主要成果,main achievements
1)main achievements主要成果
2)primary results and progress主要进展和成果
3)main fruit trees主要果树
1.The yield, fertilization and other management techniques of main fruit trees were investigated in Shaanxi province, the results showed that the yield and fertilizer rate of apple were much different between regions, the yield of apple was low.对陕西省苹果、梨、猕猴桃 3种主要果树的产量、施肥以及其它管理措施状况进行了调查。
4)important achievement重要成果
1.The paper shows that the book The Foundation of the Five-finger Mountain is the important achievement of the educational study of minority nationalities in Hainan.本文论述《五指山基业》是海南少数民族教育研究的重要成果。

1.The CICA has scored important achievements in its activities."亚信"进程取得了重要成果
2.The emergence of the stock market is a major achievement in the reform of the capital market.股票市场的出现是资本市场改革的重要成果.
3."China Mode": An Important Achievement of China s Economic System Reform;“中国模式”:中国经济体制改革的重要成果
4.Important Achievements of Mao Zedong s Exploration of China s Socialist Construction;毛泽东社会主义建设道路探索的若干重要成果
5.Viewpoint of Humanist Law :Great Accomplishment on Localization of Marxism Jurisprudence in China;人本法律观:马克思主义法学中国化的重要成果
6.Three Represents" Is an Important Accomplishment of Marxism with Chinese Characteristics;三个代表"是马克思主义中国化的重要成果
7.Flavonoids are one kind of the most important substance in citrus fruits.类黄酮是柑桔果实中的重要成分之一。
8.The process of learning and developing is more important than the outcome.学习和成长的过程远比结果重要。
9.The importance of Rutherford's work is immense.卢瑟福的研究成果极为重要。
10."As a result, many important and revolutionary discoveries were made."因而产生了许多重要的、革命性的成果。
11.Talking about three piece of important work of consolidating achievement for suppress counterrevolutionary action巩固镇反运动成果的三项重要工作
12.Story of the Torsion Pendulum──a Simple Device with Important Uses扭摆的故事──简单的仪器与重要的成果
13.Research on Model for Evaluating and Analysing the Role of the Essential Factors in the Transformation of Scientific and Technology Achievements;科技成果转化要素权重评析模型研究
14.Reaching many important common understandings and positive results in many ways达成了许多重要共识,取得了多方面的积极成果
15.This research results, have important directive to production practices.研究成果对生产实践具有重要的指导意义。
16.5 to 7 Bs: You are not obsessively ambitious, though success is important to you.虽然成果对你很重要,但是你不是很有野心。
17.Major Achievements of the Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Remaining Issues ofthe Party;越共“十大”的主要成果及面临的重大课题
18.Three represents thought is the newest achievements in bring forth new ideas of Party s theory;“三个代表”重要思想是党的理论创新的最新成果

primary results and progress主要进展和成果
3)main fruit trees主要果树
1.The yield, fertilization and other management techniques of main fruit trees were investigated in Shaanxi province, the results showed that the yield and fertilizer rate of apple were much different between regions, the yield of apple was low.对陕西省苹果、梨、猕猴桃 3种主要果树的产量、施肥以及其它管理措施状况进行了调查。
4)important achievement重要成果
1.The paper shows that the book The Foundation of the Five-finger Mountain is the important achievement of the educational study of minority nationalities in Hainan.本文论述《五指山基业》是海南少数民族教育研究的重要成果。
5)main bearing branch主要结果枝
1.The main bearing branches for this crop were the new shoots consisted of short and medium branches on the outward canopy.蓝果忍冬主要结果枝条是树冠外上、中部的当年生中枝条及短枝条,结果部位均在枝条基部倒数1-2节的叶腋处。
6)main components主要成分
1.Variance of main components in pickle juice during natural fermentation;自然发酵泡菜汁中主要成分的变化
2.Effect of several auxiliary materials on the variances of main components in cabbage pickle during natural fermentation;几种辅料对甘蓝泡菜自然发酵过程中主要成分变化的影响
3.At the same time, the contents of main components were assayed in this paper.研究了罗非鱼鱼片在40、50和60℃等不同热风温度下的干燥速度变化和热风干燥对鱼片的主要成分含量的影响。
