茅口组,Maokou formation
1)Maokou formation茅口组
1.Exploration for Natural Gas in Middle Permian Maokou Formation of Sichuan Basin;四川盆地中二叠统茅口组天然气勘探
2.Paleokarst unconformity on top of the Maokou Formation in the Jianshi-Badong area, Hubei: its discovery and significance;湖北建始—巴东地区茅口组顶部古岩溶不整合面的发现
3.Comprehensive studies have been conducted to investigate sedimentary environment of the Maokou Formation in Huopu section, Panxian, Guizhou province.根据贵州火铺茅口组剖面的实际材料 ,采用聚类分析等方法对该地茅口组的沉积环境进行了详细研究。

1.Fracture-cavity Reservoir Description Technique Research in Maokou Zu of HBC Block in Shunan Area蜀南地区HBC区块茅口组缝洞型储层描述技术研究
2.Fine structural interpretation and favorable reservoir distribution of the Maokou Formation in Guandu structure of South Sichuan,China川南官渡构造茅口组精细构造解释与有利储层分布
3.Geochemical Characteristics and Origin of A Manganese Deposit in the Middle Permian Maokou Formation in Shuicheng,Guizhou,China贵州水城二叠系茅口组含锰岩系地质地球化学特征与锰矿成因分析
4.Maotai -- the famous liquor of China is mild and mellow to the taste.中国名酒——茅台,入口和醇。
5.The ship put in at Portsmouth to fuel.船驶入朴次茅斯港口加煤。
6.Ecological Environmental Characteristics of Huangmao Sea in the Pearl River Estuary during Winter珠江口黄茅海冬季海洋生态环境特征
7.The village was composed of two or three groups of thatched cottages.这个村庄由两三处茅屋群组成。
8.Studies on Pharmacognostic Identification and Quality Control of Herb Rubi Parvifolii;中药茅莓形态组织学与质量控制研究
9.Embryogenic Callus Induction of Tall Fescue and Its Plant Regeneration高羊茅胚性愈伤组织诱导及植株再生
10.When he was leaving, he saw Finola at the door of the hut, and saw that she was crying.离去时,他看到菲诺拉站在茅屋的门口哭泣。
11.The head of an enormous dog was outlined in the darkness at the entrance of the hut.黑暗中瞧见在那茅棚的洞口显出一只大狗头。
12.Maotai is China's best-known liquor; it is delicious and yet doesn't go to the head"茅台是我国最负盛名的烈酒,上口不上脑"
13.The population of Shanghai is one of the largest in the world.上海人口众多,在全世界的城市中名列前茅。
14.Her fluent spoken English made her popular amongst other students.(9)她流利的英语口语使她在同学中名列前茅.
15.Para Grass and Grass Superscript--Miao Mouth for the Customary Law of Cultural Symbols;芭茅草与草标——苗族口承习惯法中的文化符号
16.Status of Phytoplankton in Lower Reaches of Tan River and Huangmao Bay潭江下游及黄茅海入海口浮游植物现状
17.Revision of the Late Cretaceous Maodian Formation of the Ganzhou Group in Jiangxi Province对江西晚白垩世赣州群茅店组的重新厘定
18.Maoxing block saliferous strata are mainly in 4th Member,Funing Formation,Eocene Series.茅兴块段含盐系地层主要为始新统阜宁组四段。

Maokou(and/or Gufeng) Formation茅口(孤峰)组
3)limestone of the Maokou Formation茅口组灰岩
1.Paleo-karst landforms on top of limestone of the Maokou Formation in the west of the Upper Yangtze platform and its geological significance;上扬子西部茅口组灰岩顶部古喀斯特地貌的厘定及地质意义
4)Maokou stage茅口阶
1.Maokou stage (P1)is a continuous regressive sequence in Susong of Anhui.宿松地区茅口阶为一连续的海退沉积序列,先后发育浅海陆棚相、开阔台地相、颗粒滩相。
1.Analyses of extinction process of Maokouan fusulinacean fauna show no general correlation between extinction intensity and shell size of the species.对茅口期类动物群灭绝过程的分析揭示 ,若将类物种按壳体大小分为两类 ,从动物群物种分异度、物种净增速率的变化来看 ,大个体 (壳长 >6mm)物种与小个体 (壳长≤ 6mm)物种的灭绝过程并无明显的区别。
2.Depositional agent and biological action in the east part of the South China epicontinental sea are chiefly controlled by the land upliffting of its southeastern edge since theMaokouan Stage.华南陆表海沉积与生物的发育深受其东南边缘茅口期以来隆起成陆的影响。
6)Maokou limestone茅口灰岩
