转变与作用——从厦门鼓浪屿“一票制”改革谈起
17.Coming from history--"Protection of Inheritance"--Block morphological analysis and transformation of the future in Longtou road of Gulang island in Xiamen从历史中走来——“继承性保护”——厦门鼓浪屿龙头路街区形态分析和未来改造的探讨
18.Harmonious Urban Renewal with Diversity and Coexistence: A Case Study of Neicuo’ao Community Renovation Planning in Gulangyu寻求“多元”与“共生”的城市和谐更新——以“鼓浪屿内厝澳片区改造规划研究”为例

Gulangyu Island鼓浪屿
1.Reviving and Upgrading Gulangyu Island Brand;鼓浪屿品牌的再造与提升
2.Evaluation Study and Application of Carrying Capacity of Scenic Spot Tourism—With Con-ceptual Planning for the Development of Gulangyu Island as an Example;风景旅游承载力评价研究与应用——以鼓浪屿发展概念规划为例
3.This paper introduces the background of the preservation planning ranging from policies to practice in terms of the historic heritage and building style with Gulangyu Island in Xiamen municipality as the case.素有“海上花园”之美誉的鼓浪屿以其绚丽多姿的异国建筑情调吸引八方游客。
3)Gulang Island鼓浪屿
1.Landscape Environment Scale and Supernatural Feel——Conservation and Development of the Five-Dimension Landscape Environment of Gulang Island;景观环境尽度与神奇感受——鼓浪屿五维景观环境的保护与拓展
4)Gulangyu-Wanshi Mountains鼓浪屿-万石山
5)Sanitarium area on Gulang Island鼓浪屿疗养区
6)Neicuo'ao of Gulangyu鼓浪屿内厝澳
