澄江化石库,Chengjiang fauna
1)Chengjiang fauna澄江化石库
1.Aim To infer the life strategies of Early Cambrian brachiopods on muddy substrate from the brachiopods in the Chengjiang fauna of Yunnan,China.目的系统分析滇东泥质基底澄江化石库腕足动物的生活方式。
2.Cambrian Explosion,including its first episode represented by the small skeletal fossils(SSFs) at the base of the Cambrian and the succeeding main episode represented by the Chengjiang faunas(CFs),together with its prelude represented by the Ediacaran faunas,have been recognized to give birth of the whole morphological tree of animals(or metazoans),for short the TOA.澄江化石库中发现的早期后口动物亚界涵盖了该亚界中所有6大分支(棘皮类、半索类、头索类、尾索类、脊椎类和绝灭了的古虫类)的原始类群,澄江动物群时代标志着寒武纪大爆发的顶峰,完成了动物树框架的成型,从而宣告了寒武纪大爆发的基本终结。
2)Early Cambrian Chengjiang lagersttte早寒武世澄江化石库
3)Yunnan Chengjiang Cambrian fauna澄江寒武纪化石群
1.Subdivision of the classic Lower Cambrian stratigraphy of Chengjiang County, eastern Yunnan, China, is revised in light of recent discoveries and interpretations of the regional stratigraphy, and recent interpretations of biotic changes across the Precambrian Cambrian boundary.根据近来的发现 ,区域地层的阐明及生物在寒武系与前寒武系界线上下的变化 ,澄江早寒武世地层划分作了修订。

2.Reconstruction practice of process circuit of crush-grind system in Chengjiang Phosphate Mine澄江磷矿碎磨系统工艺流程改造实践
3.Analysis of the Prevalent Trend of Typhoid in Chengjian County during 1998-2007澄江县1998—2007年伤寒流行趋势分析
4.Su Tian-you s historical relics of practicing medicine and teaching abroad;澄江针灸学派传人苏天佑海外医教史迹
5.An evaluation of the Psychological Health Needs of Country Childbearing Population in Chengjiang;澄江县例农村育龄妇女妇幼保健心理需求评估
6.Life strategies of Early Cambrian brachiopods on mud substrate:Inferences from the Chengjiang fauna of South China寒武早期泥质基底腕足动物的生活策略——来自澄江动物群的证据
7.On the Equal Development and Building of the "New Special Zone"-Thought after Investigation of Jinyun Village,Chengjiang Township,Beibei District,Chongqing City;村内公平发展与“新特区”建设——对重庆市北碚区澄江镇缙云村的调查与思考
8.Research on the Soil Quality during the Vegetation Succession Process in Karst Rocky Desertification Area喀斯特石漠化区植被演替过程中土壤质量研究——以广西都安澄江小流域为例
9.Chiang Chu-chien江举谦,别号梧轩又号澄庐
10.Side-slope Treatment of Secondary Road of Chengjiang to Yangzong澄(江)—阳(宗)二级公路K5+120~280边坡治理
11.Research of Developing Strategy for Jiangyin Xingcheng Special Steel Company;江阴兴澄特种钢铁有限公司发展战略研究
12."Then I will make their waters clear and their rivers will be flowing like oil, says the Lord."那时,我必使埃及河澄清,江河像油缓流。这是主耶和华说的。
13.Above the Qiantang River, the picturesque Fuchun River stretches itself through the green and luxuriant hills and is said to resemble a clear jade ribbon.郁郁葱葱的峰岭之间,一条碧澄的玉带逶迤而过,这是美丽的富春江。
14.The surface of an inlet sways with nut-horns And weeds are lush along the Banks.漾漾泛菱荇, 澄澄映葭苇。
15."It will move through the cycle, full moon and then crescent again, Calmly, beyond our wisdom, altering new to old."苒苒几盈虚? 澄澄变今古。
16.Nearly 1,000 years ago, the famous Japanese monk Saicho (767-822) went north to Tiantai Mountains for studying of Buddhism along the river via this port.一千多年前,日本的最澄和尚就是从这里沿江而上,到天台山寻求佛法的。
17.The Hurdles and Redevelopment Countermeasures of Towns in Southern Jiangsu Province:A Case Study on the Plan for the Development of Chengdong District in Jiangyin City苏南小城镇目前面临的困境与再发展对策——以江阴市澄东片区发展规划研究为例
18.The beach was smooth and firm, and the sand yellow.海滩平坦而坚实,沙粒黄澄澄的。

Early Cambrian Chengjiang lagersttte早寒武世澄江化石库
3)Yunnan Chengjiang Cambrian fauna澄江寒武纪化石群
1.Subdivision of the classic Lower Cambrian stratigraphy of Chengjiang County, eastern Yunnan, China, is revised in light of recent discoveries and interpretations of the regional stratigraphy, and recent interpretations of biotic changes across the Precambrian Cambrian boundary.根据近来的发现 ,区域地层的阐明及生物在寒武系与前寒武系界线上下的变化 ,澄江早寒武世地层划分作了修订。
1.Analysis and Design of the Modern Logistic System of ZJPC;构建湛江石化现代物流体系的分析与设计

澄江1.清澈的江水。 2.水名。在海南岛上。有二源:一出琼山县西石山,叫内澄江;一出琼山县虎村岭,叫外澄江。二水在澄迈县南汇合入海。江水清澈,故名。 3.江苏省江阴市的别称。古长江流到这里,江面骤宽,流缓沙沉,故有此称。