土城子组,Tuchengzi Formation
1)Tuchengzi Formation土城子组
1.Sequence stratigraphy of the Tuchengzi Formation in the north ern part of the Jinlingsi-Yangshan basin,western Liaon ing,and basin evolution;辽西金岭寺—羊山盆地北部土城子组层序地层特征及盆地演化
2.Study on Late Jurassic Tuchengzi Formation Syntectonic Deposits in Guojiadian-Nuyingzi Basin in the West Of Liaoning Province;辽西牛营子—郭家店盆地晚侏罗世土城子组同构造沉积研究
3.The Tuchengzi formation in Jinlingsi-Yangshan basin,Western Liaoning Province is composed of a series of red continental detrital rocks.辽西金-羊(金岭寺-羊山)盆地土城子组为一套红色陆相碎屑岩组合。

1.Study on Late Jurassic Tuchengzi Formation Syntectonic Deposits in Guojiadian-Nuyingzi Basin in the West Of Liaoning Province;辽西牛营子—郭家店盆地晚侏罗世土城子组同构造沉积研究
2.A Preliminary Excavation of the Tuchengzi Ancient City,Longhua,Hebei;河北省隆化县土城子城址2005年试掘简报
3.The New Proofs in Defending Cities in Mozi which Produced by the Historical Relical;出土文献提供的《墨子·备城门》诸篇新证
4.Effects of Climatic Factors on the Land Desertification in Liaocheng气候因子对聊城市土地荒漠化的影响
5.Research the Urban Land Prices Portfolio Assessment and Management Information System;城镇土地价格的组合评估及管理系统研究
6.Urban Land Grading Information System on Component GIS;组件式GIS支持下的城镇土地定级信息系统
7.Development of Urban Land Grading System on Basis of Component Technology;基于组件技术的城镇土地定级系统开发
8.Study on the Urban Land Reserve: Governance Structure, Scope and Mechanism Design;城市土地储备:组织结构、规模及机制优化研究
9.Material composition of city surface soil in Harbin in relation to sand-dust weather哈尔滨城市地表土的物质组成与沙尘天气
10.The Reserch on Sadimentary Facies of the Member 4 of Yingcheng Formation in Xujiaweiai Deoression徐家围子断陷营城组四段沉积相研究
11.Coal Property of Chengzihe Formation and Muling Formation in Jixi Basin鸡西盆地城子河组、穆棱组煤层煤质特征
12.Méane Sport Saloon is assembled at the Bursa site in Turkey.直译:梅甘娜是在土耳其的布尔萨(土耳其西北部城市)组装的.
13.property consisting of houses and land.由房子和土地组成的财产。
14.Molecular Assembly of Inorganic-Polyamine Materials for the Separtaion of Rare Earth Metal Ions;分子组装无机—聚胺材料分离稀土金属离子
15.Study on Influencing Factors of Soil Erosion & Prevention Measures in Panzhihua Urban District;攀枝花城区水土流失影响因子及防治措施研究
16.A Study on the Land Use Change and Driving Forces in the Connected Belt of Urban-Rural城郊结合带土地利用变化驱动因子研究
17.Analysis of Urban Land Expansion during 1995-2006 and Its Driving Forces in Chongqing1995~2006年重庆市城市土地扩张与驱动因子分析
18.Soil is one important factor influencing the growth of plant species in the urban.城市土壤是影响城市绿化植物生长的重要环境因子。

Late Jurassic Tuchengzi Formation晚侏罗世土城子组
3)Tuchengzi town土城子镇
1.Dragon Dance of Tuchengzi town, in Keshiketeng County of Inner Mongolia is famous for its bright characteristics, and most dragon dancers are Hui nationality.内蒙古克什克腾旗土城子镇的龙舞特色鲜明,舞龙人以回族为多数。
4)Chengzihe formation城子河组
1.Comprehensive evaluation procedure of sealing capability of mudstone caprocks in early exploration period in Chengzihe formation of Suibin Depression,Sanjiang Basin;绥滨坳陷城子河组泥岩盖层封闭能力综合评价
2.Comprehensive evaluation to natural gas migration and conductivity during early exploration stage—case study on Chengzihe Formation of Suibin Sag;勘探早期天然气运移输导能力综合评价——以绥滨坳陷城子河组为例
3.Organic geochemistry of Yuliangzigou marine mudstone in Chengzihe Formation of Jixi Basin;黑龙江鸡西盆地鱼亮子沟城子河组海相泥岩有机地球化学特征
5)Tuchengzi coalmine土城子煤矿
6)Tumenzi formation土门子组
1.Through analysizing the samples collected from the Tumenzi formation in Hunchun, Jilin Province, northeast of China, one assemblage of sporopollen is gotten.通过对吉林珲春土门子组孢粉样品分析,建立了Quercoidites_Ulmipollenites_Liquidambar pollenites组合。
