1.Study on the Prototype of Kylin and the Moving to South of Rhinoceros in Ancient Chinese History;麒麟原型与中国古代犀牛活动南移考
2.kylin is the symbol of luck and good fortune to all of us,but few people knows about the origin of its figure,the development of its model and implied culture connotation.“麒麟”是我们大家耳熟能详的吉祥、福瑞的象征,但是关于其形象的由来,造型的演变及其形象背后的文化内涵,知之者少之又少,本篇文章将对此做集中阐释。
3.The Kylin operating system is supported by HI-TECH Research and Development Program of China.麒麟(Kylin)操作系统是一个具有完全自主版权内核的中文国产服务器操作系统。

1.Zhangzhou Kylin Electronic Co., Ltd.漳州麒麟电子有限公司
2.A Kirin, a Sapporo or a Suntory?“麒麟”,“七宝”还是“三德利”?
3.The Model Characteristic and Decoration Implication of Dongjiang Kylin浅析东江麒麟舞中麒麟的造型特色与装饰意味
4.The Ancient Character (鹿文)(Lin) and the Prototype of Kylin:Also on the Reason for Kylin Sacramentalized as a Holy Beast古文字中“(鹿文)”字与麒麟原型考——兼论麒麟圣化为灵兽的原因
5.QilinSoft's Sales and R& D Center is located in Beijing.麒麟远创的销售与研发中心设于北京。
6.Dances of dragons, unicorns, and lions ensure good luck for the coming year.舞龙、麒麟和舞狮确保了来年的好运。
7.Aaron's beard【植】黄栌, 虎耳草(之类)【植】麒麟
8.Implementation and Analysis of ERP on Logistics System in Kirin Brewery;麒麟啤酒厂物流系统ERP实施与分析
9.The Design and Implementation of Journaling Filesystem on KYLIN;银河麒麟日志文件系统的设计与实现
10.Study on the Prototype of Kylin and the Moving to South of Rhinoceros in Ancient Chinese History;麒麟原型与中国古代犀牛活动南移考
11.Design and Implement of Monitor and Management System in KTDSSS麒麟天机监控管理系统的设计与实现
12.The Field Research and Investigation for the Guangdong Xiao Jin Kou Kylin Dance广东小金口麒麟舞的田野调查与研究
13.Kylin, a quadruped, is an auspicious symbol. Therefore, the words concerned with these three animals are commendatory,麒麟是一种四足动物,它是吉祥的象征。所以和龙、凤、麒麟有关的词语都是褒义词。
14.A faint anise smell is on the air, goldenrod scent.空气里闻得到幽幽的大茴香和秋麒麟草的香味。
15.A constellation near Canis Major and Canis Minor.麒麟星座大犬星座和小犬星座附近的一个星座
16.New Textual Research on Stone Carving at Qi Ling Pu's Tomb Passage of Southern Dynasties in Nanjing南京麒麟铺南朝陵墓神道石刻墓主新考
17.horned viper; great horned owl; the unicorn--a mythical horned beast; long-horned cattle.角蛇;大角枭;麒麟-神话中的有角兽;长角牛。
18.Middle-Late Carboniferous epoch carbonate microfacies of the Qilinshan section in Chaohu巢湖麒麟山剖面中、晚石炭世碳酸盐岩微相研究

1.Antibacterial activities of Eucheuma gelatinae, Eucheuma striatum and their hydrolysates;琼枝麒麟菜和异枝麒麟菜硫酸多糖及其水解产物的抑菌作用
2.The inquiring into new processing of extracting carrageenan from Eucheuma;麒麟菜卡拉胶提取新工艺的探讨
3.Effects of dietary fiber from Eucheuma sp. on the absorption of calcium,iron and zinc;麒麟菜膳食纤维对有益金属钙、锌、铁吸附作用的影响
3)Eucheuma gelatinae麒麟菜
1.Effect of Eucheuma gelatinae polysaccharide on apoptosis of human leukemia HL-60 cells;琼枝麒麟菜多糖对白血病细胞株HL-60凋亡的影响
2.Analysis on 8 Kinds of Inorganic Elements in Extraction of Eucheuma gelatinae;麒麟菜提取物中的8种无机元素分析
3.Sulfated polysaccharide was extracted from Eucheuma gelatinae with distilled water, precipitated with ethanol.采用直接水提法对琼枝麒麟菜中的多糖进行提取,乙醇沉淀得麒麟菜多糖,红外光谱表明其主要为卡拉胶。
4)Callispidia guttata麒麟吐珠
1.Effects of IAA Elc eteras on Cuttage Rooting of Callispidia guttata;IAA等对麒麟吐珠插枝生根的影响
5)Unicorn Mountain麒麟山
1.The common belief has been that the mythical animal is a unicorn,which denotes wealth and honor.在中国传统宫庙的诸多装饰图腾中,几乎所有官宦世家及宗祠、寺庙建筑秀面"裙堵"上,皆以所谓"八宝麒麟"装饰。

麒麟1.古代传说中的一种动物。形状像鹿,头上有角,全身有鳞甲,尾像牛尾。古人以为仁兽﹑瑞兽,拿它象征祥瑞。 2.比喻才能杰出的人。 3.见"麒麟阁"。 4.见"麒麟殿"。