
1.To Drive out Epidemic Disease by Nuo--A Study of Witchcraft Culture of the Ceremony of Tiger Festival;巫傩逐疫——彝族虎节仪式的巫术文化研究
2.Sorcery Culture and Ancient Early-stage Occurrence of Aesthetic Education Ideas巫术文化与古代早期美育思想的发生
3.Chinese Magic Culture and Localization of the Psychological Counseling Even Psychotherapy;中国巫术文化和心理咨询与治疗本土化
4.There is a link between Chinese magic culture and the psychological counseling and psychotherapy in terms of the method.在方法上,巫术文化和心理咨询与治疗具有较大的相通性.
5.Wizard, Wuxi County, Wizard Culture, the Civilization of Chongqing and the Development of the Reservoir Area巫、巫溪、巫文化、长江文明及库区开发
6.An Interpretation of Harry Porter in Perspective of Culture;巫术的救赎:《哈利·波特》的文化阐释
7.The Historical Analysis on the Religious Cultural Phenomenon of Witchcraft in Zuozhuan;《左传》巫术宗教文化现象的历史性探析
8.Understanding Artistic Form of Primitive Society from Shaman Culture;从巫文化中解读原始社会的艺术形态
9.Wizard is the ruler of the original tribe culture and the fountainhead of the wizard wield activities.巫是原始部落文化的执掌者 ,巫的祭祀活动是艺术的源头。
10.The influence of Witchcraft-culture on the structure of celestial literature;论巫文化对游仙文学艺术结构生成的影响
11.Literary Activities and Witchcraft Ceremony under the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology文化人类学视野下的文学活动与巫术仪式
12.The magic takes a very important place in the culture of minority ethnics in China.巫术在中国少数民族文化中占有很重要的地位。
13.On the Witchcraft Culture of Western Hunan and the Tujia People′s Wushu in the Border Area of Hunan,Hubei,Chongqing and Guizhou湘西巫傩文化与湘鄂渝黔桂边土家族武术
14.The Root of Chinese Culture: On the History of Chinese Witchcraft by Gao Guo-fan;中华文化的根脉——评高国藩新著《中国巫术史》
15.Appellation,Life and Witchcraft: A Study of "Addressing Father as Uncle" in the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology称谓、生命、巫术——称“父”为“叔”习俗的文化人类学透视
17.Although the magic and the psychotherapy have different cultural and psychological bases, some magics have the same effect as the psychotherapy does.虽然巫术与心理治疗的文化基础与心理基础有所不同,但有的巫术确实起到了心理治疗的作用。
18.The magic or ritual from Chu culture is also a category of magic or ritual of Shamanism of "Asian-America Continuity".楚文化中的巫术或仪式属“亚美-文化连续体”中的萨满教范畴。

Chinese magic culture中国巫术文化
3)Celtic witchcraft culture凯尔特巫术文化
1.The thesis will take the first four books as the objects of research and the thesis is a feminist interpretation of Harry Potter series, in which Rowling, the British writer, takes Celtic witchcraft culture as.本论文以其中的前四本书为研究对象,尝试以西蒙娜·德·波伏娃的女性“他者”理论和伍尔夫的“双性同体”女性主义理论解读《哈利波特》这部由英国作家罗琳写作的以凯尔特巫术文化为载体的系列小说的女性主义思想。
4)Witchcraft-religion culture巫术宗教文化
5)Wu culture巫文化
1.excavate and expound Wu culture of Tujia people at the point of anthropology,and understand the colourful Wu culture s ipeciality of Tujia people and Wu culture s phenomenon furtherly.从人类学视角对土家族巫文化进行考察、挖掘、阐述,从而进一步了解了土家族色彩斑斓的巫文化特质及巫文化事象。
2.Tima is one of the important Tujia cultures,it belongs to Wu culture.梯玛是土家族文化的重要内容之一,它属于巫文化的范畴。
3.Three Gorges region in Yangtze River is the cradle of Wu culture.长江三峡为巫文化的起源之地。
6)witch culture巫文化
1.In this museum Wen Zhen-kun′s paper-cutting works have inherited and originalized images of the witch culture in Chu culture.馆中文震坤老人的剪纸作品别具一格,在图案上传承和创新了楚文化中的巫文化意象,秦石蛟作品中的凤鸟图案丰满灵异,造型色彩逼真抢眼,闪烁着楚文化凤崇拜的灿烂光辉,他们的作品在传承前辈的基础上力求形式与内容上的创新,具有独特的研究和保护价值。
