刺绣工艺,embroidery technology
1)embroidery technology刺绣工艺
1.According to the records concerned,the ethnic minorities had skillfully mastered the embroidery technology and the apparel embroidery techniques were very popular.纺织工艺经历了从手工到机织的发展;少数民族印染工艺具有很高的科学水平,为中国服饰工艺做出了宝贵的历史贡献;根据有关记载,少数民族很早以前就已经能熟练掌握刺绣工艺,服饰刺绣工艺的流行极为广泛。

1.Embroidery embroidery crafts, clothing, bedding processing and sales.抽纱刺绣工艺品、服装、床上用品加工销售。
2.Chinese embroidery had already reached a high level early in the Qin and Han dynasties,中国刺绣工艺在秦汉时期就已达到较高的水平,
3.A Brief Research on The Current Situation and Protective Measures of Guizhou Hmong Embroidery;浅议贵州苗族刺绣工艺的现状和保护措施
4.The embroidery articles they make are exported and can earn US$2.5 million annually.她们制作的刺绣工艺品每年可出口创汇约250万美元。
5.The embroiderer pricked out the pattern on to the cloth.刺绣工把图案绣在布上。
6.laBored over the needlepoint.辛勤地从事刺绣的工作
7.This emBroidery factory has produced every piece of emBroidery with exquisite workmanship.该刺绣厂的每件绣品做工都很讲究。
8.Work, such as sewing or embroidery, that is done with a needle.刺绣活用针做的活,如手工缝纫和绣花
9.The crafts teacher is skillful in knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and the use of the hand loom.手工艺教师善于纺织、钩编、刺绣和使用手摇织布机。
10." Chinese embroidery is an exquisite craft, famous for its long history, and is internationall loved. "中国刺绣历史悠久,工艺精湛,深受世界各国人民喜爱。
11.Jianzhi'Embroidery,The Characteristics of North of Shaanxi Qin Embroidery剪纸绣——论陕北民间刺绣艺术的形式特征
12.A piece of such textile art.刺绣品,针织品一件这样的纺织艺术品
13.Embroidery: Art of decorating textiles with needle and thread.刺绣: 用针和线来装饰纺织品的艺术。
14.Analyzation to the Embroidery By Miao Nationality苗族刺绣发展源流及其造型艺术特征
15.a piece of needlework demonstrating skill with various stitches.显示各种不同的针脚技艺的一块刺绣。
16.Chinese emBroidered works of art are renowned Both at home and aBroad for exquisite workmanship, skillful knitting and elegant designs.中国刺绣艺术品,以工艺精细,针法灵巧多样,图案典雅大方而闻名中外。
17.So it can be said that embroidery is an exquisite art using the needle instead of the brush.可以说,刺绣是精美的针线艺术而不是绘画艺术。
18.A wonderful Work of National Art ──Appreciate and Analyse Miao Nation s Embroider Art in Xiangxi;民族艺苑中的一朵奇葩——湘西苗族刺绣艺术赏析

art needle-work工艺刺绣品
1.On the effect of threadlike thing on embroid;浅谈丝理在刺绣艺术中的作用
4)embroidery artistry刺绣技艺
1.The folk costume is not only practical necessities of people′s lives, is also energetic carrier transmitting folk art and producer′s rich inherent emotion;while embroidery artistry is the artistic medium to perform practicability and transmit folk simple emotion.民间服饰既是人们生活的实用必需品,又是传达民间艺术和制作者丰富内在情感的精神载体,刺绣技艺则是表现实用性和传达民间朴素情感的艺术媒介。
5)needle work and fancy goods刺绣针织手工艺品
6)handmade embroidery手工刺绣
1.Cross-stitch is one of the fashionable handmade embroidery at present.十字绣是当前很时尚的一种手工刺绣的方法。

采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)gas production technology  ,一‘J\匕乙吕天然气开采工艺pro以uetionteehnology)见