瓷枕,porcelain pillow
1)porcelain pillow瓷枕
1.The porcelain industry of Henan Province was in its peak in the Song Dynasty, and the porcelain pillows is one of the gems of the productions.瓷枕作为洛阳宋瓷的一朵奇葩,以质地优良、造型多样、装饰手法丰富多彩而被世人称道。
2.In this paper,the evolution progress of pillow was invested,and the feature of folk custom culture was analyzed according to the mould structure and decoration patterns of porcelain pillow.考察了枕的演进历程 ,根据瓷枕造型结构、装饰图案来分析民俗文化的特征 ,指出猛兽的形体隐喻着驱邪求福的习俗 ,花鸟图案展示了喜庆吉祥的风情。
2)A study of Porcelain Pillows瓷枕探析
3)porcelain pillow with numbering the years纪年瓷枕

1.To rest on or as if on a pillow.以…为把头在或象是垫上
2.To rest(one's head) on or as if on a pillow.搁于上把头在或象是头上
3.He laid down his head upon his pillow to rest.他把头头上休息。
4.parieto occipital aphasia顶叶失语 顶叶失语
5.A long, narrow pillow or cushion.长,垫,靠垫长而窄的头和软垫
6.an arm-, head-, foot-rest扶手、 头、 搁脚物.
7.of or relating to the occiput.骨部的或与骨部相关的。
8.To assume the shape of a pillow.当作头假定为头形状
9.He put the pillow into the clean pillowcase.他把头放进了一个干净的套里。
10.With everything you need, Salon pillow, Side arms, Footrest and luxurious 3-inch, 3-layer foam system设备齐全可收折美容床,包括头、手、脚及三层共三吋厚床垫
11.A good conscience is a soft pillow.[谚]问心无愧,高无忧。
12.a pillow used in lacemaking.用于编织花边的
13.a pillow sham(作装饰用的)绣花
14.eye bolt link hanger眼孔螺栓连结摇
15.I stuck a pillow inside my trousers!我在裤腰上塞了个头!
16.She edged the pillowcase with lace.她给头套镶上花边。
17.Yes. Let's have 5,000 pillow cases.好的,我们要5000条头套,
18.Bohemian ticking波希米亚平纹芯布

A study of Porcelain Pillows瓷枕探析
3)porcelain pillow with numbering the years纪年瓷枕
5)Occipital torns枕骨圆枕
1.Influence of surface treatment on bond strength of porcelain to pure titanium and the color of porcelain;钛表面处理方法对钛-瓷界面结合力和瓷表面色泽的影响
2.Thermodynamic characteristic test of RG experimental low fusing porcelain;拟与纯钛匹配的RG实验瓷的热力学性能测试
3.To study the effects of microarc oxidation treatment(MAO)on Ti-porcelain strength,4 sorts of Ti substrates were prepared using 4 treatment ways.为了探讨钛经微弧氧化处理后,对钛瓷结合强度的影响,将试样分为光滑组和喷砂组,然后随机地抽取两组中的各一半试件进行微弧氧化处理,对各组钛试件表面进行瓷粉烧结。

瓷枕瓷枕  古代瓷质的枕头。也有用陶土制成的陶枕。枕上用彩釉绘成精美的图画或题有诗句。始于唐,流行于宋。