海生爬行动物,marine reptile
1)marine reptile海生爬行动物
1.Triassic marine reptile fossils and their stratigraphical distribution in China;中国的三叠纪海生爬行动物化石及其层位
2.Since 1999,12 geneus and 17 species of marine reptiles,including the first placodont and the first thalattosaur of China have been reported from the Upper Triassic of Guanling in Guizhou Province.贵州省关岭县上三叠统海生爬行动物化石自1999年被发现以来,先后有12属17种被报道,其中包括我国首次发现的木盾齿龙类和海龙类。
3.The Guanling biota is characterized by the occurrence of numerous well-preserved Late Triassic(Carnian)marine reptiles and crinoids with ammonoids,bivalves,conodonts,brachiopods,elasmobranch ichthyoliths and a few fossil fishes and plants.以产保存完美海生爬行动物和海百合化石为特色,多门类脊椎动物、无脊椎动物共同繁盛,且夹带有少许古植物化石的关岭生物群是世界上极为罕见的珍稀古生物组合。
2)Marine reptiles海生爬行动物
1.Triassic marine reptiles in Guizhou mainly emerged in four horizons from bottom to top: MemberⅠand MemberⅡof the Guanling Formation of the Anisian Stage of the Middle Triassic, the Zhuganpo formation and the Wayao formation of the lower part of the Carnian Stage of the Upper Triassic, in which MemberⅠof the Guanling formation is newly excavated with marine reptile fossils.贵州三叠纪海生爬行动物主要产于中三叠统安尼阶关岭组第一段、第二段及上三叠统卡尼阶下部竹杆坡组、瓦窑组等 4个层位。
1.An Investigation Report on Reptiles of Leigongshan Nature Reserve;雷公山自然保护区爬行动物调查报告
2.Investigating on resources of amphibians and reptiles in Mountain Wanchaoshan Nature Reserve, Hubei province;湖北省万朝山自然保护区两栖动物、爬行动物资源调查

1.The land is teeming with reptile life.这片土地多爬行动物
2.A snake is a reptile.蛇是一种爬行动物
3.a family of reptiles of the order Pelycosauria.盘龙目爬行动物的一科。
4.extant archosaurian reptile.现存的一种古爬行动物
5.Reptiles are cold-blooded.爬行动物是冷血的.
6.The branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians.爬行动物学动物学的一个分支,研究爬行动物和两栖动物
7.from 230 million to 280 million years ago; reptiles.两栖动物衰落,爬行动物兴起。
8.A newly hatched bird, amphibian, fish, or reptile.新孵化的鸟、两栖动物、鱼或爬行动物
9.emerge from the eggs; of birds or reptiles.从鸟或爬行动物的蛋中产生出来。
10."Because they are Gigantic reptiles."“因为它们就是大型爬行动物。”
11.Strictly speaking, a slow-worm is a kind of reptile.严格地说,蛇晰是一种爬行动物
12.a reptile family in the order Pterosauria.爬行动物的一科,属于翼手龙目。
13.A reptile of the order Chelonia.海龟属海龟科的爬行动物
14.extinct flying reptile.已经灭绝的能飞的爬行动物
15.an Old World reptile family of Sauria.蜥蜴目的欧洲爬行动物科。
16.Lizard is a kind of old reptile.蜥蜴是一种古老的爬行动物
17.diapsid reptiles: lizards; snakes; tuataras.双窝类爬行动物;蜥蜴;蛇;新西兰大蜥蜴。
18.Snakes, lizards, and crocodiles are reptiles.蛇、蜥蜴和鳄鱼是爬行动物

Marine reptiles海生爬行动物
1.Triassic marine reptiles in Guizhou mainly emerged in four horizons from bottom to top: MemberⅠand MemberⅡof the Guanling Formation of the Anisian Stage of the Middle Triassic, the Zhuganpo formation and the Wayao formation of the lower part of the Carnian Stage of the Upper Triassic, in which MemberⅠof the Guanling formation is newly excavated with marine reptile fossils.贵州三叠纪海生爬行动物主要产于中三叠统安尼阶关岭组第一段、第二段及上三叠统卡尼阶下部竹杆坡组、瓦窑组等 4个层位。
1.An Investigation Report on Reptiles of Leigongshan Nature Reserve;雷公山自然保护区爬行动物调查报告
2.Investigating on resources of amphibians and reptiles in Mountain Wanchaoshan Nature Reserve, Hubei province;湖北省万朝山自然保护区两栖动物、爬行动物资源调查
1.Resources and Protection of Amphibian and Reptile in the Wetland of Ancient Canal of Yellow River in Eastern Henan;豫东黄河故道湿地两栖爬行动物资源及保护
2.Distribution and Morphology of Argyrophil Cells in Digestive Tract of Three Species of Reptile;3种爬行动物消化道嗜银细胞的分布密度和形态学观察
3.The development of biological research in principal freshwater reptiles cultivated in China;中国淡水爬行动物主要养殖种类生物学研究进展
1.Preliminary survey on amphibian and reptilian resources of Wudaoxia Nature Reserve in Hubei Province;湖北五道峡自然保护区两栖爬行动物初步研究
2.A survey on the diversity of amphibia and reptilia was conducted in the field of Hubei Xieshan Nature Reserve in August 2005.2005年8月对湖北省薤山自然保护区的两栖动物和爬行动物进行了专项调查。
3.The species of Reptilia and the fauna in Quanzhou,Fujian Province were reported.本文报道泉州市的爬行动物共 5 8种 ,分析了这 5 8种爬行类所属的动物区系。
1.Investigation on amphibian and reptilian was conducted by the line transect method in the field of Shaanxi Taibaishan National Nature Reserve during June~August,1996,and repeat investigation in April~September of 1997~2005.1996年6~8月,在陕西太白山国家级自然保护区设置代表不同生境样带8条,对两栖爬行动物进行了全面调查;1997~2005年的每年4~9月,又在每条样带上设置1~3个调查样点,对两栖爬行动物进行重复调查。
2.Two surveys of amphibian and reptilian animals were carried out in the Linshui County of Sichuan .两次对邻水县的两栖爬行类进行了调查,结果表明:邻水县有两栖动物15种(隶属2目7科8属),爬行动物21种(隶属2目8科15属)。

海洋爬行动物  见海洋动物。