1.The gas reservoirs in the Changxing Formation in Northeast Sichuan Basin belong to lithologic shoal and reef gas reservoirs.四川盆地东北部长兴组气藏是礁相岩性气藏,礁、作为一个独立的岩性体,与周围的地层、岩性结构差异较大,由此在构造应力场中形成力学尖点,从而产生气烟囱效应。
2.The shoal(or bank) and shoal facies are important types of carbonate deposits.相是碳酸盐沉积中的重要类型,常见的有生物碎屑和鲕粒

1.Beach, beach, beach, beach.沙,沙,沙,沙
2.viscous poolsof blood, oil, mud一黏稠的血、 油、 泥.
3.The most noted of these are the Xie, Qing and Kongling Shoals.最著名的三个险是:泄、青和崆岭
4."She loved this beach;“她喜欢这片沙
5." Fur--Sheep kivskin,sheep lambskin"GB/T14629.3-1993裘皮二毛皮、羔皮
6.She mop up the pools of water on the bathroom floor她擦 去浴室地面上一的水
7.She mopped up the pools of water on the bathroom floor她擦去浴室地面上一的水
8.The tomatoes crushed into pools of red juice got on her nerves particularly.番茄踩成一的红浆。
9.The beaches in Malaysia are superior to those in the Philippines.马来西亚的沙优于菲律宾的沙
10.a house built on or near a beach.建在沙上或沙附近的一所房子。
11.A sandy beach at a seaside resort.海,尤指海滨旅游胜地
12.I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one.我喜欢沙, 不喜欢遍布小圆石的海.
13.The article praises the speed and spirit showed in the construction of Letan hydropower station.文章赞扬乐建设速度和乐精神。
14.To Build"Competitive Longtan Product"Culture with Longtan Characteristics构建具有龙特色的“精品龙”文化
15.Forge A “Top-quality Longtan” and A “Green Longtan” and Form an Enterprise Culture with Longtan Characteristics;打造“精品龙、绿色龙” 建设具有龙特色的企业文化
16.This is a beach in Australia.这是澳大利亚的海
17.He is seated himself in the sand along the beach.他坐在海岸的沙上。
18.Shells can be found everywhere on the beach.海上的贝壳俯拾皆是。

1.The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is typical bending braided river which have many shoals and the riverbed evolution of these reaches is serious.我国长江中下游是典型的河槽分汊型河流,浅众多,河床演变剧烈,主槽与支汊交替转化,碍航问题突出,成为制约航运发展的“瓶颈”。
6)sandy beach沙滩
1.Ecology on intertidal benthos of sandy beach around international airport, Changle;长乐国际机场附近沙潮间带的生态

阿苇滩湖位于阿勒泰市南面,约20公里,面积4.5平方公里,因坐落在阿苇滩镇附近而得名,是阿勒泰市第二大产鱼点。此湖形成较早,清朝末年,为兴办柯克布乎屯垦,曾修建过一条大渠,渠尾指向现在阿苇滩水库一带的洼地,数年后,该屯田交由民办,曼米曾率人将渠道延伸了数公里,水渠的尾水泄入洼地,逐渐形成小湖泊。后经多次改造,逐渐形成了现在的阿苇滩鱼湖。水库水源取自克兰河水,水域面积9.6 平方公里,水质清澈无污染,库内有名贵的大银鱼和其它鱼类20余种,年产鱼150吨,除部分供阿市, 主要销往乌鲁木齐、石河子、克拉玛依、奎屯等地。现在已开发了少许游乐项目,有游船、小型汽艇,象形船、钓鱼等。由于距市区较近,外地来阿游客就从库边经过的方便条件,目前已经有不少的市民在双休日、节假日趋车来此游玩、垂钓、自钓、自烤或烹调,享受新鲜美味的野外鱼餐,别有一番乐趣在其中,这里的全鱼宴已小有名气。