
1.Let us drape this picture of our leader in the national flag.用国旗装饰这幅领袖画像吧!
2.On National Day, the teachers and students adorned the school gate with coloured flags国庆节师生们用彩旗装饰学校大门。
3.All the streets were decked with flags to celebrate the victory.所有的街道都用彩旗装饰起来庆祝胜利。
4.The ship was decked out with flags and bunting.这艘船用旗和旗布装饰得十分漂亮。
5.The building was decorated with flags.这座建 物有旗子作装饰.
6.The middle one is not a flag, is the girdle used to gird the mast and decorations.中间的不是旗,是束住的旗杆与装饰的飘带.
7.festoon ,of paper, paperboard, cotton wool etc., for use as christmas decorations圣诞节装饰用彩旗,纸、纸板和棉绒等制
8.decorate with flags, as of buildings.用旗子来装饰像房子之类。
9.All the warships in port were fully dressed.在港的兵舰都挂了许多旗子作为装饰。
10.a close-fitting woman's dress with high neck and slit skirt is one of the traditional patterns of Chinese national costume.旗袍是中华民族服装的传统款式之一。
11."Miss"with Chinese dresses and many other fashionable woman wear fits even better.“小姐”与旗袍及种时髦的女装更贴切。
12.Qipao (Chinese-styled long gown) is a common dress for a woman.旗袍(中国式长袍)是一种普通女装。
13.The flag adds a dash of colour to the grey building.那面旗子装点着灰秃秃的大楼.
14.The rostrum was decked out with palace lanterns and red flags.检阅台上装饰着宫灯和红旗。
15.The Chinese cheongsam shows the style and features of traditional clothing.中国旗袍展现传统服装的风貌。
16.The floats in the parade were decked out with flags.游行队伍中的彩车用旗帜装饰起来。
17.Research on the Decoration Art of Research Guild Hall at Sheqi County of HeNan Province;河南社旗山陕会馆建筑装饰艺术研究
18.festoon ,of paper, paperboard, cotton wool etc., for use as carnival decorations化装舞会装饰用彩旗,纸、纸板和棉绒等制

flag arrangement旗形装置
4)dress a street with flags用旗子装饰街道
5)dress a ship with flags用旗帜装饰轮船
6)The Decorative charm of cheongsam旗袍的装饰魅力

旗装  戏曲演出中的满族妇女服饰。满族隶旗籍者称旗人、旗下人,其妇女的装束被吸收到戏曲舞台上来,最早可以追溯到乾隆年间的民间小戏,如《探亲家》。同治以后,又把旗装用于《雁门关》、《四郎探母》等戏中,装扮萧太后、铁镜公主等人物。由于旗装是清代的生活服装,辛亥革命后,旗袍仍很流行,风尚时有所变,故戏曲也受其影响,成为一种趋时的打扮。    旗装的特点,髻作横长式,呈一字形,当时称为"两把头"或"一字头"。王瑶卿在光绪二十一年(1895)演《坐宫》时,即用此种发式。到了清末,"两把头"衍变为用青缎制成高大的横架置于头顶,侧垂流苏,脑后之发梳成燕尾式,称"大拉翅"。王瑶卿在光绪三十三年(1907)演《坐宫》时,就用了这种后期的发式和头饰,后来梅兰芳等也都依此装扮。满族妇女穿衣、裳不分的长袍,称"旗袍",领间围以领巾。早期旗袍样式身袖都很宽大,镶滚较宽的花边。以后腰身逐渐改小。穿旗袍时,外罩琵琶襟或大襟、一字襟的小坎肩。30年代以后,更改得纤细入时。剧中扮铁镜公主者,除穿旗袍外,还穿经过艺术加工的清式蟒袍,加硬领,挂朝珠。扮萧太后需穿清式龙袍、龙褂,挂朝珠,头上戴大钿。旗装妇女脚上都穿高底鞋,鞋底厚二、三寸,似一倒置的花盆。梅巧玲、陈德霖、王瑶卿等,都擅演旗装戏,因服饰与传统的不同,故在身段动作上也有新的创造。