2)shadow footprint影子足迹
1.Discussion on application of footscan multi-step mat system to footprint examination;Footscan步态分析系统在足迹检验中的应用初探
2.Distribution of Source Area and Footprint of Jinta Oasis in summer夏季金塔绿洲近地层通量足迹及源区分布特征分析

1.chemical footprinting化学足迹(试验)法
2.A fossilized footprint.足迹化石成为化石的足迹
3.Had worn them really about the same.都很少留下旅人的足迹
4.Follow in your father's steps.踏着你父亲的足迹前进。
5.We traced the footsteps in the snow.我们跟踪雪地上的足迹
6.The hunter followed the animal's tracks.猎人追踪动物的足迹
7.The tide has obliterated the footprints on the sand.潮水湮没了沙上的足迹
8.The Footmarks and Motives of a Translator: Luxun and His Translation盗火者的足迹与心迹——论鲁迅与翻译
9.Study on the Principle of Water Resources Ecological Footprint in Xi an;基于生态足迹法的西安市水资源生态足迹研究
10.Dynamic analysis on Ecological Footprint and Water Footprint of Honghu City,Hubei Province,China湖北省洪湖市生态足迹与水足迹动态分析
11.The basic quantitative aspects of a normal gait were characterized from 59 recorded walks in 23 rats.从23只大鼠记录到59个足迹,从中获取正常足迹的基本定量数据。
12.Analysis of the Ecological Footprint from the View of GDP and Ecological Footprint;从GDP和生态足迹关联角度研究生态足迹结构——以福建长汀县为例
13.A modified ecological footprint analysis to a sub-national area:the case study of Zhejiang Province基于改进生态足迹模型的浙江省域生态足迹分析
14.Discovery of dinosaur footprints from the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation of Yunnan Province,China and new observations on Changpeipus云南下侏罗统禄丰组恐龙足迹的发现和张北足迹属新观察(英文)
15.We saw some quadruped tracks near our camp.我们在营地附近看见一些四足兽的足迹
16.Recognition for plane single-footprint based on polar radius invariant moment基于极半径不变矩的平面单足足迹识别
17.Ecological footprint analysis based on RS and GIS in arid land基于rs和GIS的生态足迹分析(英文)
18.Sculpt the foot step of life early exploration of Li Gang is artistie road雕琢人生的足迹——李刚艺术道路初探

shadow footprint影子足迹
1.Discussion on application of footscan multi-step mat system to footprint examination;Footscan步态分析系统在足迹检验中的应用初探
2.Distribution of Source Area and Footprint of Jinta Oasis in summer夏季金塔绿洲近地层通量足迹及源区分布特征分析
1.A research on the analysis of people s ages by using the mountaineers footprints;用山地人足迹分析年龄的研究
2.Agrochemicals footprints analysis on food producing and consumption in China;中国食品生产消费过程中农用化学品足迹分析
3.Miocene mammalian footprints have been recently identified from several Late Miocene lo- calities in Iran.伊朗晚中新世的几个地点新近发现了哺乳动物足迹化石。
6)traces of rabbits on the snow雪地上兔子的足迹
