2)Labia majora pudendi大阴唇

1.The external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina.外阴女性外部生殖器官,包括大阴唇、小阴唇、阴蒂和阴道前庭
2.A small band or fold of mucous membrane forming the posterior margin of the vulva and connecting the posterior ends of the labia majora.阴唇系带一小条构成外阴后部的黏膜,连结大阴唇的后部
3.We can see that there is still a lot of excess scrotal skin, which must be trimmed to create the labia majora.那里仍然有很多剩余的阴囊皮肤必须被修整,以创造大阴唇
4.On the physical examination, several skin colored to brownish soft papules were observed on the right vulva.理学检查发现在病人右侧大阴唇有数个肤色至棕色的柔软丘疹。
5.It happens to the penis in man and labium majus pudend,labium minus pudend,perineum locum around hymen in woman.男性多发生于阴茎,女性多发生于大小阴唇、会阴、处女膜周围等会阴部位。
6.A second-stage labiaplasty will be necessary to hood the clitoris and create the labia minora.第二阶段的阴唇整型手术将盖住阴蒂并创造小阴唇。
7.To remove the prepuce or a part of the clitoris of(a female).割包皮,割阴唇割去包皮或(女性)阴蒂的一部分
8.Treatment Experience of Baby Adhesion of Labia Minora520例婴幼儿小阴唇粘连的治疗体会
9.Nursing of dissocution trentment 60 cases infantile adhesion of labia minora60例幼女小阴唇粘连松解术的护理
10."What do you mean, conspiracy?“什么? 大阴谋?…
11.Any of four folds of tissue of the female external genitalia.阴唇女性外生殖器的四个皱褶组织之一
12.the face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips...twisted with disdain- Oscar Wilde.脸色阴沉面带讥讽的,性感的嘴唇不屑的撇着。
13.Stimulate the clitoris with short, then long strokes, with either your tongue or your moistened fingers.用湿润的手指和舌头长短结合得刺激她的阴唇。
15.families Sphecidae and Stizidae.泥蜂科和大唇泥蜂科。
16.when making love open the lip nip to the fitting angle put it between the female's big labia and the small one .夫妻行房时,将唇夹张开至适宜的角度,置于女性大唇与小唇之间。
17.This involves suturing the skin edges together, and also placing sutures through each labrum, from one side to the other, creating thin lips of tissue.这部分的手术包括将表皮边缘缝合,并在每片阴唇的两边都缝上线,制造出薄薄的唇状组织。
18.Spend some time kissing and touching until your partner starts to become aroused, then gently pull back the hood of her clitoris.通过爱抚让你的伴侣进入状态,然后用手触摸她的阴唇。

Labia majora pudendi大阴唇
3)Take a lot of talking to convince大费唇舌
4)Sacramento pike大鳞褶唇
1.Double-pedicle nymphaplasty on hypertrophy;双蒂法小阴唇肥大整形术
6)Teucrium labiosum大唇香科科
1.Study on Liposoluble Constituents of Teucrium labiosum;大唇香科科脂溶性成分研究
2.The paper studies on the chemical constituents and biological activity of Teucrium labiosum C.本论文工作主要涉及黔产大唇香科科(Teucrium labiosum C。

栾犀【通用名称】栾犀【其他名称】栾犀 (《岭南采药录》) 【异名】格杂树(《广州植物志》)。 【来源】为菊科植物阔苞菊的茎叶。 【植物形态】阔苞菊 直立多枝灌木,高1~2米。叶矩圆状倒卵形至矩圆状椭圆形,长1.5~5厘米,先端短尖或钝,基部楔尖,边缘稍有不规则的锯齿。头状花序多数,长约5毫米;排列成顶生的伞房花序,花序长5~10厘米,稍有毛;总苞片卵形,短尖或钝,内列的略长;花淡紫色,全为管状;在外围的雌性,多列,柔弱;中部的两性,数朵,5裂。瘦果微小,有棱,冠毛白色。花期夏季。 生于近潮水能达之处。分布我国南部。 【采集】夏季采收。 【功用主治】《岭南采药录》:"治板疬,取茎叶捣取自然汁,加入牛皮胶、海带,炖溶服之。"