墨家,Mohist School
1)Mohist School墨家
1.Analysis on its Utilitarian Content of "Renyi" Thought of Mohist School;墨家“仁义”论功利特性的再分析
2.Comparison of Humanity between the Confucian School and Mohist School;儒家与墨家“仁”之比较

1.Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States.墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。
2.Philosophical Studies of the Chinese Phrase "Shi Gu" in Mo Zi.Jing Shuo Shang--On the Legal Logic of the Mohist School;《墨子·经说上》中“湿故”的考释——墨家法律逻辑的重构
3.An Exploration of the Reasons for the Decline of Mo Zi’s Doctrine in Terms of the Deficiency in Its Objectives of Values;从墨家价值目标的缺陷看墨学中衰的原因
4.Commentary of Pre-Qin s Mocius Legal Thought --Mocius Reaction and Revision to the Confucian Thought of "Rule of Rite" and Some Analysis Corresponding;先秦墨家法律学说述评——墨家对儒家礼治学说的反动及其解析
5.New Exploration of Mohist s Political Culture --Study on Mohist s Thoughts of Political Conflict and Political Integration;墨家政治文化新探——墨家政治冲突与政治整合思想研究
6.The Different Fate of Confucianism and Mohism Viewed from Kismet Theory of Confucius and Mo-zi从孔子与墨子的天命论看儒家与墨家的不同命运
7.A Study of Comparison of the Theories of Ianguage Communication about the Taoists,the Moists and the Confucianists in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods;先秦道家、墨家、儒家言语交际理论比较研究
8.The Spiritual Influence of the Mohist Ideology on the "Chivalry" in China墨家思想对中国“侠义”精神的影响
9.Comparisons between Mohist "Tui" and "Xiao" and Aristotelian Reduction to Absurdity and Deductive Methods墨家“推”、“效”与亚氏归谬法、演绎法的比较
10.Then, Mohism has been chosen to organize and manage with great concentration.于是,墨家选择了组织并潜心经营。
11.On Similarities and Differences between the Mohist Concept of Gods and Ghosts and the Christian God;墨家天鬼观与《圣经》上帝观之异同
12.The artist flowed the washes on the paper.画家使墨流动在纸上。
13.and artists paint it in pictures.画家们也为之泼墨。
14.National Action Party (PAN)国家行动党[墨西哥
15.Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology皇家墨尔本理工学院
16.A cushioned pad used by printers and engravers to apply ink.上墨皮垫画家和雕刻家用来敷墨的垫子
17.as a scientist, you shouldn't get into a rut作为科学家,你不应该墨守成规。
18.I'll go right in the house for paper and ink.我马上回家去拿信纸和墨水。

1.Homology and Diversity of Science and Technology Ideas Between Zhouyi,Laozi-Zhuangzi and Mohist School;周易、老庄、墨家科技思想比较
2.Comparative Research on Mohist and Aristotelian Referential Theory of Meaning;墨家与亚里士多德指称论思想的比较研究
1.The Mohism and Ji-Xia Academy;论墨家与稷下学宫的关系
2.Mohism s Ideology of Frugality and Exertion and Its Modern Value;墨家的“节用”“强力”思想及其现代价值
4)Mohist school墨家学派
1.The Chinese classical novels came under the influence of Mohist school,which represented the authors approval of its ideas.中国古典小说所受墨家学派的影响,反映了作者对其思想的认同。
2.Mohist and Mohist school, whose view points were brought forward as opposite propostition of Confucian, are famous for their argument with Confucian.墨子及其创立的墨家学派,其思想观点多以儒家的反对命题而提出,儒、墨辩难,分庭抗礼,显赫于时。
3.However,based on historical facts,we found that there existed no Mohist school in Jixia Academy except some Mohist thoughts,which was the result of integration of different academic thoughts.考察历史事实,我们发现稷下学宫里没有墨家学派,只是存在一些墨家思想,这些思想是在学术融合过程中相互吸收的结果,并不能说明墨家学派存在于稷下学宫。
5)the Primary Intention of Mohism墨家要指
1.Influence of "Taiping Jing" on Mohism;论墨家思想对《太平经》的影响
2.Mohism and It’s Influere after Qin and Han Dynasty;秦汉以后的墨家思想及其影响
