古DNA,ancient DNA
1)ancient DNA古DNA
1.Comparisons of effects of four methods for ancient DNA extraction;4种古DNA抽提方法效果比较
2.Ancient DNA Study and its Progress in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology;古DNA及其在生物系统与进化研究中的应用
3.The ancient DNA (aDNA), the most important genetic information of ancient human, has been widely used in the studies of human origin, evolution, racial character, migration and diseases, and herefrom the molecular archaeology has developed rapidly.古DNA是古代人类最重要的遗传信息载体,已用于人类起源、进化、族群特征、迁移、古代人类疾病等方面的研究,由此导致了分子考古学的兴起。

1.Ancient DNA Technology:New Visual Angel for Studying National Archaeology;古DNA技术:民族考古学研究的新视角
2.Ancient DNA Analyses of the Spotted Hyena(Crocuta crocuta) from Lingxian Cave,Qinhuangdao,Hebei Province河北秦皇岛灵仙洞斑鬣狗化石的古DNA初步分析
3.Ancient DNA Research of Mammuthus Primigenius and Phylogenetic Analysis of Elephantinae;内蒙古喜桂图县真猛犸象古DNA研究及真象亚科系统发育分析
4.Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Ancient Domestic Goat Excavated from Bancheng and Shuanggucheng Sites, Inner Mongolia, China内蒙古板城和双古城遗址古山羊线粒体DNA分析
5.Friends, Romans And DNA由DNA解释古人死亡的原因
6.Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Ancient Jingjue Kingdom of Xinjiang;尼雅遗址古代居民线粒体DNA研究
7.Extraction,Amplification and Sequence of Ancient DNA;古人骨DNA的提取、扩增、测序与研究
8.Study on Improvement of Extraction Method of Total DNA from Astragalus membranaceus var.mongholicus蒙古黄芪总DNA提取方法的改进研究
9.A Practical and Efficient Method for The Retrieval of Ancient DNA Sequence一种实用可靠的古代DNA获取方法
10.Analysis and Cloning of Mongolian Sheep Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 Gene Full DNA蒙古羊BMP15全长DNA序列的克隆与分析
11.Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Three Ancient Populations in Northwest China中国西北地区三个古代人群的线粒体DNA研究
12.Analysis of Ancient Mitochondrial DNA from Jiangjungou Ancient Population of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古将军沟墓地古代居民线粒体DNA多态性研究
13.Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphisms Analysis of Ancient Population from a 2400-year-old Necropolis Found in Helingeer of Inner-Mongolia;内蒙古和林格尔东周时期墓地古代人群线粒体DNA多态性研究
14.Human remains found in a1,400- year-old Chinese tomb belonged to a man of European origin, DNA evidence shows.DNA测试表明,在1400年的古墓里发现的人类残骸是欧洲血统。
15.The legacy of Thoth/ Enoch suggests this Language of Light the harmonic science of the ancients, could actually affect DNA.透特/诺克的遗赠暗示古代光语言的和声科学,能够真的作用DNA。
16.Cloning and Mapping of by Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization(FISH) of BMP-2 Gene from Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat;内蒙古绒山羊BMP-2基因DNA序列的克隆与荧光原位杂交定位
17.Study on Correlation of DNA Methylation in Hoxc8 and Multi-Thoracic Vertebrae Characters of Mongolia Sheep蒙古羊多胸椎性状与Hoxc8基因DNA甲基化的相关性研究
18.Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Ancient Population from the Taojiazhai M5 Site青海西宁陶家寨墓地M5号墓古人群线粒体DNA研究

ancient human bone DNA古人骨DNA
3)ancient DNA古代DNA
1.Emerging Field of Ancient DNA Study;方兴未艾的古代DNA的研究
2.Ancient DNA is referred to the DNA from archaeology remains,and the ancient DNA techniques is a new academic subject based on the methods and techniques of molecular biology that is resulted from molecular biology,archaeology,anthropology and paleontology.古代DNA是指从考古学遗存或博物馆标本中得到的DNA。
3.In this note, we present our suggestion and prospects on collecting and analyzing ancient DNA. 古代DNA的研究方兴未艾,作为地域和人口大国,中国在这方面有着得天独厚的优势。
4)ancient DNA sequence古DNA序列
5)Ancient DNA technology古DNA技术
6)fossil DNA微生物古DNA
1.In light of this recent progress,we review several currently active research frontiers:deep continental subsurface microbiology,microbial ecology in saline lakes,microbial formation of dolomite,geomicrobiology in dry deserts,fossil DNA and its use in recovery of paleoenvironmental conditions,and geomicrobiology of oceans.因为地质微生物学进展的综述可能要用一本专著方可阐述清楚,作者在此仅对地质微生物学几个活跃的前缘研究领域进行了综述,包括大陆深部、盐碱环境、干旱沙漠等极端环境中的微生物生态,白云石的微生物成因,古代沉积岩中的微生物古DNA及其环境意义以及海洋地质微生物学等几个方面。
