1.Late Pleistocene Mammalian Fauna from the Mashandong,Chaoyang,Liaoning Province辽宁朝阳龙城马山洞哺乳动物群的性质及时代探讨

1.Late Pleistocene Mammalian Fauna from the Mashandong,Chaoyang,Liaoning Province辽宁朝阳龙城马山洞哺乳动物群的性质及时代探讨
2.The noted ones are East Dongting Hill, West Hill, Maji Hill, Sanshan Hill and Yuantouzhu.以洞庭东山、西山、马迹山、三山、元头诸最为著名。
3.A small cave or cavern.洞穴小的山洞或洞穴
4.The dwarf got off his horse and followed the little man through a hole in the side of a green hill.侏儒下马跟着小矮人穿过绿色山丘旁的洞。
5.A Passage to Maraber Caves-the Miscarriage of Connection--An Analysis of A Passage to India;马拉巴山洞之行——联系的幻灭——析《印度之行》
6.Talk about treating water leakage in the lining wall of the Tianmashan Tunnel portal天马山隧道洞口二衬墙面渗漏水治理浅谈
7.The King of Wu had his captive put up in a cave near the tomb of his father He Lu and told him to work as his groom and also to sweep the palace grounds.夫差让勾践住在虎丘山其父阖闾墓旁的山洞中,为他养马、打扫庭院。
8.and told them of some caves in the nearby hills.老板告诉他们附近一个曾被用做马厩的山洞里可以栖身。
9.Mashan Guling Cave is117 km south to Nanning, capital of Guangxi province.马山古零神奇洞景区具有区位好、穴景观神奇、发潜力大、景好的特点。
10.There is a dark cave at the foot of the mountain.在山脚下有一个黑山洞。
11.From the Cro-Magnon cave in which the first skeletons were found these people have been called Cro-Magnards.因为最早的骨骼是在克罗马努山洞发现的,所以他们被称为克罗马努人。
12.Dingcun Man in Shanxi Province of north China, Maba Man in southern Guangdong Province, Changyang Man in central Hubei Province, Hetao Man in Inner Mongolia and Upper Cave Man in the suburb of Beijing, and so on.也有山西的丁村人,广东的马坝人、湖北的长阳人、内蒙古的河套人、北京的山顶洞人,等等。
13.The second race, the race of the Grimaldi cave remains, was distinctly negroid in its characters.第二个人种——格里马迪山洞遗迹中的人种,从特征上看显然是尼格罗人。
14.During the period of King Zhouchenwang, the remaining people of Qin, having been annexed in the southern part of Jin, were given the manor of Zhao City (Hongtong County in Shanxi Province) by the king, for being good at raising horses.周成王时 ,沦亡于晋南的秦余民以善于养马 ,被成王封于赵城(今山西洪洞县) ,姓赵氏。
15.Something about Folklore Music in Baoshan;试论洞经暨保山洞经活动的基本形态
16.Fill up the rat's hole right away马上把老鼠洞堵起来。
17.Let's fill up the rat-hole right away.咱们把老鼠洞马上堵上。
18.The entrance of the cavern was boarded up山洞的入口被封死了。

Marabar Cave马拉巴山洞
3)A cave or cavern.洞穴洞,山洞
1.In Jinyong s novels there are massive cave images.金庸小说中存在着大量的山洞意象。
2.Female celestial beings in "Tai Ping Guang Ji" are associated with caves because of people s respect for Taoism which advocates femininity and gentleness with the appearance of the imags of caves as the evidence.《太平广记》中的女仙,都跟山洞有关。
5)Guanma Cave官马溶洞
1.Characteristics and forming age of Guanma Cave in Panshi of Jilin;吉林磐石官马溶洞的洞穴特征及形成时代初探
6)wooden horse crack木马漏洞
