1.Interaction Between Sacredness and Secularity of Hui Culture;试论回族文化的神圣性与世俗性的良性互动
2.Leisure culture is characteristic of both poetry and secularity.休闲文化具有诗性和世俗性双重品格。

1.secularization of schools学校的非宗教性, 学校的世俗性
2.The Earthliness of the Women Characters in Zhang Ai-ling s Fiction;论张爱玲小说女性形象的“世俗性
3.A Journey to the West and Taoism: A Worldly Narrative Perspective;《西游记》与道教:世俗性叙事观点
4.The folk song showed music characteristic and the common custom characteristic of Chan faction.从俗曲可以窥探到禅宗的世俗性特征与音乐性特征。
5.Interaction Between Sacredness and Secularity of Hui Culture试论回族文化的神圣性与世俗性的良性互动
6.Patriarchal-feudalism was culturally significant in that it compelled religions to get involved in the world, stress secular values and practice ethical cultivation.“宗法性”使宗教突出了入世性、世俗性和伦理性,有其文化的意义;
7.Transcendencity and Secularity:the Double Characteristics of the Outlook on Life of Judaism超越性与世俗性:犹太教人生观的双重特征
8.On the Rellgious Features and Secular Features for the Tibetan Opera;论传统藏戏表现形态的宗教性与世俗性
9.Humanity of Women Spirits and Women Ghosts: Secular Narratology in A Journey to the West;女妖女魔之人性——《西游记》的世俗性叙事观点
10.characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world.有世俗世界的特性或奉献给世俗世界的。
11.From Transcending to Worldliness--On the Kitsch Aspect in the Western Aesthetic Modernity;从超越走向世俗——论西方审美现代性的媚俗面相
12.In a worldly manner.世俗地以世俗的方式
13.Hence, service in build the customs of the absolute being purpose to turn real become the customs of the human nature meaning turn.于是,服务于造神目的的世俗化真正成为人性意义上的世俗化。
14.Confronting with the secular society, they were endowed with much secularity.但因置身世俗社会,她们的活动又被赋予了世俗特性。
15.Ancient Greece society is a common customs society in developed rationality.古代希腊社会是理性发达的世俗社会。
16.Talk about the Reason and the Rationality for the Mundane Change of Pop Music;论流行音乐世俗转向的原因及合理性
17.The Image of Ordinary Women in the Book-Liaozhailiquji;论《聊斋俚曲集》中的世俗女性形象
18.On the Common Features of the Writing by Women Writers of Shanghai School;世俗·欲望——论海派女作家的创作共性

1.Apart from the short form and the aesthetic expression of the soul,secularization is another important feature of essays in the late Ming Dynasty,which is chiefly manifest in the width of its description objects,the closeness to life of its subject matters and the commonness of its language.除了形式上的篇幅短小和审美上的独抒性灵,世俗性是晚明小品的另一个重要特色。
2.Modern culture shows its obvious tendency of secularization,entertainization and superficialization.大众文化的发展 ,加速了中国文化世俗性进程 ,当代文化表现出明显的世俗化、娱乐化和肤浅化倾向。
1.The ancient folk spirit belief in our country has popularity.我国古代民间神灵信仰具有世俗性,不存在以“理性化”、“祛除巫魅”为特征的世俗化过程。
2.If we know more about the spiritual indication and concept of value, such as traditionality, popularity and generosity in the culture of South Fujian revealed in the Philippine oversea.菲华作家作品中所透露出的闽南文化的传统性、世俗性、宽容性等精神指征和价值观念 ,对我们深入认识菲华文学与中华民族文化的血肉联系及其在世界华文文学中的特殊意义都将具有丰富的启迪作用。
6)secular reasons世俗理性
1.Therefore, people dominated by secular reasons usually have an extreme attitude that attaches too much importance to this life.作为正统思想存在的儒家文化长期左右着中国民众的思想意识,受着世俗理性支配的人们因此常常表现出极端重视现世生活的人生态度,即使信奉某一神灵也常是出于功利动机——为了求得神灵对现世生活的保佑或借助神灵摆脱实际生活中的困境,而很少追求灵魂上的皈依。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-