1.The Four Visits of 10th Panchen's to Labrang and the Historial Significance十世班禅四次拉卜楞之行及其历史意义
2.Labrang Monastery was founded in 1709 in Amdo,located in Sangchu(Xiahe) County, Gansu Province today.公元1709年,一世嘉木样大师于大夏河(桑曲bsang chu)谷创建拉卜楞寺,19世纪中叶后拉卜楞寺逐渐发展成为安多(amdo)地区的宗教与文化中心之一。

1.On Xiahe Raxisereng Kindergarten s Original Ecological Education;夏河拉卜楞幼儿园原生态教育特色浅论
2.The keeping and the Coming down of Chinese Music in the Buddhist Music of Raxisereng Temple;拉卜楞寺佛教音乐对汉族音乐的保存与流传
3.Life of Buddha Xiangdun jiacuo;拉卜楞寺著名高僧相顿·丹巴嘉措事迹述略
4.The Four Visits of 10th Panchen's to Labrang and the Historial Significance十世班禅四次拉卜楞之行及其历史意义
5.Impact on Labrang Tibetan Dialect by Its Contact with Other Languages拉卜楞藏语与其他民族语言接触产生的影响和变化
6.An Empirical Study of Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Tourism Impacts of Typical Late-Developing Ethnic Tourism Region--A Case Study of Labuleng Tourist Attraction典型后发型民族旅游区旅游开发效应感知与态度实证研究——以甘南拉卜楞景区为案例
7.GHERAB, Mohamed Habib穆罕默德·哈比卜·格拉卜
8.AL-KHATIB, Abdel Ilah阿卜杜勒·伊拉赫·哈蒂卜
9.AL-RAWDHAN, Nasser Abdullah纳赛尔·阿卜杜拉·拉乌赞
10.HARON, Imam Abdullah阿卜杜拉·哈伦教长
11.AL-JABER, Sultan Abdullah苏丹·阿卜杜拉·贾贝尔
12.HAMADNEH, Abdallah阿卜杜拉·哈马德奈赫
13.NGOM, Abdourahmane阿卜杜拉赫曼·恩贡
14.AL-GHARABLY, Marwan马尔万·萨利姆·加拉卜利
15.ABDULAH, Frank Owen弗兰克·欧文·阿卜杜拉
16.AMRANI, Abdelhakim el阿卜杜勒哈欣·安拉尼
17.Raymond Knapp theory莱蒙德-克拉卜理论
18.I know that pulling a rickshaw is a hard job. But if I were a man and strong, I would rather pull a rickshaw than be a policeman.拉车是苦事,可是我要是男的,有把子力气,我楞拉车也不去当巡警;

Labrang M.Religionary Buildings拉卜楞寺
1.Physical Environment Technology of Labrang M.Religionary Buildings;拉卜楞寺建筑物理环境技术
3)La-bu-leng incident拉卜楞事件
1.s witnessed the “La-bu-leng incident” caused by Ma Qi in GanNan Tibetan area.本世纪初十年前后 ,在甘南藏区发生了震惊朝野的“拉卜楞事件” ,笔者发现 ,甘肃省博物馆收藏的一件可命题为“甘边藏民请愿书”的宣侠父手稿原件 ,为研究宣侠父与“拉卜楞事件”提供了新的证
4)Dialect of Labrang拉卜楞藏语
5)Labrang m.拉卜楞寺(甘南)
6)Monk's System of Labrang Temple拉卜楞寺僧侣制度
