1.In this paper we report a new family of enantiornithiness from the Early Cretaceous of western Liaoning:Alethoalaornithidae Fam.记述发现于辽宁省朝阳县原家洼村中生代地层中的反鸟类一新科:真翼鸟科(Alethoalaornithidae fam。
2)Enantiornithine bird反鸟类
1.This paper carries out brief summary of the Enantiornithine bird fossils found in Mesozoic strata in China.对发现于中国中生代地层中的反鸟类化石进行了简单的总结。
3)The bird is not itself today.那只鸟今天反常。
1.Detection of antibodies against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV) from birds in Shanghai;上海地区野鸟和家禽中PRRSV抗体的血清学调查
2.Antiseptic and Insect-preventive Innovation of Making and Preserving the Stone Bird Specimens;鸟类剥制标本在制作和保存中防腐、防虫的技术研究
3.From War to Amalgamation :Looking at the Relationship Between Fish and Bird from the Designs on the Chromatic Pottery of Yangshao Culture;从鱼鸟相战到鱼鸟相融──仰韶文化鱼鸟彩陶图试析

1.A bird, a bird. It's a bird.小,小,这是一只小
2.a kind of game bird in the family Phasianidae.雉科中的一种猎
3.A bird of the order Passeriformes.雀形目雀形目的
4.There is a beautiful bird in the cage.笼里有一只美丽的
5.A Bird in the hand is worth than two in the Bush一在手胜过双在林
6.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush .双在林不如一在手
7.This bird employs its beak as a weapon.这只喙作武器。
8.One of these birds is the robin.有一种叫红襟知更
9.Destroy the nest and the birds will fly away .捣毁巢,儿飞掉。
10.hunting for birds' nests to get the eggs.为了得到卵而找巢。
11.aquatic birds related to the loons.与潜近缘的水栖
12.To protect the bluebird's eggs and babies,要保护蛋和幼
13.free flight aviary雀可自由飞翔的
14.type genus of the Dinornithidae: large moas.恐科的模式属:大恐
15.He opened the cage and set the bird free.他打开笼,放了儿。
16.type genus of the Aepyornidae: elephant birds.隆科的模式属:隆
17.A bird' s wings enable it to fly.的翅膀使能飞。
18.Any of various South American birds of the family Furnariidae, especially of the genus Furnarius.灶南美洲产的一种灶科的,尤指灶

Enantiornithine bird反鸟类
1.This paper carries out brief summary of the Enantiornithine bird fossils found in Mesozoic strata in China.对发现于中国中生代地层中的反鸟类化石进行了简单的总结。
3)The bird is not itself today.那只鸟今天反常。
1.Detection of antibodies against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV) from birds in Shanghai;上海地区野鸟和家禽中PRRSV抗体的血清学调查
2.Antiseptic and Insect-preventive Innovation of Making and Preserving the Stone Bird Specimens;鸟类剥制标本在制作和保存中防腐、防虫的技术研究
3.From War to Amalgamation :Looking at the Relationship Between Fish and Bird from the Designs on the Chromatic Pottery of Yangshao Culture;从鱼鸟相战到鱼鸟相融──仰韶文化鱼鸟彩陶图试析
1.Objective To confirm a case infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) and detect some risk factors and infectious source,to control the spread of infection with H5N1 virus in human.海丰县是候鸟迁徙栖息地,2004年曾发生禽流感疫情。
2.State of arts of researches on avian radar systems were introduced,including large avian radar system represented by avian hazard advisory system(AHAS) and airport-based avian radar system represented by Accipiter.介绍了雷达探鸟系统的研究现状,包括以鸟击危害咨询系统为代表的大型雷达探鸟系统和以Accipiter为代表的机场雷达探鸟系统。
1.Birds as dinosaurs;被视为恐龙的鸟(英文)
2.Studies on the Role of Mosquitoes-birds-mosquitoes Cycle in the Transmission of West Nile Virus;蚊—鸟—蚊循环在西尼罗病毒传播中的作用研究
3.To explore the toxic effects of diazinon on birds,avian oral and dietary toxicity test methods were applied to determine the effects of diazinon on AChE activities in the brain of three species of birds(quail,partridge and culver).为了初步研究有机磷农药二嗪磷对鸟类的毒性作用,采用室内饲喂染毒的方法,分析了二嗪磷对鹌鹑、鹧鸪及斑鸠3种鸟脑组织乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)活性的影响。
