活化石,living fossil
1)living fossil活化石
1.It is the reduction of the history transformation of Liangshan,and is regarded as the "living fossile" of the social arts by many historian,economists and artists.凉山彝族服饰是彝族人民在政治、经济、文化、宗教、民俗生活等传统观念完整的和深层积淀的一种文化符号,是凉山历史变迁的缩影,它被许多历史学、文学、经济学和美学专家称为社会艺术的"活化石",并以其古朴、独特、庄重、适用的款式,美丽而和谐的颜色,以及来源于大自然的图案叙述着彝族民间许多古老的传说故事。
2.The Life Story of Zhao Fei-yan,bred from the historical works,is the first work with legendary style,so known as the living fossil of the legend.《赵飞燕外传》是从“史传”的母体里孕育出来的第一篇具有“传奇”文体特征的作品,是研究“传奇”生成的“活化石”。
3.The writer points out that Chinese dialect is the living fossil, the carrier of folk arts and the foundation of regional culture.方言是语言的活化石,是一种重要的艺术元素,是地域文化的基础。

1.Common saying is the live fossil about national culture.汉语俗语是民族文化的“活化石”。
2.Language is the living fossil of human evolution.语言是见证人类思维进化史的活化石
3.Living Fossil of Ancient Dance - An Analysis of Nuo Culture in Jiangxi Nanfeng;古舞活化石——江西南丰傩文化研究
4.Academically, they are refered to as "live fossil".在学术方面有鱼类“活化石”之称。
5.Living Fossils of National Art--Finery of Yi Nation of Liangshan;民族艺术的活化石——凉山彝族服饰探析
6.Handiwork Technolgies:the Living Reliquiae of Development of Science and Technology;传统手工技术——山西科技发展的活化石
7.Jiarong Tibetan Drama-the Living Fossil in the Opera world;嘉绒藏戏——戏曲百花苑中的活化石
8.Yangcheng Ploughboard, a Rare Living Fossiol of Chinese Traditional Iron Mold Casting阳城犁镜——传统铁范铸造的活化石
9.Sampling Research on the "Living Fossil of Language" in the River Basins of the Western Han Dynasty西汉水流域“语言活化石”抽样考证
10.The Global Merger Practice in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry and its Impact;全球石油石化工业并购活动及其影响
11.Study of Calcination Activation of Datong Coal Gangue Formed in C-P Period大同石炭二迭纪煤矸石煅烧活化研究
12.Preparation of Activated Carbon from Petroleum Coke by KOH Activation and the Chemical Activation Mechanism;碱活化法制备石油焦基活性炭及活化机理研究
13.Study on Hydration and Hardening of Natural Anhydrite and Its Activation天然硬石膏水化硬化及活性激发研究
14.Effect of Activated Gangue on Plasticizing Efficiency of Plasticizers活化煤矸石对减水剂塑化效果的影响
15.Study on the Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO_2 on the Sepiolite or Zeolite Carrier;海泡石、沸石负载TiO_2的制备及光催化活性研究
16.Study on the Photocatalytic Activity of Rutile TiO_2/Zeolite by One-step Method一步法合成金红石相TiO_2/沸石的光催化活性研究
17.Purifying Drinking Water by KDF55/Coconut Shell Activated Carbon/Quartz Sand/ZeoliteKDF55/椰壳活性炭/石英砂/沸石联用净化饮用水
18.Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Antitumor Activity of Peperomia Dindygulensis Miq;石蝉草化学成分及抗肿瘤活性的研究

living fossils活化石
1.Lingulids(Lingulidae)made their first appearance in the Early Cambrian,which are ordinarily considered as one of the most ancient "living fossils" based on the characteristic shell shape and the supposed absence of morpho-anatomical changes.舌形贝(Lingulidae)最早出现在寒武纪早期,因其壳体外形与现代舌形贝相似,通常被认为是活化石,但形态解剖研究表明澄江化石库舌形贝属Lingulella和Lingulellotreta与现代舌形贝Lingula在脉管系统、刚毛排列和内脏区分布,以及生活方式方面存在较大差别,进而表明了"活化石"在漫长的地质历史中也存在一定的环境适应性改变。
2.However,Cambrian priapuomorphs convincingly resemble their recent descendents,supporting that this clade remain stagnant in morphology,and really being a kind of living fossils either in anatomical or molecular level.研究表明鳃曳形目自寒武纪以来形态未发生较大变化,无论在宏观还是分子水平都属于活化石,这种进化保守性以及新近发现的寒武纪胚胎化石对于了解动物的变态发育起源至关重要。
3)Activated zeolite活化沸石
1.The experiments inside and outside the lab indicate that activated zeolite can not only remove ironion, but also fluorine from fluorine container water.室内外试验研究表明,活化沸石不仅有优良除铁性能,而且对氟化物也有良好的去除效果,经简单工艺处理后,可以使超标含铁含氟水达到饮用水卫生标准,是一种新型多功能净水材料。
2.The activated zeolite was also used to adsorb ammonia-nitrogen from coal-coking wastewater pretreated by SBR-oxidation.3mol·L-1NaCl活化后,对氨氮的吸附效果最佳;当活化沸石投加量为10g·L-1、接触时间为40min时,氨氮去除率可达88。
4)activity barite活化重晶石
1.This paper introduces the activity mechanism of barite, and lists the experiment results of new kind of activity barite in high temperature (180-210℃ ) and high density (1.介绍重晶石的活化机理,给出了新型活化重晶石在高温(180~210℃)和高密度(1。
5)living fossil plants活化石植物
1.The living fossil plants—rescue,conservation and studies in urgent demand;活化石植物——亟待拯救、保护和研究
6)living humane fossils人文活化石
