河北承德,chengde of Hebei
1)chengde of Hebei河北承德
1.species of 12 genera are described here for the first time from the Nandaling Formation near Shanggu, Chengde of Hebei.描述了河北承德上谷附近门头沟群南大岭组植物化石12属15种,认为其时代为早侏罗世。

1.The Strategy Research on the Eco-tourism Resource Conformity in Chengde Mulan Weichang of Hebei Province河北承德木兰围场生态旅游资源整合策略研究
2.Doppler Radar Data Analysis of a Squall Line Process in Chengde of Hebei Province河北承德一次飑线过程的多普勒雷达资料分析
3.Geochemistry and Geochronology of Dabeigou Volcanic Rocks in Chengde Basin, Hebei Province and Constrains on Lithospheric Mantle Thinning of North China Craton;河北承德盆地大北沟组火山岩地球化学和年代学研究
4.Geological Characteristics and Genesis of the Heishan V-Ti Magnetite Deposit in Damiao,Chengde Hebei Province河北承德大庙黑山钒钛磁体矿床地质特征与成因探讨
5.Establishment of 3D solid model for Meilinggou coalfield in Chengde area,Heibei,China河北承德煤岭沟煤矿矿体三维模型的建立及其意义
6.Mountain Resort and its outlying Temples of Chengde is located in Chengde City, Hebei Province.承德避暑山庄及其周围寺庙位于河北省承德市。
7.Hebei's Chengde City, which is not far from Beijing, was the summer retreat of the Qing emperors,距离北京不远的河北省承德市,原是清代皇帝避暑的离宫,
8.Some of my fellow classmates live in Chengde, a city located in Hebei Province.我的一些哥们同学住在承德,一个位于河北省的城市。
9.Research on Introducing Informed Choice to Family Planning Policy;知情选择导入计划生育公共政策实证研究——以河北唐山、承德为例
10.Prediction and Analysis of Weather Conditions on Potato Late Blight in Chengde of Hebei Province河北省承德市马铃薯晚疫病气象条件分析及预报
11.The historic mountain resort of Chengde is in Hebei province, 250km northeast of Beijing.具有历史意义的承德避暑山庄在河北省,位于北京的东北方向250公里处。
12.Chengde Intellectual Instruments Industry Base is one of the top 3 Information Industry Bases in Hebei.承德智能化仪器仪表产业基地已列为河北省信息产业三大基地之一。
13.Cooperative Education Mode of Marketing,Teaching and Research in Vocational Colleges in Underdeveloped Areas of Hebei Province--with Chengde as an Example河北省经济欠发达地区职业院校产学研合作教育模式初探——以承德地区为例
14.a city in southeastern Germany on the Elbe River.德国东南部城市,位于易北河河畔。
15.River Elbe flows from the western part of Czech Republic into Germany and then to the North Sea.易北河从捷克西部流经德国进入北海。
16.The flooding of River Elbe spreads to northern Germany易北河水灾蔓延到德国北部
17.a city in northern Germany on the Elbe River.德国北部一座城市,位于易北河岸。
18.The Study of Deterministic Methods on Bearing Capacity of Building Foundation in Hebei Province;河北省建筑地基承载力确定方法研究

Luanhe town承德滦河
1.On the environment in the phase of the Great Leap Forward in Hebei;“大跃进”时期生态环境问题论析——以河北省为例
2.South-to-North Water Diversion's Impacts on the Ecological Environment of Water-received Area in Hebei;浅析南水北调工程对河北省受水区生态环境的影响
3.DDTs residues in sediments from Hebei lakes and reservoirs and their risk evaluation;河北水库及湖泊沉积物中DDT农药的残留特征与风险评估
4)Hebei Province河北
1.Study on the RS-based Dynamic Monitoring of Land Use/cover Change in the Bashang Region, Hebei Province;河北坝上地区土地利用/覆盖遥感动态监测
2.A preliminary study of the trait composition of the natural populations of wild soybean between Hebei Province, China and northeastern Japan;中国河北省和日本东北部天然野生大豆群体性状调查比较
3.An investigation and research on the current situation of the editor’s planning of philosophy and social sciences edition journals of institutions of higher learning in Hebei Province;河北省高校文科学报编辑策划现状调查与研究
5)Bac Ha北河
1.The Ethnic Chinese Policy under the Nguyen Regime of Nam Ha,Vietnam:With a Comparative Reference to the Le Trinh Regime of Bac Ha;论越南南河阮氏政权的华侨华人政策——兼论北河黎郑政权的华侨华人政策
6)northern Hebei河北北部

河北土话—承德方言  1.摇道("道"发轻声):意思很复杂,主要是形容心术不正,事儿多的那种女性.例:小李真妖道,总是张家长里家短的。   2.邀末("末"发轻声):就是估计,大概的意思.例:等了这么久,我约末着他不会来了。   3.嘀咕(轻声):就是轻声说话的意思,有时候也说"叉咕".   4.魔怔(轻声):唐山人应该知道,形容一个人有毛病,不正常。例:你瞎嚷嚷啥呢?魔怔了?   5.难揍儿:也说"难性",就是不好交往的意思.   6.xin思("xin"发二声):有思考的意思,也是有一种遇见力。例:你怎么才来啊?我xin思着你出事了呢.   7.蹭(4声):有占便宜的意思.例"今天又蹭他一顿饭吃.   8.草芥("芥"发轻声):完蛋了的意思。例:这事儿又让你办砸了,这下草芥了.   9.斜呼("呼"发轻声):大惊小怪。例:你真斜呼,这点小伤就这么叫唤!   10.怂(SONG2声):比喻一个人很不行,窝囊的意思。例:你真TM怂,他你都干不过?   11.浑沁:就是瞎说八道的意思.例:隔壁老王死了?你浑沁呢吧.   12.袄应:恶心,想吐的意思.例:今天没吃合适,有点袄应.   13.夜怔("怔"发轻声):惨,可怜的意思,甚至是相当可怜.例:这孩子没爹没妈,够夜怔的.   14.待见("见"发轻声):招人喜欢,稀罕的意思。例:这孩子懂事,招人待见.   15.逼豆("豆"发轻声):掌嘴,就是打嘴巴子。例:给你个大逼豆.   16.激嘹(liao发轻声)儿激嘹儿的:就是形容心里,脑袋里不好受,不得劲,忐忑不安的意思.也有疼痛的意思例:我这心激嘹儿激嘹儿的,也不知道咋办好了.   17.油油喝喝的:就是说不知道去干什么,无所事事的意思.例:哎,我这心那,油油喝喝的,咋办呢?   18.冰凉瓦块:形容天气寒冷.例:外边冰凉瓦块的,出去干吗?   19.精湿瓜搭:形容浑身湿透了.例:这雨真大,浇的我精湿瓜搭的.   20.泥了哭揣:形容雨后路滑,不好走.例:这道儿泥了哭揣的,没法走.   21.响饱:形容饭吃多了,吃撑了.例:这饭不吃还饿,吃点就响饱.   22.筛:就是唠嗑,侃大山的意思.例:你们又筛啥呢?   23.哈喇:形容东西受潮了.例:你买的开心果哈喇了,没法吃.   24.揍性("性"发轻声):就是德行的意思.有贬义.例:看你那揍性,人模狗样的.   25.山:形容穿衣打扮比较老土,不合时尚.例:你穿的够山的.   26.承德人把"那"不说"那",会说成"内".例:你看内人咋了,满脸的血.   27.把"什么时候"说成"多前儿"或"多会儿".例:你多前儿来的,我咋没看见你?   28."暖壶"说成"nan(发三声)壶   29."嫩"说成"len(发四声)   30.麻告儿:估计年轻人可能不知道了,小时候常听大人说晚上不让出去,小心让麻告儿叼走.就是类似狼的一种东西.   31.lai(发一声)dei(发四声):很多年轻人应该知道这个怎么写,一会我贴个图,字肯定是打不出的.好象也是类似狼的一种东西.