金文,inscriptions on bronze
1)inscriptions on bronze金文
1.Xian Yuan(猃狁 ) in Shijing and Inscriptions on Bronze;《诗经》和金文中的"猃狁
2.Inscriptions on Bronze of Zhou Dynasty and the Ancestor God Worship;周代金文与祖先神崇拜研究
3.Meanings and configurations of two characters from the inscriptions on bronze arc interpreted in the paper.本文从构形和辞例出发,对金文中的“ ”字和“ ”字进行了考释。

1.Quest for Meaning of Composite Clan Emblem;殷商金文中复合族氏金文的内涵初探
3.Design and Implement the IOB Operation Platform and IOB Data Base System;金文操作平台及金文资料库系统的设计与实现
4.Clementi Secondary School 1961 Graduates Scholarship金文泰中学1961年毕业生奖学金
5.Razin effect拉金效应(天文学)
6.English Working Group [Language Fund]英文工作小组〔语文基金〕
7.Chinese Working Group [Language Fund]中文工作小组〔语文基金〕
8.Trust Deed [Language Fund]信托契约〔语文基金〕
9.Language Fund Advisory Committee语文基金咨询委员会
10.Market Stalls Rental System街市文件位租金系统
11.World Fund for the Protection of Indigenous Cultures保护土著文化世界基金
12.Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation广岛和平文化基金会
13.Foundation for the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean地中海三种文化基金会
14.Preservation Techniques of Metallic Cultural Relics金属质地文物保护技术
15.Declaration of Trust [Language Fund]托管契约〔语文基金〕
16.Ba jin is a literary giant.巴金是一位文坛巨匠。
17.CLASSIFICATION OF ASIATIC PHYTODECTA(Col. Chrysomelinae)亚洲角?金花虫?僦?诸?(英文)
18.Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation of Canada加拿大近东文化和教育基金会(近东文教基金会)

bronze inscriptions金文
1.This paper discusses the case that Sun Yi-rang(孙诒让)utilizes bronze inscriptions when he makes intensive study on oracle bone inscriptions.本文讨论孙诒让甲骨文考释中,利用金文材料的情况:一共引述金文322条次,涉及到190个甲骨文形体的考释。
2.Bronze Inscriptions of Zhou Dynasties and Bamboo Slips Unearthed are the amazing cultural inheritance, which are used in the study of the audit history to testify the great achievement of ancient audit in our country.将金文、简牍运用于审计史研究中,进一步证明我国古代审计的惊人成就。
1.The Supplementary Usages of Prepesition Word Yu ("于") in Jinwen;金文介词“于”用法补议
2.JinWen Characters Storehouse and JinWen Input Method are designed to meet the need of the archaeologists and publishers.为了满足考古工作者和出版业界的需要,设计了金文字库及金文输入法。
3.Xingfu was increasing and becoming system in Jinwen stage.金文阶段形符增多,开始走向系统化,到了小篆阶段形符已形成严密的体系,形声字已成为汉字构形的主体。
4)inscriptions on the bronze金文
1.Introduction to the Characters of the War Verbs used in the inscriptions on the bronze wares in Zhou Dynasty;两周金文军事动词用字分析
2.This article picks up three groups of the monosyllabic synonyms of the inscriptions on the bronze "岁—年—祀" 、 "人—民" and "父—考",combines with the unearthed material and traditional ancient works, differentiates the emphasis of word meaning, the usage, the connotation and the extension of concept, and the period when they were popular so as to understand the similarity and difference of the synonyms.选择三组金文单音同义词"岁—年—祀"、"人—民"、"父—考",结合出土材料与传世典籍,从词义的侧重、用法、概念的内涵和外延、通行时间等方面进行辨析,以明了这些同义词的异同点。
5)Jin Wen金文
1.The Specific Use of the Negative Adverb "毋" in Jin Wen;两周金文中否定副词“毋”的特殊用法
2.The discriminative and authenticative analysis of usage of "于" in JIN WEN as a coordinate conjunction;金文“于”并列连词用法辩正
6)bronze inscription金文
1.The Western Zhou Dynasty bronze inscription is one of the earliest systematic written languages of Han nationality and very important to studying the ancient character,vocabulary and grammar since it keeps in the original state and records the true language phenomena at that time.西周金文是最早的成系統的漢民族書面語之一,保持著當時語言的原貌,是這一時期語言的真實地記錄,因此它是研究上古漢語裏文字、詞彙和語法等方面的重要語料。
