1.In this paper,the studio type wedded modern design is put forward by the study on the studio type of BAUHAUS workshop.文章通过对包豪斯时代的"作坊"教学模式的研究,结合现代设计教育的理念,提出结合现代设计的工作室教学模式,创造一个能培养具有现代设计学科特色的设计艺术人才的教学实践环境。
2.This text mainly studies the influences of the teaching mode of "workshop" on the education of the Chinese modern pottery, and also explores the formation, development of the teaching mode of "workshop" generally at the age of Bohause, and presents some thoughts about the teaching contents, teaching approaches, open management of the contemporary pottery education in higher institutes.主要探索包豪斯时代"作坊"教学模式对中国现代陶艺教育的影响,同时对包豪斯时代"作坊"教学模式的形成、发展也作了概括性探讨,并从时下现代高等院校陶艺教育中的教学内容、教育方式、开放式管理等方面作了一些粗浅的思考。
3.Italian art workshops during the renaissance have multiple functions and roles of commercial stores for the artists to arrange artist works production and sale, studios for the artists to undertake artist creation and educational institutions for the artists to teach coming artists.文艺复兴时期,意大利的众多艺术作坊具有多重功能和角色,既是艺术家组织艺术品生产和销售的商业店铺,也是艺术家从事艺术创作的工作室和培养未来艺术家的教育机构。

1.The carpenter was hammering in his workshop.木匠正在作坊里锤打。
2.Derwent Valley Mills德文特河谷作坊工厂
3.A variety of specialized operations, such as sawmills and gristmills, began to appear.各种专业化作坊开始出现,如锯木铺和磨坊等。
4.There is also found a neighbourhood named Gan'Jiang'Fang or Ganjiang Smithy where reputedly the couple had cast swords.还有一座干将坊,人们说是当年干将铸剑的作坊
5.The second day of the workshop will focus on the following topics.工作坊的第二天将集中于下面的主题。
6.In 1957 the shop was turned into a factory.一九五七年,这个作坊改成了工厂。
7."On the southern side of the cloister were a central kitchen, Brewery, and workshops."南面是作坊、厨房和酿酒的地方。
8.Home has become much less of a workshop.家庭已远远不象一个作坊了。
9.In the Qing Dynasty, there were professional clay figurine workshops in Huishan.在清代,惠山有袁、朱、钱等姓的专业作坊
10.These are known as Diploma Mills and are illegal in the United States.这些被称为文凭作坊,在美国是违法的。
11.Such fakes have become a cottage industry in China.盗版产业在中国,正成为家庭作坊
12.There appeared a variety of specialized operations like sawmills and grist mills.出现了各种专业的作坊,如锯木
13.In 1972, he opened his own workshop.【1972年他开了自己的吉他制作坊。】
14.Research on Sex Education Workshops in Reform Schools from the View of Social Gender Discrimination;工读学生性教育工作坊的实践与研究
16.Primary Study on the Aerial Aspergillus of the Ancient Liquor Brewhouse in Luzhou City泸州古酿酒作坊空气曲霉菌初步研究
17.Social Work Demonstration: Workshop of Promoting Relationship between Parents and Childrens;亲子关系促进工作坊——家庭社会工作的示范
18.Other special features of the festival included a poster design competition and exhibition as well as workshops and tours to cultural venues.其他特别节目包括海报设计比赛、展览、工作坊,以及在文化场地举行的工作坊及巡回表演节目。

liquor-making workshop烧酒作坊
3)workshop processing作坊加工
4)software workshop软件作坊
1.While from software development historical point of view,we can find out,in different period,by adapting to different software requirements,the software development model is also changed,from the original software workshop mode moving to the canonized software factory model.然而从软件的发展历史来看,为了适应不同时期的软件需求和软件规模,软件的生产模式也从原始的软件作坊模式逐渐过渡到目前为软件行业所推崇的软件工厂模式。
1.This paper introduced the practical research on sex education workshops in reform school in the C City.通过对C市工读学校的学生进行相关需求的评估,我们尝试运用社会工作专业方法之一—小组工作方法,在C市工读学校开设性教育工作坊,经过一段时间的工作,有一些总结和反思。
6)needlecraft workshop女红作坊
